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Force Calculation of Payroll - PYPAFC

The Force Calculation of Payroll (“Force Calc”) is used to calculate the actual check amounts for each employee selected in the period. Always perform a Force Calculation for the initial calculation of a pay period and any time you need to force a recalculation for all employees. PYPAFC creates history records (PYUPPH) in "WP" (Waiting Payment) status. Refer to common code PYFG/PY200C for force calc options. The Force Calc output can be VERY long depending on the amount of warnings generated in processing.  The printer selected should be ‘ARCHIVE’ (Documents Online printer) so the output can be reviewed before printing. 

Period as YYcclll (YY=Year, cc=Pay Cycle, lll=Number): Enter the period for which this function is to be performed.
How would you like employees selected? Select one of the following selection options:

  • ID – Select by ID.
  • PC – Select entire pay cycle.
  • SC – Select by selection criteria.

Would you like to suppress Daily Patching in this Calculation?

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