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Load Inventory File - FAUTLI

The FAUTLI utility is used for updating the fixed asset subsystem based on data located in an input file supplied by the user's data directory. If a fixed asset already exists, the input file's data is used to update the fixed asset. If a fixed asset does not already exist, the input file's data is used to create a new fixed asset. This utility can be used to update the fixed asset subsystem's inventory data only, and not all data associated with the fixed asset subsystem. This is useful when updating the inventory table, running a report to show fixed assets that are out of sync with inventory, and manually making changes to the fixed asset subsystem as need be. FAUTUP can be used in order to automate making the changes to this subsystem if the user desires to eliminate all inconsistencies between inventory and other fixed asset tables.

See FAUTLI Input File Format for more information.

Name of the Flat File: Enter the path and name of the flat file to process or use the Remote Upload feature to locate the file you want to use. After the file is selected, the question field displays the path to the file and is greyed out.

Insert only to FAPINV and don't update/insert other tables? Check the checkbox ("Y") to update only the fixed asset inventory; leave the checkbox unselected ("N") to update all of the fixed asset subsystem.

PO Number Length (8 or 16)? By default, the value will be set to 8. User can enter respective length 8 or 16 on the text field as based on the flat file input. User can default the value to 16 as per the common code BMIN-CONTROL.

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