Attach Definitions
The Attach Definition plugin in the Administrative Console (Documents Online > Setup) controls which tables and columns are used to link a document to BusinessPlus data. This can be as simple as a link to a single table or a more complex link referred to as "document progression."
Document Progression
A single transaction can end up existing in multiple tables as it is processed. To accommodate this, the Attach Definitions plugin allows multiple tables to be listed on a single definition in a relationship that is referred to as "document progression." Using this type of attachment, a single document can be linked to a transaction or record even though it may reside in multiple tables. The requirement is that all the columns used to create the link are also available on all the other tables in the progression.
Adding Attachment Definitions
When the Attach Definitions plugin is opened, the right-hand pane changes to display the Attach Definitions screen. If there are no attachment definitions, the screen starts in "Add Mode." Otherwise, it will navigate to the first attach definition found.
The Icons in the toolbar work as follows:
Attach Definition List | The arrow to the right of this button opens a dropdown list of the attachment definitions currently located in Documents Online. | |
Add Definition | This button puts the screen into "Add Mode" allowing a new Attach Definition to be created. | |
Save Changes | This button adds the new definition if in "Add Mode" and saves any changes to the definition if in "Edit Mode." | |
Delete Attach Definition | This button will delete the attachment definition. Note: only attachment definitions without documents associated with them can be deleted. |
Attach ID: This is the unique identifier for this attach definition. This value is upshifted automatically.
Enabled: This specifies whether or not this attach definition is enabled or disabled. Disabled attach definitions do not return their attached documents and do not appear in the options presented to users for additional attachments.
Description: User-friendly name for the attach definition.
Table: At least one table must be specified for an attachment definition. Once a valid table name is entered, the column list to the right of it will be populated with the names of valid columns for that table.
Column 1: You must enter at least one column name. The list is automatically populated based on the table name entered.
After a new attach definition is saved, the user is informed of related security implications.
Adding Columns
An attach definition can be based on more than one column. To add an additional column, select the "Add Column" button. The new column's list will be populated based on the table name already selected. There is currently no limit on attached columns. If more than one table is added to the attach definition, the new column is added to the other tables as well.
Adding Tables
Document progression functionality in handled by adding additional tables to an attach definition. By default, the first table in the list is assumed the "Master Record" and the software will typically refer to that table first in DataBound searching. All tables within an attach definition must specify the same number of columns, and those columns must be able to share the same attach information (e.g., PE_ID on one table must map to a similar PE_ID column on all other tables).
Security for Attach Definitions
When a new attach definition is created, a security node is created as well. However, since role-based security persists, it may be necessary to rebuild security to see the node. The new attach definition will appear under the Documents Online > Databound Attachments node in the Role Tree. Users that will be viewing attachments of this type will need Read permissions on this node. Users that will be attaching documents need Write permissions.
Resetting Attach Definitions
For performance reasons, Web servers cache attach definition information. Any updates to attach definitions therefore require flushing the cached information. Restarting Data Processing Services on each Web server ensures the definitions are refreshed. However, it may not always be operationally feasible to restart services. Alternatively, the cached information may be flushed from the Administrator page (7i Server Admin > Utilities > Monitor Servers > Tools > Flush Server Cache).
Since there are security implications related to attach definitions, rebuilding the security structure is advised. To do so, go to Security Admin > Setup > Manage Security Structure. Be sure to check the "Remove Obsolete Attachment Definitions" option, then press Rebuild. In the Jobs panel, check to make sure the job completed, then press the Update Servers button in the top tool bar.