Recompute Account Balances - GLUTDICP
For the efficient retrieval of account balance information, the system maintains month-by-month balances. If there is a critical system failure at a point in time when these balance figures are being updated/modified, the account balance information may be inconsistent with respect to the actual transactions held in the system. GLUTDICP (Recompute Account Balances) will correct the accumulators. It needs to be run while everyone is off the system. It can take a long time to run, so it is best to run it overnight. If the job aborts, search the tail sheet for errors. The job should be re-run as soon as possible.
What would you like recalculated?
- AC - Actual Balances
- AE - Actuals & Encumbrances
- AL - ALL; Budgets, Actuals, EN
- BU - Budget Hierarchies
- EN - Encumbrance Balances
Also recalculate Encumbrance balances in the ENDB? When you run GLUTDICP, you will be asked whether you want to run it on budgets, actuals, EN's, or some combination. Select whichever you want to correct. If you choose to re-compute Encumbrance balances in the GLDB, by choosing AL, AE, or EN, then you will be prompted with the following question; "Also re-compute Encumbrance balances in the ENDB?" Enter "Y" to re-compute Encumbrance balances that are held in the ENDB. These balances must be correct so that the Encumbrance balances in the GLDB may be recalculated correctly. Enter "N" to skip the re-compute of Encumbrance balances that are held in the ENDB. Entering "N" assumes that these balances are already correct.
Year to be recalculated in GL You will be asked for the fiscal year. Enter the fiscal year that needs to be corrected. (If you are running the recompute for actuals and/or budgets, you can type "ALL" and fix all fiscal years at once.) If you are running the recompute for encumbrances, you must select only one year. If you need to correct encumbrances for several fiscal years, you will need to run GLUTDICP once for each year.
Check budget change accumulators?" If GLUTDICP is being run on budgets, then answering "Y" to the question "Check budget change accumulators?" will cause the program to re-compute the total budget change amount (shown on the second screen of GLBUUP) according to the amounts in the budget change details.
Check monthly budgets for consistency?" If GLUTDICP is being run on budgets, then answering "Y" to the question "Check monthly budgets for consistency?" will run checking on monthly budgets.
Check records for validity? It is generally best to answer "Y" to "Check records for validity?" This will cause the program to check and warn you if the re-compute found GL accumulators with a key or object code that does not exist.
Would you like to see a report of corrected accumulators? If you want a report of corrected accumulators, answer "Y." Otherwise, answer "N." If you know that something has happened (an abort of a recompute, a new setup for how data is accumulated at the control key or group level, etc.) that will cause a great deal of corrections to appear in the report, you might want to run the report out to a file.
Recompute only ledgerIt is possible to recompute GL for only your current ledger by adding the common code GLUT/RECOMPUT with the word "LEDGER" in the short description. This may be useful when recompute time is critical. You can also set this for specific ledgers by putting the ledger code in the ledger field on the common code. Check the tail sheet after GLUTDICP has been run, to make sure it completed. If it shows the error message "Invalid Org Key" or "Invalid Object," it means that there was an accumulator with a key (or object) which does not exist. This may mean that other GL transactions also have this key (or object). This data needs to be corrected, and then a recompute needs to be run. If accumulation at a group level is set in the GLBUUP page or the GLUPKY page, and the block or warn which sets up that accumulation is taken off, that will cause GLUTDICP to make corrections to the accumulators. This frequently happens when a user needs to post data and override the budget block. When the user does this, the data posted will not be accumulated properly. If you need to post data to an account with a budget block, even though it is over budget, change the block to a warn. This will keep the accumulators updated correctly.