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P-Card Assignments - APPCCR

Use the P-Card Assignments page (APPCCR) to define cards and assign cards to users. The date range of the assignment is critical because it allows the bank statement import process to associate each charge with the person assigned to the card on the date of the charge.

If the card is not defined prior to the import of transactions, the system automatically creates this record. Defaults for the Reconciler ID and card holder are set on the P-Card Bank Configuration (APPCBK) page. When the card definition is created automatically, it is important to update the record with accurate information. When you make updates on the page, these updates are pushed over to the transaction and imported charges are updated accordingly.

Card Definition

Use the Card Definition section to define each card in the program. Each card can only be entered once. The number of digits of the card number is defined on the Bank Configuration page (APPCBK).

Bank Code: Choose the appropriate bank program code. Bank codes are defined on the APPCBK page.

Card Number: The last digits of the card number. The number of digits must match the setting on the APPCBK page.

Description: A brief description for the card.

Card Type: Choose the type of card. Options are: CC (Procurement Card), SC (Supplier Card), and TC (Travel Card). CC types are regular cards assigned to people for an extended period. SC types (sometimes called ghost cards) are card numbers given to only one vendor. TC types are generic cards that are used by various people over the course of time. While CC and SC types typically have just one card assignment, TC cards usually have multiple assignments.

Expiration Month: Choose the month for the card’s expiration.

Expiration Year: Choose the year for the card's expiration. The drop-down list provides choices ranging from 1 year prior to 10 years after the current year. Enter any value in the allowable range in the field.

Card Status: Choose the card status code. Possible values are: AC (Active), CA (Canceled), and PN (Pending).

Notes: Enter any notes about the card.


Use the Assignment section of the page to assign one or more people to each card. Card assignments are tracked by date range and only one assignment may exist for any given date. The date ranges of two card assignments may not overlap. Assignments can be made to either an employee ID (defined in Human Resources) or a Person/Entity ID.

Card Begin: The date when responsibility begins for this card holder. The date range may not overlap with any other assignment for this card.

Card End: The date responsibility ends for this card holder. The date range may not overlap with any other assignment for this card. The end date must also be on or before the expiration date of the card.

Card Holder Information 

Default Account: If desired, enter a GL Key and/or Object code to be used as the default account to place on charges imported from the bank. You cannot change the ledger code because it must match the ledger defined for the P-Card program.

Employee ID: If the card is assigned to an employee in HR, enter their employee ID. Use the lookup if you do not know the ID. You can assign a card to either an employee ID or a Person/Entity ID, but not both. Additionally, only active employees defined by PY Status of A are valid for assignment. This validates to the HR Employee Master (HREMEN) page.

Person/Entity ID: If the card is assigned to a person who is not in HR, or if the HR module is not used, enter their Person/Entity ID. Use the lookup if you do not know the ID. You can assign a card to either an employee ID or a Person/Entity ID, but not both. This validates to Person Entity Information (PEUPPE).

User ID: The user ID associated with the cardholder. This is an optional field that is used in the P-Card Approval Workflow Model to compare the approver with cardholder User ID to ensure that the cardholder is not approving their own transactions, even when they are not the reconciler. This value may be defaulted from the User ID Set-up page, Association Code Assignment where the Code Category = EMPLOYEE and the value is the Employee ID. The field is blocked only when the user status is I (Inactive). It prompts a warning message when the user status is L (Locked) and P (Change Password) but processing can continue by pressing Enter.

Reconciler ID: The Finance user ID of the person responsible for reconciling the charges for this card and card holder. Use the lookup if you do not know the ID. This validates to User Information (NUUPUS). The field is blocked only when the user status is I (Inactive). It prompts a warning message when the user status is L (Locked) and P (Change Password) but processing can continue by pressing Enter.

Back-Up ID 1: If desired, enter an additional Finance user ID of the person responsible for reconciling the charges for this card and card holder. Use the lookup if you do not know the ID. This validates to User Information (NUUPUS). The field is blocked only when the user status is I (Inactive). It prompts a warning message when the user status is L (Locked) and P (Change Password) but processing can continue by pressing Enter.

Back-Up ID 2: If desired, enter an additional Finance user ID of the person responsible for reconciling the charges for this card and card holder. Use the lookup if you do not know the ID. This validates to User Information (NUUPUS). The field is blocked only when the user status is I (Inactive). It prompts a warning message when the user status is L (Locked) and P (Change Password) but processing can continue by pressing Enter.

Back-Up ID 3: If desired, enter an additional Finance user ID of the person responsible for reconciling the charges for this card and card holder. Use the lookup if you do not know the ID. This validates to User Information (NUUPUS). The field is blocked only when the user status is I (Inactive). It prompts a warning message when the user status is L (Locked) and P (Change Password) but processing can continue by pressing Enter.

Misc Code 1: Miscellaneous Code for tracking purposes. This may be used for Workflow Approval Routing. Code values are defined in Common Codes with a Category of PCM1, and Value is the user-defined code.

Misc Code 2: Miscellaneous reference for the card assignment.

Notes: Enter any notes about the card assignment.

Department: Choose the department to which the P-Card transaction belongs. This validates to GLUPGN where the GL Ledger Code matches.

Division: Choose the division to which the P-Card transaction belongs. This validates to GLUPGN where the GL Ledger Code matches.

Approval Level: Choose the Workflow approval level. Choices include - Group Level (card holder import group), Transaction Level, or None.

Limit Per Purchase: Enter the dollar limit per transaction. This is informational only.

Limit Per Day: Enter the dollar limit per day. This is informational only.

Limit Per Month: Enter the dollar limit per month/statement. This is informational only.

Allowed Merchant Codes: If the card is limited to purchases from certain merchant category codes (MCC), you can enter them here for reference. This is informational only.

Disallowed Merchant Codes: If the card is restricted from certain merchant category codes (MCC), you can enter them here for reference. This is informational only.

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