AR CR File Interface - ARUTFI
The AR CR File Interface interface is similar to the Non-Comp interface process (ARUTNC), except for a few very important features. Like ARUTNC, it accepts a standard ASCII file for input, without the need to pre-convert the amount fields into COMPutational values.
Listed below are the functionality points that make this interface stand out as compared to ARUTNC:
- The number of fields has been reduced to the most common fields that are used in an AR/CR set. This eliminates the need to create an interface file with an excessive number of blank fields. The other advantage to reducing the number of fields is that the record length is now compatible with saving an Excel spreadsheet file into a space delimited (.prn) format. Excel files with record widths larger than 240 characters or so display peculiar "record-wrapping" tendencies when saved to a (.prn) file.
- This process supports a delimited interface file, allowing for variable field widths, separated by a user-defined delimiter character, the default being "," (comma).
- When run, an optional question allows the user to specify the number of header records (if any) that should be skipped in the interface file. The default is zero.
- An option exists whereby the resulting AR/CR set file is automatically imported into BusinessPlus, instead of remaining as a "classic" set.
- If a Finance Code is provided in an interface record, the process will look up the Finance Code and fill in any fields that are blank in the interface record, but defined within the Finance Code. The Finance Code has the ability to pre-define the following fields: Ledger, Org Key, Object Code, Job Key, Job Object Code, Division, Term, Bank ID, Misc Code, Amount, and the "Hit AR" flag.
- System seed generators are available for both AR and CR records, by using the classic "SYSTEM" value in the Invoice or Receipt number fields. These use the SYNO/ARREF and SYNO/CRREF common codes for system seed values. Additionally, this process supports the two-character suffix that indicates a different seed value. For example, having "SYSTEMXX" in the Receipt field will trigger the process to look for common code SYNO/CRREFXX when deriving the seed value.
The following default values and calculations are built into the process:
If Field is set to blank ( )
then use this Value
Ledger Code
Current User GL Code
Reference Date
Current Date
Transaction Format
Hit AR
If not "Y," all other values will be set to "N"
Currency Code
set ID
Entered set Filename
Prep ID
Current User Prep ID
- The Bank ID and Posting Code are automatically derived using the preferences as defined in GLUTSPCK and GLUTSPSI, respectively. Of course, the Bank ID is only derived for CR records, and be aware that for CR records that are not set to "Hit AR" (field is blank or "N"), the GLUTSPCK preference uses subsystem "LC" (as in Lonesome Cash), not "CR."
- The Reference Amount and Tape Total will automatically be calculated and updated for each record.
Interface File Format (235 Bytes)
Name | Description | FinCd | Type/Size | Comments |
INT-TR-TYPE* | Transaction Type |
| char(2) | "AR" or "CR" |
INT-ACCT-ID* | AR Account ID |
| char(12) |
INT-ACCT-NAME | Account Name |
| char(30) |
INT-GL-GR* | Ledger Code |
| char(2) | Set to User GL Code if blank |
INT-GL-KEY* | Org Key | * | char(10) |
INT-GL-OBJ* | Object Code | * | char(8) |
INT-JL-GR | Job Ledger Code |
| char(2) |
INT-JL-KEY | Job Key | * | char(10) |
INT-JL-OBJ | Job Object | * | char(8) |
INT-WO | Work Order |
| char(12) |
INT-TERM* | Term | * | char(8) |
INT-DIV | Division | * | char(4) |
INT-REF* | Invoice Number |
| char(8) | Only Required for "AR" types |
INT-REF2* | Receipt Number |
| char(10) | Only Required for "CR" types |
INT-DESC | Description | * | char(30) |
INT-REF-DT* | Reference Date |
| char(8) | Set to CURRENT-DATE if blank; |
INT-FIN-CD | Finance Code |
| char(8) |
INT-MISC-CD | Miscellaneous Code | * | char(4) |
INT-QTY* | Quantity |
| char(8) | Set to "1" if blank; |
INT-UNIT-PRICE* | Unit Price | * | char(12) | Up to five decimals precision |
INT-PAY-TYPE | Payment Type |
| char(2) |
INT-PAY-REF | Payment Reference |
| char(10) |
INT-BANK-ID* | Bank ID | * | char(2) | Derived (GLUTSPCK) if left blank |
INT-BANK-SLIP | Bank Slip |
| char(10) |
INT-BANK-DT | Bank Date |
| char(8) | Format: YYYYMMDD |
INT-ADDR-CD* | Address Code |
| char(2) |
| char(2) | Set to "P" if blank and ID is not blank |
INT-TRN-FMT* | Transaction Format |
| char(2) | Set to "NB" if blank |
INT-HIT-AR* | Hit AR | * | char(1) | Set to "N" if not equal to "Y" |
- Required fields ( * ) are listed in BOLD
- Fields with an asterisk ( * ) in the FinCd column can be defaulted using the Finance Code definition.
The interface file can be either fixed-field widths, according to the width as indicated in the Type/Size column, or the file can reside in a delimited format, using a comma, pipe, tab, or any other user-defined delimiter.
Running the Interface
Enter the name of your Interface Filename: The interface file name can be entered if the file is placed in the data directory on the App server. Alternatively, the Lookup button can be used to select the interface file for remote upload.
Are you using a Delimited file?: If yes, an additional question prompts for the type of delimiter.
01 – Comma Delimited
02 – Pipe Delimited
03 – Tab Delimited
04 – User Defined
Please enter a name for your new AR/CR Set File: Enter a name for the new AR/CR set file. The new set file cannot already exist in the data directory.
Number of header lines to skip: If the interface file has header records that should be skipped, enter the number of header records.
If creating a BusinessPlus set, additional information will appear, denoting the status of importing the set to the database. If successful, the physical set file will be removed from the data directory.