Budget Item Detail Interface - BDUTFI
BDUTFI (Budget Item Detail Interface) is an interface utility that accepts a comma-delimited file and loads data from it into the BusinessPlus Budget Item Detail system. Files with Miscellaneous, Travel, Equipment, and Position Budget Details are supported.
After a BDUTFI uploads the input file successfully, it renames the input file with a ".done" extension.
Input File Format
Column | Contents |
1 A | Budget Type (all) (Required) – Set to MISC, TRVL, EQPT, or POSB |
2 B | Budget Amount (bd_misc) |
3 C | Bargain Unit (bd_posb) – Must be a valid Bargain Unit |
4 D | Misc Amount (bd_trvl) |
5 E | Comments (all) |
6 F | Contract (bd_eqpt) |
7 G | Description (all) (Required) |
8 H | Employee ID (bd_posb) – Must be a valid Employee ID |
9 I | Trip End Date (bd_trvl) |
10 J | Fixed Asset Flag (bd_eqpt) – Set to Y or N. |
11 K | Fees Amount (bd_trvl) |
12 L | Funding Source (bd_eqpt) |
13 M | Fringe Amount (bd_posb) |
14 N | Fiscal Year (all) (Required) |
15 O | Ledger Code (all) (Required) |
16 P | Job Number (bd_posb) – Must be a valid Job Number |
17 Q | Justification (bd_misc) |
18 R | Org Key (all) (Required) – Must be valid and active IFAS Org Key |
19 S | Lodging Amount (bd_trvl) |
20 T | Location (bd_trvl, bd_posb) – Must be a valid location code for bd_posb. For bd_trvl, shouldn't be validated; task 506368 will fix this utility so that this isn't validated for bd_trvl. |
21 U | Level Code (all) (Required) – Set to "OB" for object level or "G1" for group level 1, etc. |
22 V | Meals Amount (bd_trvl) |
23 W | Make (bd_eqpt) |
24 X | Month (all) (Required). The month is a 2-character field, for example, "01" |
25 Y | Model (bd_posb, bd_eqpt) – Must be a valid model code |
26 Z | Object Code (all) (Required) – Must be valid and active IFAS Object Code |
27 AA | Package (all) – Must be a valid package code |
28 AB |
29 AC | Position (bd_posb) |
30 AD | Priority (all) (Required). Priority is a 2-character field. In the BDUPDAMS screen, the Priority field is on the right side of the screen in the Details tab. |
31 AE | Purchase Date (bd_eqpt) |
32 AF | Quantity (bd_eqpt) – Up to 5 decimal places may be given |
33 AG | Reference (all) |
34 AH | Salary Amount (bd_posb) |
35 AI | Salary Table (bd_posb) – Must be a valid salary table |
36 AJ | Trip Start Date (bd_trvl) |
37 AK | Transportation Amount (bd_trvl) |
38 AL | Trns Type (bd_trvl) – Must be a valid Transaction Type |
39 AM | Unit Price Amount (bd_eqpt) |
40 AN | Version (all) (Required) – Must be a valid Budget Version which has been set up in BDUPCD. This is a 2-character field. |
41 AO | Department (bd_posb) – Must be a valid department code |
File Format Notes:
- Required fields are in bold
- Unused columns should be left blank
- Amounts are whole dollars, unless a decimal is included
- Dates may be in CCYYMMDD or MM/DD/CCYY format