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Budget Fringe Benefits - GLBUFTFR

The General Ledger (GL) Budget Fringe Benefits (GLBUFTFR) page is used to budget FTEs based on head count within the FTE budgeting (GLBUFTUB) page.

Part01 through Part05 are defined within Nucleus (NU) Common Codes with a Code Category/Value of GLFG/FRINGE. Thee common code directs the system to use the specific account parts that are identified within the common code. After the common code directs which parts to use, the actual account characters are identified within the GL Budget Fringe Benefits page.

Up to five GL parts/groups can be used on this page. The GL parts are defined on the GL General Information page, using either (or a combination of) Key codes or Object codes.

Blank values may be entered for a Part that would be treated as a wild card. You may create an entry for just Part01 by leaving the other parts blank (Part02 through Part05). If there are conflicting entries, then the closest match accessing the parts from top to bottom is used.

Due to the configurable nature of this page, no data lookup or validation will be made for the part values entered here. The user must know what the part names they choose to configure in the five boxes that they select to enter.

Part01-05: Key, Key Part, Object, or Object Group as defined in GLFG/FRINGE Fringe Ratecommon code. The tags for these items will be changed to the values in the associated descriptions of the common code.

: The fringe rate for someone being paid out the key/group account combination defined by the values entered in the parts above. The Fringe Rate is user-defined.

Ledger: The ledger code associated with the parts/groups entered above.

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