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Student Group Setup - SAUPSS

The Student Activities (SA) Student Group Setup (SAUPSS) page is used to create a unique student group account and common information that is used in creating and documenting various transactions within core subsystems, such as Accounts Receivable (AR), Accounts Payable (AP), and Journal Entries (JE). The page is comprised of the main account information, Deposits (AR), Check Request (AP), Workflow Control, and Journal Entries for Transfers (JE) sections.

Student Group ID: Enter or look up the Student Group ID to associate with the default processing information being set up. Student Group IDs are defined in the Person/Entity Information (PEUPPE) page and identified as such by entering an "SA" in either the Select Code 1 or Select Code 2 fields.

Student Group Name: An echo field that displays the name associated with the Student Group ID.

Status: Select the code that sets the status of the group. Defined in static codes, the two options available are "A" for Active and "I" for Inactive.

Ledger: Select the general ledger code to associate with the Student Group ID and ensuing activities. This field defaults to the user's ledger code designated under "Preferences" on the page. The default code can only be overwritten by selecting a different ledger code when in "ADD" mode.

Cash Account: A standard general ledger account control to select the GL Org Key and Object Code associated with the Student Group. The account number designated is used when creating journal entry transfers. The input format of the account control display is determined by the input specified for the general ledger code selected under Ledger.

Transfer Org Key: An echo field that displays the Account Name designated in the Cash Account field. This field is system-derived from the Cash Account Org Key, as the Cash and Transfer Org Keys must be identical for accounting purposes.

Transfer Object: A drop-down list to select the Object Code, associated with the Student Group's general ledger, to be used when creating journal entry transfers.


These are the defaults used when creating the Cash Receipt Set, when depositing revenue by the Student Group.

Bank ID: Select the Bank ID to be used on the Cash Receipt record. Codes available for selection in the drop-down list are defined in Nucleus (NU) Common Codes (NUUPCD), with a Code Category/Value of CKID/XX.

Division: Select the division code to be used on the Cash Receipt record. Codes available for selection in the drop-down list are defined in the AR Code Definitions (ARUPCD) page.

Trans Format: Select the transaction format code to create the description field on the GL distribution record, based on information from the Cash Receipt record. The following options, defined in static codes, are available:

  • DX The full description field

  • IB Acct ID, a blank, and description (Acct Name if desc is blank)

  • IN Acct ID, a blank, and 15 characters of Acct Name

  • NBAcct Name, a blank, and description (Acct ID if desc is blank)

  • NI 15 characters of Acct Name, a blank and Acct ID

  • NM The full name of the person or entity

Misc Code: Select the miscellaneous code to be used on the Cash Receipt record. Codes available for selection are defined in the AR Code Definitions page.

Term Code: Select the term code to be used on the Cash Receipt record. Codes available for selection are defined in the AR Code Definitions page.

Check Request

These are the defaults used to either record a check or request a check, when paying expenses by the Student Group.

Bank ID: Select the Bank ID to be used on the Accounts Payable record. Codes available for selection are defined in NU Common Codes, with a Code Category/Value of CKID/XX.

Division: Select the division code to be used on the Accounts Payable record. Codes available for selection are defined in the AP Division Codes (APOHUPDV) page.

Trans Format: Select the transaction format code to create the description field on the GL distribution record, based on information from the Accounts Payable record. The following options, defined in static codes, are available:

  • DX The full description field

  • IB Acct ID, a blank, and description (Acct Name if desc is blank)

  • IN Acct ID, a blank, and 15 characters of Acct Name

  • NBAcct Name, a blank, and description (Acct ID if desc is blank)

  • NI 15 characters of Acct Name, a blank and Acct ID

  • NM The full name of the person or entity

Misc Code: Select the miscellaneous code to be used on the Accounts Payable record. Codes available for selection are defined in NU Common Codes, with a Code Category/Value of OHMC/XXXX.

Workflow Checkboxes

If Workflow Approvals are used, these are the flags used by the Student Group to enforce approval of deposits, transfers, and requests for funds through BusinessPlus:

  • Enforce Deposit Workflow Approvals

  • Enforce Check Request Workflow Approvals

  • Enforce Transfer Workflow Approvals

Journal Entries for Transfers

These are the posting defaults used when creating journal entries to transfer money by the Student Group, either between events or between groups.

Hit Other: Select from the list of codes used to specify how the Journal Entry Transfer is to be posted. The following options, defined in static codes, are available:

  • BPost to Budget only

  • ENPost to EN only

  • GLPost to EN and GL

  • IPost to IP only

  • KPost to BK and GL

  • LPost to BK only

  • NNone

  • OPost to OH only

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