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Contract Maintenance Utility

Option 9 – Archive Selected Employee Pay Assignments

Contract Assignment (HRUTCU) utility Option 9 is used to select pay assignments that meet the entered selection criteria and write all of the pay assignments with the same contract ID and Fiscal Year as the selected assignments to an audit table that is a duplicate of the hr_emppay table including distributions. That process will create a snapshot of the complete contract stream (e.g., all pay assignments in each selected contract ID to that point in time) in the new audit table (not to be mistaken with the current logging methodology). The user ID and date/time the process was run will also be written to the audit table.

Index field will be auto-populated when Option 9 is run and that index value will also be written to the audit table for ease of finding the assignments. The Audit page holds snap-shots of your HR pay assignment records generated by Option 9 of the Contract Utility.

Audit Page

The Audit (HRUTEA) page holds snap-shots of your HR pay assignment records generated by Option 9 of the Contract utility. Here are some important aspects of this page:

  • The page is called Contract Pay Assignment Audit List page and looks almost identical to HR Pay Assignment page.
  • The page is read-only and the information held in it cannot be updated.
  • Distributions will also be copied via Option 9 of the Contract utility into a new table called hr_earnaudt.
  • Pay Vector information is part of the HR pay assignment record and will be copied to Pay Assignment Audit List when Option 9 of the Contract Utility is run.
  • The user will also be able to look at CURRENT Payroll Contract Accumulators from the Pay Assignment Audit List page. Payroll Contract Accumulators are not part of the extract done when a user runs Option 9 of the Contract Utility.
  • The Additional Contribution information is not displayed on the Pay Assignment Audit List page as that information comes from Pay Related Contributions page and is just echoed onto the HR Pay Assignment page, not stored in hr_emppay.
  • There are three new fields at the bottom of the page:
  • "Created By" - this is the name of the user who ran Option 9 of the Contract utility.
  • "Run On" - This is the date/time stamp of when Option 9 of the Contract utility was run by this user.
  • "SysIndex" - This is a unique identifier for this particular run of Option 9 of the Contract utility. This identifier comes from the Contract Utility page. This unique identifier will give you the ability to link the run record held in the Contract Utility page with all of the records that were actually extracted by that run. This way, you can see what selection criteria were used to extract these records.
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