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Troubleshooting - EN

If running into issues, consider the following:

  • The encumbrance being entered has a type assigned.
  • A Purchase Order Type is assigned to the encumbered amount. The purpose of the Type is for categorizing encumbrances only. Following are the three PO Types:

P: Indicates the purchase of normal operating supplies.
B: Indicates a Blanket PO that will be encumbered to cover a range of time or a range of purchases.
C: Indicates a Contract PO with an encumbered amount that would cover a substantial amount of money.

  • If the PO Reference being used on a current "EN" type transaction already exists in the ENDB, the ENTER key must be pressed a second time to have the transaction accepted by the system. The amount will be added to the original encumbered amount.
  • The PO Reference number is unique.
  • ENUTUN will remove transactions with the job number associated with the encumbrance, partial payment, or full payment. If a check run has been issued with any of these transactions, it is recommended to undo the check run as well.
  • ENUTD1 can be used to disencumber any amounts that have not been disencumbered in Accounts Payable.
  • It is suggested that the following utilities be run on a regular basis:

ENUTMA - Match Name and Address Information
GLUTDICP  - Recompute General Ledger Encumbrance Balances

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