Imported Data - STUPIM
The SubTracker (ST) Imported Data (STUPIM) page is a holding place for the raw data coming in from the Substitute Management System. The ST Load 3rd Party Flat File (STUTLF) utility is used to load data into this page. The utility does not convert or change the data as it is loaded into the ST Imported Data page. This is the first step in the Sub Tracker process.
Entity: Entity ID.
Imported Job ID: Imported Job ID from the Substitute Management System.
Absence Date: Date of Absence.
Imported Absentee ID: This is the imported Absentee ID from the import file.
Imported Absentee Hours: Imported Absentee hours.
Imported Absentee Rate: Imported Absentee rate.
Imported Absentee Amount: Imported total amount.
Imported Substitute ID: Imported Substitute ID from the import file.
Imported Substitute Hours: Imported Substitute hours.
Imported Substitute Rate: Imported Substitute rate.
Imported Substitute Amount: Imported total amount.
Reason Code: Imported Reason Code. These codes are configurable in the Substitute Management System and need to be mapped in SubTracker on the ST Reason Codes (STUPCD) page.
Imported Position: Imported position.
Imported Account: Imported account number.
Imported Site: Imported site.
Absentee Miscellaneous 01 – 10: Miscellaneous fields for the Absentee from the imported file.
Substitute Miscellaneous 01 – 10: Miscellaneous fields for the Substitute from the imported file.
Import File Name: Name of the imported file.
Data Source: Substitute Management System.
Export Date: Export date.
Export Time: Export time.
Export Begin/End Dates: Begin/End dates of export.