Verify EN Detail - ENUTVT
This utility checks the Encumbrance Detail records for errors and produces a report of the results. The checks/validations performed are for the following items: Ledger Code (also verifies any JL associations), Org Keys, Object Codes, PO Reference, Secondary Reference, PEID exists in the EN and PE databases, Work Order, Division Code, PO Type, Job Number, EN Type, PEDB code, all date fields, and the Original Fiscal Year.
The following selection options are available:
- skip over a desired number of records
- selection by a single ledger or all ledgers
- selection by a single fiscal year or all fiscal years
- skip over non-critical error messages
- purge transactions with invalid account numbers
If errors are found, they should be corrected using ENUPTR. Errors may also be fixed using SQL scripts or through Query. After errors are fixed, Check Encumbrance Totals (ENUTCP) should be run to fix the EN accumulators in the ENDB, then Recompute Account Balances (GLUTDICP) should be run to fix Encumbrance Balances in the GLDB.