Translation Tables - STUPTR
The SubTracker (ST) Translation Tables (STUPTR) page will map the IDs from the Substitute Management System to BusinessPlus if they do not already match. This table will allow that mapping to occur and is defined by the client. The actual use of the translation table data occurs during the Make Attendance Records (STUTMA) process. The translated data will appear in the STUPAT records.
Import ID Tab
If the IDs imported from the Substitute Management System do not match BusinessPlus Employee IDs, a translation table needs to be defined. This table maps Import IDs to BusinessPlus IDs. (Note: Common code HRPY/IDTRAN turns on automatic insert of an Import ID record when a new employee is inserted into BusinessPlus.) Below is an example of a mapping an Import ID to the BusinessPlus ID.
Entity: Entity ID.
Import ID: Import ID.
Employee ID: BusinessPlus employee ID.
BLANKME: Used to identify employee IDs that should be ignored. The "BLANKME" option is reserved to identify Employee IDs that should be ignored by SubTracker altogether. If an ID is to be ignored, enter the Import ID and the word BLANKME in the "BLANKME" column. This will do two things:
- It will prevent the ID from showing up in the error report as undefined
- It will cause records with a "BLANKME" Import ID to process as if the ID was blank when considering the "Record Import Format" on the SubTracker (ST) Business Rules (STUPBR) page.
For example, an Import Record in STUPIM with a valid Absentee ID and a Substitute ID that is mapped.
Import Site Tab
The Import Site tab is used to map imported Site Codes to BusinessPlus location codes.
Import Site Code: Imported site code.
BusinessPlus Location Code: Code to indicate the BusinessPlus Location.