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P-Card Bank Configuration - APPCBK

Use the P-Card Bank Configuration screen (APPCBK) to define a P-Card program with your bank. Each P-Card bank code represents a group of cards whose charges are downloaded, reconciled, processed, and paid together. You must define at least one P-Card bank code to use the P-Card module.

P-Card Bank Configuration

Bank Code: Enter a code to represent this bank program. Bank codes must be unique and are limited to four characters

Description: Enter up to 30 characters for a bank code description.

Active: Check the box if the bank code is active. Clear the box to suppress the bank from appearing in menus and in the report selection criteria.

Bank Vendor ID: Enter the Person Entity ID for the bank. This is the vendor ID that will appear as the “Pay To” vendor in Accounts Payable. If the ID is not known, use the lookup option to search for it. The ID must have been previously defined on the Person Entity Information screen (PEUPPE).

Addr: After entering a valid Vendor ID, choose the appropriate address code. This is the address code that will be used for the “Pay To” vendor in Accounts Payable. It validates to PEUPPE where the PE ID matches the Bank Vendor ID. 

Cycle End Day: Enter the day of the month when the billing cycle ends.

File Format: The file format drop-down list is populated by the P-Card Data Formats that are created on the APPCUTMP Statement Import Mapping page.

Card Number Len: Enter the number of digits to be used for the length of the card numbers. For example, if you enter 5 then only the last 5 digits of the card numbers are used. Valid values are 1 to 16.

GL Ledger: Choose the corresponding GL Ledger code. This code is required before the department and division key part values are selected. It validates to General Information (GLUPGN).

Dept Key Part: Choose the GL Key background part that represents the department of the organization. This identifies the department to which each P-Card transaction belongs. It validates to GLUPGN where the GL Ledger Code matches.

Division Key Part: Choose the GL Key background part that represents the division of the organization. This identifies the division to which each P-Card transaction belongs. It validates to GLUPGN where the GL Ledger Code matches.

New Vendor Settings and AP Set Defaults

Create New Vendors: Check the box to create a new vendor when a merchant/vendor match is not found. Vendors are created in the Person Entity Information screen (PEUPPE) using the values that follow.

Vendor ID Seed: Choose the system seed to be used when generating a new Vendor ID. Seeds are defined in Common Codes (NUUPCD) using a category of SYNO and a code value starting with PEID. This field is required when Create New Vendors is checked.

Dflt Vendor ID: Default PE ID to be used if the system is not set to create a PE ID for transactions where one does not exist. This field is required when Create New Vendors is checked.  It validates to PEUPPE.

Security Code: Choose the security code to be used when generating a new Vendor ID. It validates to NUUPCD using a category of PEOW.

Dflt Addr Code: Choose the address code to be used when generating a new Vendor ID. This field is required when Create New Vendors is checked.

Dflt Security Code: Choose the security code to be used when generating a new Vendor ID. It validates to NUUPCD using a category of PEOW.

Bank ID: Choose the Bank ID to be used on the payment records/P-Card statement in Accounts Payable. Codes are defined in NUUPCD with a category of CKID.  A new Bank ID may need to be defined if using TR Sets instead of OH Sets, or if using a completely different bank account for P-Card payments.

Division Code: Choose the division code to use on the payment records in Accounts Payable. This can be used to customize the debit/credit posting to GL for P-Card charges. OH Div is defined in APOHUPDV.

Allow Future Purchase Orders: Check the box if vendors created by the system can be used in the Purchasing module.

Allow Future AP Invoices: Check the box if vendors created by the system can be used in the Accounts Payable module.

Trans Format: Choose the transaction format to use on the payment records in Accounts Payable. This controls how the GL transaction description is constructed. Codes are system defined. It is recommended to use DX to get 30 characters of description to GL when posted.

Invoice Number: This code determines how the Accounts Payable invoice number is constructed. Choose DEPT to have the system create one invoice per department. Choose DIV to have the system create one invoice per division. Codes are static system codes.

Set Type: This code determines whether the resulting Accounts Payable set will be an Open Hold type, or Hand-Written. Choose OH (Open Hold) when the statement needs to be paid from Accounts Payable. Choose TR (Hand-Write) when the statement is paid automatically and Accounts Payable does NOT need to generate a payment. Codes are static system codes.

Use Tax Code: If use tax applies to some charges, choose the appropriate tax rate. These tax codes are defined in NUUPCD with a category of SYTX.

Miscellaneous Settings 

Require Receipt Attachment: Check the box to require the reconciler to attach a receipt to each charge. If the box is checked, the receipt threshold is also evaluated.

Receipt Threshold: If Require Receipt Attachment is checked, enter an optional dollar threshold at which attachments are required. If the charge amount is equal or greater than this value, an attachment will be required. A value of zero (0.00) means attachments are always required regardless of the charge amount. 

Create FA on Direct Pay: Check the box to create a skeleton Fixed Asset record when the payment is processed in Accounts Payable.  

Process Only Approved: Check the box to limit the Send to AP process to include only approved charges. If the box is unchecked, all charges are sent to Accounts Payable regardless of their status.

Approval Level: There are 3 types of approval level options for P-Cards. Select T (transaction level) and the Send to AP process will require a transaction to be marked as fully approved before it is considered for processing. Select G (group level) and the Send to AP process will require a group to be marked as fully approved before it is considered for processing. Select N (none) and the Send to AP process will not require any approvals before trying to send a transaction to AP.

Dflt Card Holder: Enter the card holder to use when the system must create a missing card assignment during P-Card Custom Statement Import (APPCUTSI).  It validates to PEUPPE.

Dflt Reconciler: Enter the assigned reconciler to use when the system must create a missing card assignment. It validates to User Information (NUUPUS) ID.

Notes: Up to 1,000 characters of notes may be entered about this P-Card program.

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