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BusinessPlus Output

One of the ways Documents Online can assist in managing documents is to serve as a virtual printer in the BusinessPlus environment. This allows printed output to be sent to Documents Online instead of the printer directly. This process works by passing the output to Workflow and then having a Workflow model that will pick up the printed output and pass it along to Documents Online. The output can then be viewed by the user in PDF format and printed from within the Adobe PDF Viewer.

Because the data stored is a ZIP-compressed version of the ASCII output from the BusinessPlus process, its disk usage is small (depending on repeating patterns, etc.). However, for the long-term, these documents should either be sent to the Archive Database or removed altogether as their accumulation over time will affect the searching and retrieval.


Step 1: Include the Workflow printer.
Modify the x_print_cmds file on the Application Host to include the Workflow printer. The template file for new installs may include the following entry:

This line will issue a call to the wfqueue program (located on the application host in the "bin" directory) with the output from the BusinessPlus process and the necessary information to send it to Workflow for archiving. The name "workflow" is merely a suggestion; if you do wish to name this entry something else, make sure the NULP common code reflects the alternate name. 

Step 2: Add an NULP common code to use for printing from BusinessPlus.
In the example above, using "workflow" as the printer name, the setup would be as follows:


Step 3: If needed, load Workflow model DO_ARCHIVE.wdl into the Workflow Designer.

Viewing the Output

Once the BusinessPlus output has been archived, it is classified in the BusinessPlus Output plugin by menu mask and Job Number. The menu tree on the left is based on the mask used to archive the printed output. Below the masks are the job numbers, sorted with most recent first, that were created by running those masks.

Security Considerations

Users need to be assigned security permissions to archive BusinessPlus Output. The security to archive BusinessPlus output is configured in Documents Online under the security administration section for Manage Security Roles (Documents Online > BusinessPlus Output > "BusinessPlus Output Archived by Other Users"). Security permissions are role based, and selected groups can be granted Execute, Read, Write, Update, and Delete privilege.

If the user's functional security (System Administrator Role-Based Security) only allows them to view their BusinessPlus Output, then the tree will be limited to output they have generated. However, if they can view other users' BusinessPlus output, then the tree is limited to the masks they have access to in BusinessPlus Job Running Security.

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