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Timecard Online


Included within the Human Resources module, Timecard Online (TO) is a self-service application that lowers the administrative burden on your organization by allowing your employees to enter their time information online. Each submission will automatically trigger the appropriate approval process based on your business rules. Timecard views are configurable, giving districts the ability to define field accessibility based on user needs. It has an interactive color-coded calendar, which allows you to view schedules at a glance, and displays leave balances for quick reference. Timecard Online is tightly integrated with Security, Payroll, and Workflow.


Timecard Online is a portal application designed to push timecard data entry out to the edge of the organization.

  • Intended for employees or small departments entering their own time.
  • Performs minimal validation/processing steps at data entry.
  • Targets an interface table rather than timecard table directly.
  • Interface process performs additional validation/processing steps.

Accessing Timecard Online

Timecard Online is accessed in a browser using the following syntax: https://<server_name>/IFAS7/timecard/

Add this link to a dashboard Links component to grant TO access to users with a timecard security association.

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