Benefit Assignments - HRPYBE
On the Human Resource (HR) Benefit Assignments (HRPYBE) page, information, dates, and values are entered for employee benefit package and individual benefit assignments, family and dependent information, term life and COBRA. If using Benefit Packages, enter that information on the Benefit Master tab. Individual benefit assignments are immediately available on the Benefit Assignments tab.
Page Header
The header information section consists of information from the HR Employee Master page. An employee must be previously defined in the HR Employee Master before records can be created in this page. All the header fields are read-only. However, the fields are enabled for use in search mode.
Entity: Employee's Entity ID from the HR Employee Master record. The Entity is used to identify security clearance. The field defaults to the entity associated with the logged in user on HRRQUS, if a record exists. Code values are defined in the HR Entity Codes (HRRQEN) page.
Type:Employee's Type from the HR Employee Master record.
Employee ID: Employee's ID Number from the HR Employee Master record.
Bargaining Unit:Employee's Bargaining Unit from the HR Employee Master record.
Name: Employee's Name from the HR Employee Master record.
HR Status: Employee's HR Status from the HR Employee Master record.
Social Security #:Employee's SSN from the HR Employee Master record.
PY Status:Employee's PY Status from the HR Employee Master record.
Hire Date: Employee's Current Hire Date from the HR Employee Master record.
Term Date:Employee's Termination Date from the HR Employee Master record.
Longevity Date: Employee's District Seniority Date from the HR Employee Master record.
Age: Employee's age, which is derived based on birth date.
FTE: Employee's FTE from the HR Employee Master record.
Benefit FTE: Indicates the FTE to be used in benefit calculations. The benefit FTE automatically defaults to the Benefit FTE value on the HR Employee Master but may be typed over.
Package Assignments
The Package Assignments tab is used to manage employee benefit packages, if benefit packages are used. Each assigned package is associated with one to several individual benefit plan records that are inserted into the Benefit Assignments tab. From this tab, packages can be inserted, closed, or otherwise updated with the changes reflecting on the individual records in the Benefit Assignments tab.
Package Information
Effective Dates:Indicates the benefit package effective dates. These dates are used when inserting the plans into the Benefit Assignments tab, unless a specific date calculation is associated with a benefit plan.
Package:The benefit package is a special group of benefit plans. Once assigned, the system will insert all of the associated benefit plans into the Benefit Assignments tab for automatic approval and transfer to Payroll. Code values are defined in HR Benefit Definitions page, Package Definition tab. If the NU Common Codes (NUUPCD) Category/Value of PYHR/BENEMSTR has NO FUTURE BENE PACKAGE in Associated Descriptions #5, packages that display in the drop-down list must have the same HR Benefit Definitions (HRTBBE) page, Package Definition tab, Package End Date. Packages that have a blank Package End Date will also display. If the common code is set, any end date entered to close an existing package must meet the same criteria or an error will display and processing will not be allowed
Benefit Basis Information
Base Benefit Date: Indicates the date to be used with any date calculations identified on the HR Benefit Definitions page. The Base Benefit Date initially defaults to the hire date. The value may be typed over. The date is used when a specific benefit plan, included within the Benefit Package, is associated with a date calculation. The date calculations are based on this date value (i.e., start the medical plan 1 month from base date, 2 months from base date, etc.).
Benefit FTE: Indicates the FTE to be used in benefit calculations. The benefit FTE automatically defaults to the Benefit FTE value on the HR Employee Master but may be typed over.
Benefit Salary: Benefits can be based upon an employee salary or other amount and that amount is referred to as a Benefit Salary. The benefit salary is derived from the Benefit Salary Index or can be manually entered. It is used in those instances where a benefit salary is necessary for determining a benefit amount. All calculations based on a changing salary are done in PY. When Associated Codes #1 of common code HRPY/BENEINFO contains NOSAL, the Salary field will not be derived but will be left alone by the system. A value can be manually entered if desired. If a Salary Index exists, it will have no association with it.
Benefit Salary Index: If the employee has a current PM Pay Assignment record, this value will default based on that assignment. Otherwise, an index value may be entered to retrieve the base benefit salary. If the benefit salary field is blank and an index is selected, the associated dollar value will be entered into the salary field. If the index value is changed but the salary field is not blank, no change will occur to the salary amount. Code values are defined in the HR Salary Definition (HRTBSL) page where the salary record dates are equal to or greater than the benefit package dates. To turn off the automatic update/deriving of just the Salary, set the NU Common Codes Category/Value of HRPY/BENEINFO, Associated Codes #1 to NOSAL.
Utilize Date Calc Code: Indicates if the date calc code from the HR Benefit Definitions (HRTBBE) page is to be considered.
Status Information
Action: Indicates the action/purpose for entering or modifying a record. Code values are defined in HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page, where the Code ID equals ACTION_CODE.
Assignment Approval: This field has two uses. Code values are defined in HR Entity Specific Codes (HRTBCE) page (Entity Specific Codes tab), where the Code ID equals APPROVAL_CODE.
The value in this field is written to the HR Benefit Assignments page approval code, thus any valid approval code may be entered for the inserted records.
Insert the benefit records into both the Benefit Assignments tab. If the NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYHR/BENEMSTR contains SEND_TO_PY in Associated Codes #1 and SEND is in the Assignment Approval, records will be inserted or updated in both HR and PY. If a Benefit Master record is deleted however, the assignments are not automatically deleted from the Benefit Assignments or PY CDH Assignments pages. If the code is defined but the Approval code = WAIT, an informational message will display and the assignments will be processed to the Benefit Assignments tab but no assignments will be sent to payroll.
Notes: Indicates any miscellaneous notes associated with the entry.
Benefit Assignments
The Benefit Assignments tab is where individual benefit plans may be assigned and modified. If utilizing benefit packages, many assignments will automatically be inserted into the HR Benefit Assignments page.
If the Benefit Master tab is used, then all updates to benefits contained in those packages such as FTE and Benefit Salary values should be made on that tab. If the HR Benefit Master page is not used, then changes to the FTE and Benefit Salary may be made directly on the Benefit Assignments tab and the Benefit Package field will be left blank. Assignments made on the Benefit Assignments tab update the Payroll (PY) Employee CDH Assignment (PYUPEC) page.
Plan Information
Begin Date/End Date: Indicates the benefit plan effective dates. These fields must contain values in order for anything to show in the Index and Plan drop-downs. Updates PY Employee CDH Assignment page, Begin/End Dates.
Benefit Sort: The benefit sort code is used to filter the list of benefit plans. For example, a code used for medical will cause all medical plans to display together in the Plan drop-down list. The assignment of a benefit sort code to a benefit plan occurs in the Benefit Definitions page. Code values are defined in HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR), where the Code ID equals BENEFIT_SORT.
Benefit Sort only appears in Add mode.
Plan: Indicates the desired Benefit Plan. The Benefit Plan identifies the code, type, and category of benefit selected and brings with it the employer, employee, group, and calculation information. Code values are defined in Benefit Definitions (HRTBBE) page (Benefit Definition tab) where the benefit definition dates are equal to or greater than the benefit assignment dates.
Package: The benefit package is a special grouping of benefit plans that may be assigned to an employee. It is assigned on the Benefit Master tab and, if used, will display here.
Calc Code: Indicates how the numeric values in the contribution and deduction amount fields are to be derived. The Calculation Code is assigned to the benefit plan on the Benefit Definition tab.
Index: Indicates the benefit salary index. It is auto-populated using the HR Pay Assignment (HRPYPA/HRPYQP) Index Key if the benefit begin and end dates are equal to or less than the pay assignment dates. If the Benefit Salary field is blank and an index is selected, the associated dollar value will be entered into the Salary field. If the index value is changed but the Salary field is not blank, no change will occur to the salary amount. Code values are defined in the HR Salary Definition page where the salary record dates are equal to or greater than the benefit plan effective dates.
Salary: The benefit salary is derived from the Index or can be manually entered. It is used in those instances where a benefit salary is necessary for determining a benefit amount. All calculations based on a changing salary should be done in PY.
Benefit FTE: Indicates the FTE to be used in benefit calculations. The benefit FTE automatically defaults to the Benefit FTE value on the HR Employee Master but may be typed over.
The values in this tab are system derived from the Benefit Definition. In order to make any changes to fields (that allow them), the Override checkbox must be marked. If the check box is not marked then, upon pressing enter, any changed values will be reset to the definition value.
Employer & Employee/Employer
Contribution & C/D: The Contribution field is limited to contribution numbers and the C/D field can be a contribution or a deduction number. Updates PY Employee CDH Assignment, CDH number.
Status: The CDH Status. Code values are defined in HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR), where the Code ID equals CONT/DEDUC_STAT. Updates PY Employee CDH Assignment, Status.
Amount: The amount field identifies the Employer or Employee portion associated with the given Benefit Plan. The figure is rounded to 2 decimal places for all non-percent calculation codes. Updates PY Employee CDH Assignment, Amount.
Axp: If a CDH and Amount exist, an Amount Expressed As must also exist. Values are restricted to static system codes. These codes are based on acceptable codes in Payroll. Updates PY Employee CDH Assignment, Axp.
Fq: The frequency or type of Payroll for which the assignment will be effective. If you do not wish to use this field, enter an A. Code values are defined in HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR), where the Code ID equals FREQ/PY_TYPE. Updates PY Employee CDH Assignment, Freq.
ER & EE/ER Box: Indicates the Box Number or number of months for which the benefit will be effective. Updates PY Employee CDH Assignment, Box.
Spec Cds 1-4: Special codes are used for various purposes, are mostly client defined, and based on payroll setup. Special Code 4 may be system derived, depending upon individual client setup in the HR System Set Up (HRRQSS) page. Updates PY Employee CDH Assignment, Special Codes 1-4.
Limit: The limit amount. Updates PY Employee CDH Assignment, Limit.
Lxp: If a limit amount exists, a Limit Expressed As must also exist. Values are restricted to static system codes. These codes are based on acceptable codes in Payroll. Updates PY Employee CDH Assignment, Lxp.
Addl Amt: Indicates an additional amount for the assignment, if applicable. Updates PY Employee CDH Assignment, Additive Amount.
Addl Begin/End Dts: Indicates the additional amount effective dates, if applicable. Updates PY Employee CDH Assignment, Additive Begin/End Dates.
Vendor/Accumulated Amounts
Vendor Information
Vendor: Vendor is system derived from the Benefit Definition tab on HR Benefit Definitions, based on the Benefit Plan, but can be manually entered here as well. Code values are defined in the HR Vendor Definition (HRTBVE) page. Updates PY Employee CDH Assignment, Vendor.
Group: Group number is system derived from the Benefit Definition tab, based on the Benefit Plan.
Sub Group: Sub Group number is system derived from the Benefit Definition tab, based on the Benefit Plan.
Eligibility Date 1: Eligibility date field.
Eligibility Date 2: Eligibility date field.
Original Benefit Date: Indicates the original benefit date, if it is being utilized.
Print Card: Indicates whether a Benefit Card should be printed. Benefit card formats are not standard to the base software system.
Accumulated Amounts Information
Contribution & C/D: CDH numbers that are system derived from the Benefit Definition, based on the Benefit Plan.
EE & EE/ER Year: The current year will default into the field, but may be typed over. The value in the field dictates what information will display in the XTD amount fields.
EE & EE/ER CTD: Calendar To Date amount. System derived value based on PY accumulators.
EE & EE/ER FTD: Fiscal To Date amount. System derived value based on PY accumulators.
EE & EE/ER PTD: Period To Date amount. System derived value based on PY accumulators.
Examples | |
Adding benefits to an employee |
Closing out a benefit assignment |
Status Information
Override:Select the checkbox to immediately enable the benefit rate related fields to be modified. The NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYHR/BENE_MN can be defined to cause the Override field to default to check marked if in ADD mode, and the benefit Calc Cd is MN (manual entry).
Approve All: To approve and process multiple records for an employee at one time, mark this check box. After receiving a message indicating the process has completed, reselect the record to see the changes to the data.
When using the Approve All field, that must be the only action performed on the page(for example, do not modify a record and then check the Approve All field without first saving the record).
Approval: The approval code indicates whether the record is ready to send or has been sent to Payroll. If the record is to be sent to Payroll, it must indicate SEND. Code values are defined in HR Entity Specific Codes (HRTBCE) page (Entity Specific Codes tab) where the Code ID equals APPROVAL_CODE.
Action: Indicates the action/purpose for entering or modifying a record. Code values are defined in HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR), where the Code ID equals ACTION_CODE.
If the user wishes to figure the Employee's benefit portion based on a value of periods less than the Employer portion, the action codes of 10MN or 11MN may be entered into this field to tell the system to take the Benefit Premium per period * number of periods worked and divide by 10 or 11, respectively.
Notes: Indicates any notes associated with the entry.
Error Message: System error message.
All dependent and beneficiary information may be entered on the Dependent/Beneficiary tab. Information entered here will also appear in the drop-down lists on the Dependent/Beneficiaries Assignments and Term Life Insurance tabs.
Member Information
Member Type: The Family Member Type. This is not a required field, but is useful for reporting and sorting purposes. Values are restricted to static system codes.
Relation: Indicates the relationship of the member to the employee. Code values are defined in HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR), where the Code ID equals RELATIONSHIP_CD.
Member Index: The Member Index is a system-derived value that is concatenated with the Member ID to create a unique identifier for a record. The unique identifier is placed into the hr_family.concat_ssn database column. There is no correlation between any specific index value and a specific Relation Code. The first record entered for an employee ID will have an index of 1 associated with the Member ID, the second record a 2, etc.
Member ID: The member's identification number can be an SSN, document number in the sense of a trust, or other identifying value. By default, if left blank, the employee's SSN will populate the field. It can be typed over. To prevent the default functionality, common code HRPY/FAMILY needs to have N in Associated Codes #1.
Name: The member's full name or something that represents it. The field is accessible only in search mode. The entry is system generated in the format: Last Name, (space) Suffix, a comma, then First Name, (space) Middle Name. For example: Smith JR, John Robert.
First Name: The first name is a required field and can store up to 40 mixed case characters.
Middle Name: The middle name is an optional field and can store up to 40 mixed case characters.
Last Name: The last name is a required field and can store up to 40 mixed case characters.
Suffix: Code values are defined in NU Common Codes Category of PESF.
Benefit Package Info
Benefit Package: The member's coverage code. This code value does not necessarily correspond with benefit codes entered on the Benefit Master tab. Code values are defined in HR Benefit Definitions page (Package Definition tab) based on Page Filter being equal to blank, ALL or FAMILY.
Benefit Age: Maximum benefit age for eligibility. System derived based on the maximum benefit age as set in the benefit plans within the benefit package.
Begin/End Dates: Enter the begin and end dates of the benefit package code.
Date at Age 65:The date that the member will turn 65. This can manually be entered or, if a Birth Date is entered, will be system derived.
Active Cb Age Dt: The Cobra eligibility or activation date.
Demographic Information
Date of Birth: The date of birth associated with a family member. When a date is entered, the Date at Age 65 on the Benefit Package Info tab will automatically be calculated.
Age: System derived age based on the birth date.
Gender: The gender associated with the member. Code values are defined in HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR), where the Code ID equals GENDER_CODE.
Misc Status: Status of member. Code values are defined in HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR), where the Code ID equals MISC_STATUS.
Contact Information
Same Address: Indicates if the member's address is the same as the employee's primary address. Checking the box will cause the employee's primary address to default into the below address fields.
Address Line 1&2: The member's address represented in two lines/fields.
City: City of member. When a zip code is entered, the city will be displayed/entered automatically. If can be overridden by selecting a different value in the drop-down list. Code values are defined in Person/Entity (PE) Zip Codes (PEUPZP), City values, based on the zip code.
State: State of member. When a zip code is entered, the state will be displayed/entered automatically. Code values are defined in NU Common Codes Category/Value of PEST/xx and then to PE Zip Codes. In Add Mode, the State field will default to the State field value set on the HR System Set Up (HRRQSS), Tax Info screen.
Zip and Zip Extension: The member's zip code and extension. When a zip code is entered or changed, the city and state will be displayed/entered automatically. Outside of these circumstances, data in the city and state fields will not be changed unless the fields are cleared. Validates to PE Zip Codes.
Country: Country of member. Code values are defined in NU Common Codes Category/Value of PECO/xxxx.
County: County of member.
Phone Code & Phone & Extension: The member's phone code and number including an extension field. Code values are defined in NU Common Codes Category/Value of PEPH/xx.
Other Information
Other Insurance (1): The primary/other insurance provider, if applicable.
Other Insurance (2): An alternate insurance provider.
Status Information
Action: Indicates the action/purpose for entering or modifying a record. Code values are defined in HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR), where the Code ID equals ACTION_CODE.
If a Family Member is deleted from the Employee Online application then the code of EOC (Employee Online Close) is placed into the Action field. That code signals EO to ignore that family record and not display it to the employee.
Notes: Enter any miscellaneous notes associated with the entry.
Dependent/Beneficiary Assignments
This page defines dependents or beneficiaries under a given benefit plan. Most plans do not require this level of record keeping. Nothing here interacts with Payroll.
Member Information
Type: If this record relates to a dependent then enter DP. If the record relates to a beneficiary then enter BE. Values are restricted to static system codes.
Relation: System derived based on the Member ID.
Description: Description of the specified relation.
Benefit Code/Type: The benefit code and type associated with the record. Records in the Dependent Beneficiaries tab are stored under a benefit plan base. The benefit plan base consists of the benefit code and the benefit type, which make up the first two parts of the benefit plan. Benefit Code values are defined in HR Benefit Definitions page (Benefit Codes tab) where entities match. Benefit Type Code values are defined in HR Entity Specific Codes (HRTBCE) page (Entity Specific Codes tab), where the Code ID equals BENEFIT_TYPE and entities match.
Member - ID & Member ID & Member Name: The family member associated with the record. The field drop-down shows the Member Index, Member ID, and Member Name. Validates to FAMILY.SSN_EXT (hidden column in the database).
Begin/End Date: The dates indicate when the record is active. In the case of a dependent to be covered under a medical plan, the begin date should be set to when the dependent first became covered. The end date indicates when the record expires. In the case of a dependent removed from a medical plan, this date represents the last date the dependent was covered.
Beneficiary %: The beneficiary's percentage of a benefit. The value cannot exceed 100.00.
Primary Beneficiary: Indicates if the member is the primary beneficiary.
Type: The Type of BE is assigned to beneficiary records during HREOTR processing. The Type of DP is assigned to dependent records.
Status Information
Approval:The approval code. Code values are defined in HR Entity Specific Codes (HRTBCE) page (Entity Specific Codes tab), where the Code ID equals APPROVAL_CODE.
Action: Indicates the action/purpose for entering or modifying a record. Code values are defined in HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR), where the Code ID equals ACTION_CODE.
Notes: This field is for any notes that may be associated with the record. The notes field may be overwritten by Employee Online requests.
Term Life Insurance
The Term Life Insurance tab provides Payroll with some advanced information for life insurance calculations. The primary difference between the Term Life Insurance and Benefit Assignments page is the ability to submit spouse and child specific information to Payroll for processing with payroll calculation codes. This page impacts PYUPEC and PYUPEM (Associated Codes tab and Switches tab).
Basic Coverage
This tab will constitute a maximum of two contribution assignments in Payroll. CDH1 will process the paid basic life amount and CDH2 to store a value passed to it via the MSCX.NUM1 cluster attribute. This value is life insurance wages used in the CDH1 calculation. CDH2 will provide an accumulator for use in storing the wage amount and displaying it on the Term Life Insurance page in the coverage amount field for Basic Coverage. CDH1 and CDH2 are defined on HR System Setup (HRRQSS) page, Term Life tab, Basic field (hr_dfltmand.basic_cdh1) and Basic Accumulation field (hr_dfltmand.basic_cdh2), respectively.
# | Data Element- HR Term Life Field | Data Source | Required? | Reciprocal Payroll Field |
Coverage Information | ||||
1. | Basic | Select checkbox to select | Y | Triggers assignment of contribution |
2. | Coverage | Display of TTD Accumulator for CDH2 | N | In PY Accumulators, no insert |
3. | Begin Date | Default from HREMEN, Hire (Date) | Y | Contribution Assignment Begin Date |
4. | End Date | Default to 12/31/2050 | Y | Contribution Assignment End Date |
5. | Social Security # | Default from HREMEN, SSN | Y | In PY Employee Definition, no insert |
6. | Date of Birth | Default from HREMEN, DOB | Y | In PY Employee Definition, no insert |
7. | CDH | Display from HRRQSS, Term Life tab, Basic | ||
8. | CDH 2 | Display from HRRQSS, Term Life tab, Basic Accumulation | ||
Alternate Wage Amount in units of $1,000 | ||||
7. | Special Code 1 - Alternative Wage Amount | E.g., enter value $100,000.00 as 100 | N | Contribution Assignment Special Code 1 |
8. | Special Codes | Enter characters | N | Special Code 2 to 4 |
Supplemental Coverage
This tab will constitute a maximum of two deduction assignments in Payroll. CDH1 will process the employee paid supplemental life amount and CDH2 will store a value passed to it via the MSCX.NUM1 cluster attribute. This value is life insurance wages used in the CDH1 calculation. CDH2 will provide an accumulator for use in storing the wage amount and displaying it on the Term Life Insurance page in the coverage amount field for Supplemental Coverage. Also, if there is a Y in special code 3 and a begin/end date entered for the $200,000 approval, these dates must be stored in the additive begin and end dates for the CDH deduction assignment.
CDH1 and CDH2 are defined on HR System Setup (HRRQSS) page, Term Life tab, Supplemental field (hr_dfltmand.suppl_cdh1) and Supplemental Accumulation field (hr_dfltmand.suppl_cdh2), respectively.
# | Data Element- HR Term Life Field | Data Source | Required? | Reciprocal Payroll Field |
Coverage Information | ||||
1. | Supplemental | Select check box to select | Y | Triggers assignment of Contribution |
2. | Coverage | Display of TTD Accumulator for CDh4 | N | In PY Accumulators, no insert |
3. | Begin Date | Default from HREMEN, Hire (Date) | Y | Contribution Assignment Begin Date |
4. | End Date | Default 12/31/2050 | Y | Contribution Assignment End Date |
5. | Social Security # | Default from HREMEN, SSN | Y | In PY Employee Definition, no insert |
6. | Date of Birth | Default from HREMEN, DOB | Y | In PY Employee Definition, no insert |
7. | CDH | Display from HRRQSS, Term Life tab, Supplemental | ||
8. | CDH2 | Display from HRRQSS, Term Life tab, Supplemental Accumulation | ||
9. | Approval Begin Dt | Enter Begin Date | N | Deduction Assignment Additive Begin Date |
10. | Approval End Dt | Enter End Date (3 years from begin date) | N | Deduction Assignment Additive End Date |
Alternate Wage Amount in units of $1,000 | ||||
11. | Special Code 1 - How Many Times | Enter from options 1, 2, 3 or 4 | N | Deduction Assignment Special Code 1 |
12. | Special Code 2 - Approval Code $10,000 | Enter Y (yes), P (pending), N (not applicable) | N | Deduction Assignment Special Code 2 |
13. | Special Code 3 - Approval Code $200,000 | Enter Y (yes), P (pending), N (not applicable) | N | Deduction Assignment Special Code 3 |
14. | Special Code 4 | Enter characters | N | Special Code 4 |
Spouse Coverage
This tab will constitute assignment of Deduction CDH5 in Payroll. The CDH for Term Life Spouse is defined on HR System Setup (HRRQSS) page, Term Life tab, Spouse field (hr_dfltmand.spouse_cdh).
# | Data Element- | Data Source | Required? | Reciprocal Payroll Field |
Coverage Information | ||||
1. | Spouse | Select check box to select | N | Triggers assignment of Deduction |
2. | Coverage | Enter amount, 100 = $100,000 | Y | Deduction Assignment Amount Field |
3. | Begin Date | Enter Begin Date | Y | Deduction Assignment Begin Date |
4. | End Date | Default from Basic End Date above | Y | Deduction Assignment End Date |
5. | Social Security # | Default from Family Info, SSN | Y | Employee Association Detail |
6. | Date of Birth | Default from Family Info, DOB | Y | Employee Association Detail |
7. | CDH | Display from HRRQSS, Term Life tab, Spouse | ||
Payroll Codes | ||||
8. | Special Code 1 - Approval Code $30,000 | Enter Y (yes), P (pending), N (not applicable) | N | Deduction Assignment Special Code 1 |
9. | Special Codes 2-4 | Enter characters | N | Special Code 2 to 4 |
Child Coverage
This will constitute a Deduction assignment CDH6 in Payroll. The CDH for Term Life Child is defined on HR System Setup (HRRQSS) page, Term Life tab, Child field (hr_dfltmand.child_cdh).
# | Data Element - HR Term Life Field | Data Source | Required? | Reciprocal Payroll Field |
Coverage Information | ||||
1. | Child | Select check box to select | N | Triggers assignment of Deduction |
2. | Coverage | Enter amount, 100 = $100,000 | Y | Deduction Assignment Amount Field |
3. | CDH | Display from HRRQSS, Term Life tab, Child | ||
Child Information | ||||
4. | Child 1-6 SSN | Default from Family Info, SSN | Y | Employee Association Detail |
5. | Date of Birth | Default from Family Info, DOB | Y | Employee Association Detail |
6. | Begin Date (The first begin date is the CDH begin date. All begin dates are submitted with child name to the PYUPEM, Association Codes tab record.) | Enter Begin Date | Y | Deduction Assignment Begin Date |
7. | End Date (The first end date is the CDH end date. All end dates are submitted with child name to the PYUPEM, Association Codes tab record.) | Default from Basic End Date above | Y | Deduction Assignment End Date |
Payroll Codes | ||||
8. | Special Codes 1-4 | Enter characters | N | Code 1 to 4 |
An employee with a Term Life Insurance record will have at least Basic Coverage.
Information transferred to the Association Detail tab on the PY Employee Definition (PYUPEM) page (Association Codes tab) in Payroll will be stored in the following manner:
For children, the Associated Description format will be SSN, DOB, begin and end dates from those children entered on the Term Life Insurance page. The dates stored in the association code description do not contain the century part of the year (i.e., 19 or 20). These are excluded due to the 30-character field limit. The dates are stored in the following format: YYMMDD. When the begin and end dates are inserted into the payroll calculation it will automatically be assumed that a year greater than 50 will have a century of 19 and a year of 50 or less will have a century of 20. The Associated Code will be TERMDEPD.
For the spouse, only the SSN and DOB are stored. The begin and end dates are stored as the assignment begin and end dates for CDH5. The spouse DOB is stored with the century because there is ample room to do so. The Associate Code will be TERMSP.
Status Information
Approval:The approval code indicates whether the record is ready to send or has been sent to Payroll. If the record is to be sent to Payroll it must indicate SEND. Code values are defined in HR Entity Specific Codes (HRTBCE) page (Entity Specific Codes tab), where the Code ID equals APPROVAL_CODE.
Action: Indicates the action/purpose for entering or modifying a record. Code values are defined in HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR), where the Code ID equals ACTION_CODE.
Notes: Associated notes.
The COBRA page is used to capture the qualifying event and the associated COBRA benefits. An Alternate Billing ID may be entered if the employee is not to be billed. An automatic administrative fee may be set up in NU Common Codes Category/Value of HRPY/COBRA.
Event Information
COBRA Event: Enter the qualifying event code. Code values are defined in HR COBRA Qualifying Event Codes (HRTBQE) page. Sample codes could be:
DC | Dependent child loss of eligibility |
DH | Death of employee |
DV | Divorce or legal separation |
ME | Medicare entitlement of employee |
TM | Termination of employment |
COBRA Qual Date: The date of the COBRA qualifying event.
Coverage Months: Coverage Months is derived based on the COBRA Event Code from the HR COBRA Qualifying Event Codes page.
Override End Date: To override the calculated End Date, check this field and then enter the override End Date.
End Date: This field is calculated by the system based on the Qualifying Date and the Coverage Months. Can be overwritten if the Override End Date check box is marked.
Letter Sent Date: The date that the COBRA notification letter was sent to the employee.
Due Back Days: If the NU Common Codes Category/Value of HRPY/COBRA exists then the number in Associated Numeric Values #1 is entered into this field. If the common code does not exist or Associated Numeric Values #1 is blank, then the field defaults to 60.
Override Due Back Date: To override the calculated Due Back date, check this field and enter the override Due Back Date.
Due Back Date: Value is calculated by the system based on the Qualifying Date plus 60 days.
Election Information
Date: The COBRA election date.
Pay Due Days: If the NU Common Codes Category/Value of HRPY/COBRA exists then the number in Associated Numeric Values #2 is entered into this field. If the common code does not exist or Associated Numeric Values #2 is blank, then the field defaults to 45.
Override Payment Due Date: To override the calculated Payment Due Date, check this field and enter the override Payment Due Date.
Payment Due Date: Value is calculated by the system based on the Election Date plus 45 days.
Election: If COBRA benefits are elected, this field needs to be checked. The field must be checked for the COBRA page to send data to Payroll.
Cancel Code: If COBRA benefits are cancelled, this field may be used to store a reason why they were cancelled. This is a report only field; it does not affect COBRA assignments or processing.
Approval: The approval code indicates whether the record is ready to send or has been sent to Payroll. If the record is to be sent to Payroll, it must indicate SEND. Code values are defined in HR Entity Specific Codes (HRTBCE) page (Entity Specific Codes tab) where the Code ID equals APPROVAL_CODE.
COBRA Assignment
COBRA benefit plans are assigned in this section. Note that these are only contribution types, not deductions.
Alternate Billing ID: If someone other than the employee is to be billed for the benefits, then enter the alternate billing ID. The entered ID must exist in the PE system. This field validates to the FAMILY page based on the Employee ID. If this field is entered, the ID will populate the Vendor ID field of the PY Employee CDH Assignment record for each elected benefit. If the alternate billing ID is not found in PE, then an Error or Warning message will be displayed. The message that is displayed is based on the NU Common Codes Category/Value of HRPY/COBRA.
Billing ID Addr Cd: If an override address code, for the alternate billing ID, is to be used, then enter the appropriate code. If the Alternate Billing ID is used and a code entered here, this code will appear in the Vendor Address field on the PY Employee CDH Assignment record. Validates to PE based on the Alternate Billing ID.
Populate Effective Dates: Check this field to populate the Effective Dates with the COBRA Qualifying Date and the End Date.
Medical, Dental, Vision, Other Plans
Begin/End Date: The effective dates for the elected benefit.
Elected Plan: The desired plan. Code values are defined in HR Benefit Definitions page, (Benefit Definition tab) for plans with a Sort value of CBM (COBRA benefit medical), CBD (COBRA benefit dental), CBV (COBRA benefit vision), CB* (COBRA benefit). The asterisk with CB means the third character could be anything not already used.
Override: To override the HR Benefits Definitions page (Benefit Definition tab) value, the Ovr field should be checked.
Cost: Cost of the benefit. The amount represents whatever the total is from the Benefit Definition record for the plan. If there are two contributions on the Benefit Definition then both amounts will be added together and represented here in the Cost field. To override the Benefits Definition tab value, the Ovr field needs to be checked.
Axp: Amount Expressed As of the benefit. To override the Benefits Definition tab value, the Ovr field needs to be checked.
Status: Benefit status. To override the Benefit Definition tab value, the Ovr field needs to be checked.
Fq: Benefit Frequency. To override the Benefit Definition tab value, the Ovr field needs to be checked.
Box: Benefit frequency type. To override the Benefit Definition tab value, the Ovr field needs to be checked.
Misc: Misc code 1 field. To override the Benefits Definition tab value, the Ovr field needs to be checked.
# Cov'rd: System-derived, display-only field. This field displays the number of Dependent records associated with the Assignment record (based on Entity ID, Employee ID, Qualifying Event, and Qualifying Date) with the benefit field (check box) set to true.
Admin Fee
Begin/End Date: Enter the effective dates for the administrative fee. NU Common Codes Category/Value of HRPY/COBRA may be set up to automatically populate additional Fee fields upon completion of Fee Effective Dates fields.
CDH: If an administrative fee is to be charged for assigning COBRA benefits, then enter the CDH. Code values are defined in PY CDH Definitions (PYUPCC) page where Relate to Code #8 contains FEE. This may be set up to be automatically populated via the NU Common Codes Category/Value of HRPY/COBRA.
Override: To override the values derived from Payroll, check this field.
Cost: Cost of the benefit. To override the value derived from Payroll, the Ovr field needs to be checked.
Axp: Amount Expressed As of the benefit. To override the value derived from Payroll, the Ovr field needs to be checked.
Status: Benefit status. To override the value derived from Payroll, the Ovr field needs to be checked.
Fq: Benefit Frequency. To override the value derived from Payroll, the Ovr field needs to be checked.
Box: Benefit frequency type. To override the value derived from Payroll, the Ovr field needs to be checked.
Misc: Misc code 1 field. To override the value derived from Payroll, the Ovr field needs to be checked.
Status Information
Action: Indicates the action/purpose for entering or modifying a record. Code values are defined in HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR), where the Code ID equals ACTION_CODE.
Notes: Associated desired notes.
COBRA Dependent Assignment
This section is used to track any dependents that are covered via the qualifying event.
Member Information
Index: The member Index. The Index is used to uniquely identify Family records. This is required because multiple records may exist on the FAMILY page with the same SSN/Member ID. Validates to Family based on the entered SSN/ID.
SSN/ID: The SSN/ID of the associated family member. Validates to the Family tab.
Name: This read-only field is echoed from the Family Tab.
Type: This read-only field is echoed from the Family Tab.
Relate: This read-only field is echoed from the Family Tab.
Date of Birth: This read-only field is echoed from the Family Tab.
Medical: Check this field if the family member is covered by the medical plan.
Dental: Check this field if the family member is covered by the dental plan.
Vision: Check this field if the family member is covered by the vision plan.
Other: Check this field if the family member is covered by the other plan.
Status Information
Action: Indicates the action/purpose for entering or modifying a record. Code values are defined in HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR), where the Code ID equals ACTION_CODE.
Notes: Enter any desired notes.
The quick links provided on this page are to pages commonly associated with the data on HR Benefit Assignments (HRPYBE).
Tools for Benefit Assignment
Many of the tabs on the HR Benefit Assignments page have global processing tools that allow multiple records to be processed at once. These tools are primarily used when there is a need to ensure the data in HR and Payroll is in sync. Activities such as running of the Benefit Utility, loading of new data into the HR tables from a root roll, or a general need to be sure the HR and Payroll data are in sync could initiate using the global processing tools.
Each tool executes records based on the most recent query so the user will want to search for the exact record(s) they want to process, and then click on the appropriate tool. A job will launch, and a tail sheet will be available for process checking.
Global Processing Benefit Info
This tool will affect the PY Employee CDH assignment records.
Global Processing Family Records
This tool will update records on the Term Life tab and update/create the member index (concatenation of Index value and Member ID).
Global Processing Term Life
This tool will affect the PY Employee CDH assignment records and Association Detail records in the PY Employee Definition.
Global Processing COBRA Benefits
This tool will affect the PY Employee CDH assignment records.