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Load 3rd Party Flat File - STUTLF

This utility reads the Substitute Management System flat file and inserts those records into the STUPIM page.  This is the first step in the process of converting records from the client’s Substitute Management System into BusinessPlus Payroll Timecard records.

Common Codes

STUTLF references the following common code fields:


Associated Value 01:   For the 1085-Long format (old format - format in PYHR/SUBCNTRL is AESOP or AESOPID):

          • If this field is set to 2, AESOP import will use Days (380,382) instead of Hours
          • If Associated Value 01 is not set to 2, then AESOP import will calculate hours based on start and end times in the file.

For the 1517-Long format (newest – also called AESOP File layout 09_20_07 – format in PYHR/SUBCNTRL is AESOP07 or AESOP07ID):

          • If this field is set to 1, it calculates the hours based on Absence Start and End Time (299,303 = start time, 304,308 = end time) and uses it for both Abs and Sub hours.
          • If this field is set to 2, it uses Shift Number of Days (380,382) for both the Abs and Sub Hours (for clients that use Days instead of Hours).
          • If this field is set to 3, it uses Duration of Absence Record (1059,1064) for Abs Hours and Sub Hours Worked (1488, 1491) for Sub Hours.  This is for clients that might have Abs Hours <> Sub Hours.
          • If the client does not have the PYHR/AESOPHR common code set up, it will use option 1 (Calculate). 


Associated Code 05: This is the format of the file extracted from the Substitute Management System.  The possible values are: SFE, SFE3, AESOP, AESOPID, AESOP07, AESOP07ID, KRONOS and KRONOS2.


Short Description: Enter the Client Code here.  There are some client-specific settings in the load program which depend on client code – specifically relating to the PYHR/SUBMISC1 functionality.
Associated Code 01: If this field contains “DOLOP,” then when the import process runs, it will lop off the first character of the Absentee and Substitute IDs.  This was implemented for those situations where the ID coming in from the Substitute Management System flat file is the SSN with a leading zero.  This eliminates the need for the client to use the STUPTR, Tab 1 (ID_TRAN) page to convert the 10-digit SSN to the proper 9-digit SSN.


Associated Code 04: This is only used with the SFE file format.  When placing “NOCALC” in this field, STUTLF will fill the Absentee Hours with the value in the file in Job Duration and Substitute Hours with the value in the file in TimeWorked. If this common code is not turned on, hours are calculated as follows:

    • Absentee Hours:  EndTime minus StartTime
    • Substitute Hours:  SubEndTime minus SubStartTime

Associated Description 05: Enter SFEEXTERNAL to use SMARTFIND Express to extract employee ID from the External ID field instead of the normal ID field. This option is used when employee’s phone number is stored in the ID field.

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