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The utility matches PE IDs between the Open-Hold database and the Person/Entity database. Each PE ID found within the OH PE database is compared to IDs within PE database. When Trial Mode is "Yes," the utility will generate only a report of matched and unmatched IDs. Turn off Trial Mode and then the utility will provide the same report, but also update the OH PE database with Names from the PE database. If the PE IDs and names do not match, the system assumes that the information in the Person/Entity database is the most current and moves that information to the Open-Hold database.

The report will provide one of three potential outcomes for each matched PE ID: the PE ID name will either match, not match, or be absent from the PE database. The report generated will provide the PEID in common, the present OH PE Name (APOHUPTR), and the PE Name from the PE system (PEUPPE). If the names already match, a message will display saying "** Same as the 'Before' name." If the PEID is found within the OH PE system, yet the Name has been updated since generating the OH record, the PE database name will display. This PE database name will become the OH PE database name after running APOHUTMA in update mode; will discuss this more below). Lastly, if the PEID does not exist within the PE database, the message will say "** WARNING: PE ID Not in PEDB."

Unchecking the Trial Mode box and running in Update Mode will update the OH PE database names to match the PE database names where the PE IDs match. The same report will be generated as if in Trial Mode, yet the records that match PE IDs are updated while the PE IDs that do not match are not updated nor added to the PE database. Only names in the OH PE database that do share the same PEID as the PE database will be updated to match the PE database names. Run the utility a third time (either Trial Mode or Update Mode) and the list of unmatched IDs will typically be only records that do not exist in the PE database; therefore, the warning message will display saying "** WARNING: PE ID Not in PEDB."

The warning message display is optional; the default setting is to show warnings when a PE ID cannot be matched within the PE database. However, turn off the warning by adding "WARNING OFF" to the 2nd Associated Code value of the NU Common Code with a code category/value of OHFG/OH932C within the NU Common Codes (NUUPCD) page.

The first check written to a new vendor places the PE Name in the Bank Reconciliation database (BKUPCD) formatted as "[Last name] [First name]" in one field. When the Bank Reconciliation match utility is run, all entries in the Bank Reconciliation database are changed to match the entries in the Person/Entity database; thus, if the name in the Person/Entity database is in last name, space, first name order, the Bank Reconciliation database will be changed to this order.

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