Update FASITE From Inventory - FAUTUP
If the data looks good on the View Inventory (FAUTVI) page, you can run FAUTUP on the job number so that it will put the data into FA. (When using job number, include leading zeros.)
For each Asset ID in FAUTVI with that job number, if that Asset ID does not already exist on the FA Update (FAUPAS) page:
- FAUTUP will create a record in FAUPAS, Asset ID tab, Components tab, and Loc(ation) tab.
- Also, if there is a record on the FA Primary Class Definition (FAUPPC) page for the ledger and the Primary Class (PC, Category) for the input record, it will create a record in FAUPAS, Dep(reciation) tab, based on the FAUPPC record.
For each Asset ID in FAUTVI with that job number, if it is already in FAUPAS, FAUTUP will update the Asset ID and Location pages.