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Calendar Definition - PYUPCA

The Payroll (PY) Calendar Definition (PYUPCA) page is used to specify the types of days (e.g., Holiday, Saturday, etc.) for a particular year. The types of days are expressed as single-characters.

Day Codes are previously defined on the Payroll (PY) Work Schedule Definition (PYUPSC) page. If the system knows which Calendar a person works from, it can make some conclusions regarding how much to pay a person who has worked a given number of hours on a particular day. For instance, if a person works four hours on January 1st, which has a Day Code that indicates it is a Holiday, the system can conclude that Holiday Pay is the rate to be used in determining how much the employee should be paid for those hours.

To make the necessary changes for each date on the Calendar, enter the single-character code identifying the type of day for each date. Use the single-character Day Codes that were previously defined on the Work Schedule Definition page.

At least one calendar must be defined in order for the Payroll system to function. For clients who require multiple calendar definitions, calendars may be conveniently copied from one to another. Default begin and end dates will be filled in automatically. Accept or change those defaults and press <Enter> again. The Day Codes may be retained or modified as needed.

Calendar Definition

Calendar Code: Up to eight characters that uniquely identify a given Calendar. Once defined, this Calendar Code may be associated with a Job, Position, and/or an Employee.
Description: Enter up to 30 characters of free-form text describing this Calendar. When there are different Calendars for different bargaining units, using this field to note which bargaining unit the Calendar relates to may be helpful. Also, if there are different schedules associated with calendars, using the schedule code may be helpful (e.g., Contract, Teachers, etc.). 
Year: A four-digit number specifying the year to which this Calendar relates. This is entered in CCYY form, the century part of the year must be included (e.g., 2015).
Year Type: This field indicates whether the calendar is organized by "Fiscal" or "Calendar" months. These are static system codes.
Paid Days: Enter the total number of authorized paid days for the duration of this Calendar definition. If the Calendar covers one full year, as is typical, this will be "260" for a five-day workweek times fifty-two weeks per year. This number will default upon saving the record, but can be manually entered.
Begin/End Date:  These dates will default in based on the Year Type selected.  The user can enter in a different date if needed in the following format:  MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY.
Schedule: Enter the six-character name of the Work Schedule to which this Calendar is related. Each Day Code entered within the calendar months must have been previously defined on the Work Schedule Definition (PYUPSC) that is specified. 

Calendar Hours

Daily Hours: Enter the normal number of working hours in a calendar day. This is typically "8", for an eight-hour workday. The system will store up to five places to the right of a decimal. The system expects the number of hours in a day (Daily) to be less than or equal to the number of hours in a normal week (Weekly).
Weekly Hours: Enter the normal number of working hours in a calendar week. This is typically "40", for a forty-hour workweek. The system will store up to five places to the right of a decimal. The system expects the number of hours in a week to be less than or equal to the number of hours in a normal bi-weekly, semi-monthly, and monthly work period.
Bi-Weekly Hours: Enter the normal number of working hours in a bi-weekly work period. This is typically "80", for a two-week period. The system will store up to five places to the right of a decimal. The system expects the number of hours in a bi-weekly work period to be less than or equal to the number of hours in a semimonthly and monthly work period.
Semi-Monthly Hours: Enter the normal number of working hours in a semi-monthly work period. This is typically "86.66667" (2080 total hours divided by 24 Pay Periods), for a one-half month Pay Period. The system will store up to five places to the right of the decimal. The system expects the number of hours in a semi-monthly work period to be less than or equal to the number of hours in a monthly work period.
Monthly Hours: Enter the normal number of working hours in a calendar month. This typically holds the value derived by dividing the total number of normal work hours in the year by 12. The system will store up to five places to the right of a decimal. The system expects the number of hours in a month to be less than or equal to the number of hours in a year.
Annual Hours: Enter the normal number of working hours in a calendar year. This is typically "2080", (52 work weeks times 40 hours per week). The system will store up to five places to the right of a decimal.
Note: If a value is entered in Daily Hours, the system will calculate the remaining fields based on the number of days specified in the calendar Paid Days field. The user can override this information if needed.

Day Codes

For each date within the calendar year, enter a single-character Day Code to specify the type of day (e.g., "blank" for regular workdays, "H" for Holidays, "S" for Saturdays, or "U" for Sundays). The Day Code must have been previously defined for the Work Schedule referenced in the Schedule field. Day Codes can be entered or modified with Day Code Editor which will pop-up on clicking the month name (Jan., Feb…etc.) in the year view.


Copy Calendar Definition

Copy the information from the selected Calendar Code and Year records and Inserts the same information from the newly created Calendar code and year.

Edit Command

Use this tool feature to enter commands that will help in filling out the Day-Code section of the page. If the user enters "DEFAULT" in this field, a normal calendar will be filled in with Saturdays, Sundays and weekdays indicated as such. The "CLEAR" command will erase all day codes. Other commands are "SAT=x", "SUN=X", etc. or "MON-THU=x" where "x" is a valid day code from the schedule.

The "PATabcdefg…" command is used to populate the full year, beginning with the first date on the calendar with a repeating sequence of day codes represented by "abcdefg". For example, the command PATQQAQQAB would result in a repeating series of QQAQQABQQAQQAB… etc. from the first date of the calendar to the last. Non Days (Jun 31, etc.) are skipped by this process and can be filled separately by the NULL command. A special command "NUL=x" will set all the invalid dates (e.g., Feb 30).

Note: The "DEFAULT" command uses "S", "U", " ", "X" to represent Saturday, Sunday, regular days (Mon-Fri) and non-days (e.g., Feb 30). The client may overwrite this default pattern and replace with one that matches Day Codes specific to the site.
Enter a list of Edit Commands separated by commas, such as "MON=M, TUE=T, SAT=B" etc. and the DEFAULT command will use that pattern instead. This can be configured in NU Common Codes, with a Category/Value of PYFG/PY310C.

Create Default Calendars

This tool could be used for copying a particular calendar to multiple years.

Base Calendar Code: This is the Code of the calendar that is to be copied.
Base Calendar Year: The year of the calendar this is to be copied.
New Range: The range of multiple years that the base calendar needs to be copied into.
Year Begin: The starting year of the range of multiple years.
Year End: The ending year of the range of multiple years. The ending year should be greater than the starting year.
Edit Command: This is the command that is the default command code for each day in the calendar. The user can change the Edit Command in accordance to the prescribed day codes.

If there are existing calendars in the range specified, then a message to overwrite calendars is displayed. On clicking "Yes", the calendar is overwritten.  In case an invalid edit command is entered, a message is displayed to the user.

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