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Grant Contacts - GMUPCT

The Grant Contacts (GMUPCT) page is utilized for tracking the various individuals involved in a particular grant. By tracking such activity, reports may be developed to generate various performance data. This page is optional and does not automatically create any type of transactions in any other subsystem.  The upper portion of this page is read only except for the Find mode. For more information on the field displays, refer to the Grant Definition (GMUPGM) page.

Proposal: The proposal number is a unique identifier that represents the grant application.
Project ID: The project ID represents the task or activity that will be funded by the approved grant.
Award: The award number is an identifier that represents the actual award or grant monies that are distributed by the funding agency or sponsor.
Status: The status represents the current phase of a grant.
Project Title: The project title is a short description that describes the project.
Org Key: The ledger/organization key designates the associated general ledger account key that represents the financial activity for this grant.
Department: The department represents the grantee department.
Division: The division represents the grantee division.
Cash Match: This cash match check box is used to signify whether this grant is a cash match or not.
Type: The contact type field enables the user to classify the contact entered. The code values in the drop-down list are defined in the GM Codes (GMUPCD) page, under the Code ID of CONTACT.
Contact ID/Name/Phone: The contact ID, name, and phone fields represent the identification number, name and telephone number of a proposal/grant contact. Use the lookup to view the possible choices from the Person/Entity Information (PEUPPE) table. Selecting an ID will result in the name and phone fields being automatically populated. The name field is read only. The Phone number can be overridden.

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