Copy Org Keys - GLUTSUCC
The GL Copy Org. Keys (GLUTSUCC) utility is the preferred method to copy an Org Key, whether GL or JL Key. The utility looks for the GLFG/NEWKEY common code within NUUPCD. If "SEED" is in the short description of this common code, then it uses the NU Subsystem Information (NUUPAUSS) page to create a seed for the new key; uses the GL subsystem with a KY prefix.
If the short description of the GLFG/NEWKEY common code is not "SEED," then GLUTSUCC looks through the associated numeric values defined on GLFG/NEWKEY. Whenever the system finds an Associated Numeric Value that is not zero or blank, the system looks at the Associated Code of that level (for example, if Numeric Value 1 is non-zero, it looks at Associated Code 1). The system then takes the value in this Associated Code and finds out which key part it is (system looks in the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page at the key part description).
If it finds a key part by that name, it looks at the Associated Description at the same level. If the first 4 characters of the upshifted Associated Description are "DESC," then it tries to look up the key part (using same ledger as the key and the key part it found in GLUPGN, and then the key's key part value), and if it finds it, it uses that key part's long description as part of the new key description. If the first 4 characters of the upshifted Association Description are not "DESC," then it uses part of the key part as part of the key. It uses the associated numeric value to determine how much of the value to use as the new key value.
For example, if the first associated numeric value is 2, the first associated code is FUND, and the first associated description is DESC, it would find out which key part is called FUND (if none of them are, it will give an error). Since the first associated description is DESC, it will look up the Fund code for the org. key (it will look up the glk_grp_mstr record for the Fund value this key has) and use the first 2 characters of that Fund's long description (it uses 2 because the first associated numeric value is 2) as part of the new key.
If the first associated description was not DESC, it would have taken the first 2 characters of the key's Fund code as part of the new key.
Detailed Example
In this example, the original key is 123456, it has a FUND of 01 "General Fund" and a FUNC of 789 "Public Safety."
If the common code GLFG NEWKEY has:1st Assoc Numeric Value = 3, Code = FUND, Desc = "DESC"2nd Assoc Numeric Value = 2, Code = FUNC, Desc = ""Then the resulting key will look like GEN78.
If the common code GLFG NEWKEY has:1st Assoc Numeric Value = 2, Code = FUND, Desc = "none"2nd Assoc Numeric Value = 6, Code = FUNC, Desc = "desc"Then the resulting key will look like 01PUBLIC.
Note: For any selection criteria that you specify for copying the Org Key, accounts are created only for entries that do not exist in the to year field when you run GLUTSUCC. A new account created must adhere to the predefined matrix rules for each part in the account and the description must be populated as per the GLFG/NEWKEY rules.