Grant Data Entry - GMUPGM
The Grants Management (GM) Grant Data Entry (GMUPGM) page is used for defining the nucleus of information that is used by the other GM pages. Several fields rely on defining codes on the GM Codes (GMUPCD) page, and defining certain common codes, before the entry can be made.
The main window is the initial grant setup used for the proposal, award, general ledger (GL) relationship, and closure processes. The purpose of this page is to create a proposal number, project identifier, award number, project title, GL organization key and specify the status of the grant. The proposal, project, and award numbers may manually be entered or system generated with seed numbers by defining common codes. See each field description for details.
Proposal: The proposal number is a unique identifier that represents the grant application. It consists of a ten-digit alphanumeric value. The number can be manually entered. When the NU Common Codes Category/Value of SYNO/GMPROPNO is defined, the system will generate the proposal number.
Award: The award number is an identifier that represents the actual award or grant monies distributed by the funding agency or sponsor. It also consists of a ten-digit alphanumeric value. The number can be manually entered. When the NU Common Codes Category/Value of SYNO/AWARDNO is defined, the system will generate the award number.
Cash Match: The Cash Match field represents a "Yes/No" value used to indicate whether the grant is a "Cash Match" grant. If the grant is a "Cash Match" grant, select the check box.
Status: The Status field represents the current phase of a grant. During the proposal/project process, the status will be "PR" (Proposed). During the Award Process, the status will be "A" (Awarded). When a grant is terminated, the status will become "C" (Closed). To view a pick-list of valid status codes, select the down-arrow. The status codes are defined on the GM Codes page, under the Code ID of PROJSTAT.
Project ID: The project identifier represents the task or activity that will be funded by the approved grant. It consists of a ten-digit alphanumeric value. The number can be manually entered. When the NU Common Codes Category/Value of SYNO/GMPROJNO is defined, the system will generate the project ID number.
Project Title: The Project Title field is a short description that describes the project. This will typically be the grant title.
Org Key: The Organization Key field represents the general ledger's organization key to be associated with the grant. The user has the option of selecting a pre-defined organization key, or (if the user has the access update security to GL Org Key Definitions) adding a new organization key, via the Organization Key Data Lookup window. This field is typically defined in the establish general ledger relationship process (i.e. after the grant has been awarded). Note: This field must be defined prior to approving the budget and creating the budget batch file.
Department: The Department field represents the grantee department. To view a pick-list of valid department codes, select the down-arrow or press Ctrl+L. The department codes are defined on the GM Codes page, under the Code ID of DEPARMENT.
Division: The Division represents the grantee division. To view a pick-list of valid division codes, select the down-arrow or press Ctrl+L. The division codes are defined on the GM Codes page, under the Code ID of DIVISION.
Proposal Tab
Use the Proposal Information tabbed page to describe the demographic data associated with a proposal.
Title: A narrative of the proposal is entered in the Proposal Title field. It is a free-form text field.
Submit Date: The Submitted Date field represents the date the proposal/application was originally submitted to the funding agency.
Re-Submit Date: For proposals/applications that require modifications, the re-submit date represents the date in which the application was re-submitted to the funding agency.
Start Date: The Start Date field represents the begin date of the grant.
End Date: The End Date field represents the final date of the grant.
Planned Start: The Planned Start field represents the anticipated begin date of the grant.
Planned End: The Planned End field represents the anticipated final date of the grant.
Sponsor: This field represents the funding source of the grant. Valid sponsor codes and descriptions are defined on the Person/Entity Information (PEUPPE) page, and have a Security Code of SPONCODE. To view a pick-list of valid sponsor codes, select the down-arrow or press Ctrl+L. Note: Only the GM module uses the PE ID Security Code of SPONCODE. If this code does not exist in the Security Codes list, on the PEUPPE page, define it in NU Common Codes Category/Value of PEOW/SPONCODE.
Sponsor Type: The sponsor type assigns the sponsor to a category such as federal, state, local, private, etc. To view a pick-list of valid sponsor type codes, select the down-arrow or press Ctrl+L. The sponsor type codes are defined on the GM Codes page, under the Code ID of SPONTYPE.
Sponsor Reference: The sponsor reference number, provided by the sponsor, is an identifier used to represent the proposal/application.
RFP: The request-for-proposal (RFP) reference number may be documented in this field.
Solicited: Use the Solicited field to designate whether or not this is a solicited or unsolicited grant. If the grant is a "solicited" grant, select the check box.
Purpose: The Purpose field describes the primary objective of the grant. To view a pick-list of valid purpose codes, select the down-arrow. The purpose codes are defined on the GM Codes page, under the Code ID of PURPOSE.
Amount Requested: The amount requested represents the monetary amount that the organization is attempting to obtain from the funding agency.
Flow-Through ID 1 & 2: The flow-through IDs represent "Pass Through" funding sources. The flow-through ID codes are defined in the GM Codes page, under the Code ID of FLOW_THRU. To view a pick-list of valid flow through IDs, select the down-arrow.
New/Continuing: Use the New/Continuing field to indicate whether this is the initial grant or an existing grant. Only the values "N" (New) or "C" (Continuing) are accepted into this field.
Prior Award: For continuing grants, the Prior Award Number represents the previous award number.
Year: Useful for grants that span multiple years, the year number represents the grant year to which this record pertains. Only integer values are valid. For example, the initial proposal record would have a value of "1"; the second year would be "2"; and so forth.
Use the Contacts tab to enter and maintain the contact information associated with this proposal. The Grant Contact tab is utilized for tracking the various individuals involved in a particular grant. By tracking such activity, CDD reports may be developed to generate various performance data. This page is optional and only used when you wish to track grant participation activity. This page is to be typically completed by the grantee department and is for tracking purposes only. This does not automatically create any type of transactions in the General Ledger or any other subsystem.
Contact Type: The contact types classify the proposal contact that will be entered in the Type fields. The contact type codes are defined on the GM Codes page, under the Code ID of CONTACT.
Contact ID, Name, Phone: The Contact ID, Contact Name, and Contact Phone fields represent the Person/Entity identification number (PE ID), name, and telephone number of a proposal/grant contact. Contacts are defined in the Person/Entity Information. Once a contact ID is selected, if available, the associated phone number will be displayed to the page.
Approval Type: Use the two Approval Type fields in the proposal process for grants that require multiple approvals. The approval types are user-defined. For example, one approval type might be "BD" to represent Board of Directors. Approval type codes are defined in the GM Codes page, under the Code ID of APPROVAL.
Approved By: The Approved By field will typically be populated with the initials of the individual or party approving the proposal.
Approval Date: The approval date represents the date on which the proposal was approved.
Budget Tab
The final step in the proposal/project process is to create a proposed budget. Create a proposed budget on the Budget tabbed page. The Budget tab enables the user to create a proposed budget and ultimately designate a final budget at the object code level. This page is typically completed by the grantee department prior to submitting the application to funding agency.
After the award has been officially accepted and a general ledger organization key has been specified, designated personnel will approve the applicable budget version, and create GL Budget (GLBUBAUB) set file using the GMGL Create Budget Set interface. The Budget tab contains three separate tabbed pages: Justification Detail, Justification Notes, and Budget Approvals.
Fiscal Year: The fiscal year represents the fiscal year with which the budget is to be associated.
Proposed GM Budget Version: The budget versions used on this tab are defined on the GM Codes page, under the Code ID of VERS. The GM budget versions may be defined to match the names of the budget versions in the general ledger, defined on the Budget tab of the GL Information (GLUPGN) page, or named completely different for use in GM. Some clients use an initial budget version named V0, and modified budget versions V1 … V9, to keep track of each iteration.
Final Budget: Once the final budget version has been decided, the user will select or deselect this flag. It is important that this field be populated because subsequent pages rely on the final budget version information in order to populate other standard Grants Management application fields.
Account: The Ledger Code field represents the general ledger that is to be associated with this grant. This field defaults to the user's default ledger.
Organization Key: The Organization Key to be associated with the budget. The user has the option of selecting a pre-defined organization key, or adding a new organization key, via the Organization Key Data Lookup window.
Object Code: The object code represents the account (i.e. office expenses, salaries, etc.) for which you will be establishing this budget item. Valid codes and descriptions are defined on the GL Object Code Definition (GLUPOB) page. To view a pick-list of valid object codes, select the ellipsis located to the right of the Object Code field.
Budget Level: The Budget Level field represents the way in which the object code values in the Object Code field are displayed. The default value is "OB" but a group level is available by selecting from the drop-list. The number of Group levels and descriptions shown in the drop-list are specific to the ledger.
Override Object Description: The object description represents the object code title as defined in GLUPOB. Upon entering a valid object code, the default code title from GLUPOB will appear. To override this value, type over the existing text.
Funding Agency: The funding agency represents the amount being supplied by the funding agency or sponsor. If there are no funds being supplied by the funding agency, accept the zero-default value.
Cash Match: For cash match type grants, the cash match amount represents the amount that the grantee entity is responsible for providing. If there are no cash match funds associated with a particular grant, enter a zero.
Budgeted Amount: The Budgeted Amount field is a calculated field and therefore is not entered by the user. The budgeted amount field is the sum of the cash match and funding agency line item amounts. This amount will ultimately reside in the GL Budget module.
Total Funding Agency: The total funding agency represents the sum of all funding agency amounts for all budgeted object codes within the selected proposed budget version. This field is system-generated.
Total Cash Match: The total cash match represents the sum of all cash match amounts for all budgeted object codes within the selected proposed budget version. This field is system-generated.
Total Budgeted Amount: The total budgeted amount represents the sum of all funding agency and cash match amounts for all budgeted object codes within the selected proposed budget version. This field is system-generated.
Justification Detail
The Justification Detail tab is used to enter a detailed breakdown of the various amounts and descriptions for each object code entered.
Description: Use the description field to elaborate on the justification amount.
Amount: Enter the funding agency breakdown amount that is being justified.
Justification Total: The justification total represents the sum of all five-justification amounts. This field will automatically populate the Funding Agency Amount field.
Justification Notes
Use the Justification Notes field to enter an overall description of the justified amounts.
Budget Approval
Use the Budget Approval tab to approve a designated proposed budget. On the Budget tab, mark the GM budget as the Final Budget, and (on this tab) specify the destination general ledger budget version in the GL Budget module.
GL Budget Version to send to: The GL Budget Version drop-list is populated from the budget version codes as defined on the Budget tab of the GL Information (GLUPGN) page for the ledger designated in the ledger field. Summed/derived budget versions will not be listed. The code represents the budget version that will be updated once the budget is approved and the budget batch file is created and processed.
Budget Status: After levels 1 and 2 have approved the budget and a grant budget batch file has been successfully created, the Budget Status field will display "SENTBU". For modified budget records on the Budget Tab or budget records not yet sent to the Budget module, the Budget Status field will display "WAITBU". The Budget Status field is a display-only field that is populated during the creation of a budget batch adjustment file.
Approval Level One
ID: The Level One ID field represents the user ID of the individual who "approves" the budget record. Although this field is not required to save the record, it must be entered prior to creating the budget batch file.
- Status: The Approval Level One Status field will contain the result of Level One's approval action (e.g., approved or rejected). This field must be set to "APV" to send the record to the GL Budget module. The valid options for this field are "APV" and "REJ".
- Date: The Approval Level One Date field will contain the date that the level one's approval action was performed.
Approval Level Two
ID: The Approval Level Two ID field represents the user ID of the individual who "approves" the budget record. Although this field is not required to save the record, it must be entered prior to creating the budget batch file.
- Status: The Approval Level Two Status field will contain the result of Level Two's approval action (e.g., approved or rejected). This field must be set to "APV" to send the record to the GL Budget module. The valid options for this field are "APV" and "REJ".
- Date: The Approval Level Two Date field will contain the date that the level two's approval action was performed.
Cost Sharing Tab
The Cost Sharing tab is used for tracking such transactions as in-kind reverses contributions, fines, and waived fees. By tracking such activity, reports may be developed to generate various performance data. This tab is optional and only used to track cost share activity. This tab is to be typically completed by the grantee department and is for tracking purposes only. This does not automatically create any type of transaction in the General Ledger or any other subsystem.
Total Amount Required: The sum of all Amount Required for the grant is displayed in the Total Amount Required field. This field is system-generated.
Total Amount Received: The sum of all Amount Received for the grant is displayed in the Total Amount Received field. This field is system-generated.
Share Type: The Cost Share Type code field defines the cost share activity. Selecting the field's drop-down combo box displays the valid types. Valid codes and descriptions are defined on the GM Codes page, under the Code ID of COSTSHARE.
Description: The Cost Share Description field is used to describe the cost share transaction. This is a free-form text field.
Amount Required: The Amount Required field represents the required dollar amount of the cost share transaction.
Amount Received: The Amount Received field represents the actual received dollar amounts of the cost share transaction.
Reference: The Reference Number field is optional and may be used to hold a transaction reference number, if applicable.
Compliance Tab
The compliance tab is used for tracking research grant compliance. By tracking such activity, reports may be developed to generate various performance data and distribute it to the appropriate entities. This tab is optional and is only used to track this type of compliance activity.
Yes/No Require (All Fields): The Y/N Require fields indicate whether the grant requires the use of the specified area (i.e., Animal Subjects, rDNA, etc.).
Approval Date (All Fields): The Approval Date fields represent the date in which the institution approved the use of the specified area.
Renewal Date (All Fields): The Renewal Date fields represent the date in which the institution must re-approve the use of the specified area.
Reference Number (All Fields): The Reference Number fields are available for documenting information that pertains to the institution approved.
Award Tab
The next process in the grant life cycle is the award process. Now that the proposal or application has been approved, you will use the Award tab to receive grant monies (i.e., an award). Use the Award tab to track the detailed award information for each grant.
Title: The Title field is a free-form field, which can hold a description of the award.
Award Date: The award date represents the date the award was received or funded.
Funded Thru: The Funded Thru field is a date field that represents the final funding date of the grant.
Start Date: The start date represents the begin date of the grant.
End Date: The end date represents the end date of the grant.
Planned Start: Represents the planned start date of the grant.
Planned End: Represents the planned end date of the grant.
Sub-Agreement: The Sub-Agreement field is a Yes/No field used to indicate whether the grant is associated with a sub-agreement. If the grant is associated with a sub-agreement, select the checkbox (
Pre-Award: The Pre-Award field is a Yes/No field used to indicate whether the grant is associated with pre-award activity. Select the checkbox to indicate that a "loan" or "cash advance" was issued prior to receiving the grant funds from the funding agency.
Sponsor: This field represents the funding source of the grant. Valid sponsor codes and descriptions are defined on in Person/Entity Information, and have a Security Code of SPONCODE.
Sponsor Award: The sponsor award number is a number provided by the sponsor and used to identify the grant award.
Contract: The contract number represents the grant contract number if applicable.
CFDA: For Federal grants enter the CFDA number in this field. If this field does not apply to the active grant, simply leave it blank or enter "N/A".
Award Type: The award type assigns the grant award a category. The award type codes are defined on the GM Codes page, under the Code ID of AWARDTYPE.
Amount Obligated: The award amount represents the total award amount from the funding agency. This value is the sum of the funding agency amounts as entered on the Budget tab. This field is system-derived and is based upon the Final Budget flag.
Cost Share Received: If the records are located on the Cost Sharing tab for the active proposal number, the sum of the cost share amount received will be displayed. This field is system-derived.
Modifications: If records are located on the Award tab for the active proposal number, the sum of the award amount modifications will appear in the Modifications field. This field is system-derived.
Total Budgeted: The Total Budgeted amount is the sum of the award amount and cash match fields. It is system-derived.
Cash Match: The Cash Match amount field is system-derived based upon the Final Budget flag. It represents the total grant amount that is being "matched" from the Budget tab.
Cost Share Requested: If the records are located on the Cost Sharing tab page for the active proposal number, the sum of the cost share amount required transactions would be displayed. This field is system-derived.
Contact Type: Three contact type codes classify the Proposal Contact that will be entered in the next field. The contact type codes are defined on the GM Codes page, under the Code ID of CONTACT.
Contact ID, Name, Phone: The contact id, contact name, and contact phone represent the Person/Entity identification number (PE ID), name, and telephone number of a proposal/grant contact.
Approval Type: Use the two Approval Type fields for grants that require multiple approvals. The approval type codes are user-defined. Approval type codes are defined in the GM Codes page, under the Code ID of APPROVAL.
Approved By: The Approved By field will be populated with the initials of the individual/party approving the proposal.
Approval Date: The approval date represents the date on which the award was approved.
Award Modifications Tab
Monetary and time amendments may be entered on the Award Modifications tab. This page is optional and only used to track modification activity. The totals are echoed back to the award record. This tab is typically completed by the grantee department and is used for tracking purposes only. This page does not create any type of transaction in any other subsystem.
Amendment No: The Amendment Number is a user-defined value or series number used to identify each of the modifications.
Amendment Type: The type of amendment field is a coded value that categorizes the type of amendment. Selecting the field's drop-down combo box displays a list of valid types. Award amendment type codes are defined on the GM Codes page, under the Code ID of AMENDMENT.
Amendment type examples include, but are not limited, to the following:
Increase in funds awarded
Award hours decreased
Date of award extended
Increase in personnel
Date: The Date field represents the date in which the amendment is processed.
Amendment Begin: The Amendment Begin Date typically represents the effective begin date of the grant unless the amendment is retroactive
Amendment End: The Amendment End Date typically represents the effective end date of the grant unless designated otherwise.
Amendment Amount: The Amendment Amount field represents the amount of amendment if it involves a dollar amount. If the amendment does not involve a dollar amount, simply leave the amendment amount blank.
Associated Proposal: If applicable, an Associated Proposal number may be assigned to the amendment transaction.
Summary Footer
Initial Amount Obligated: The Initial Amount Obligated field is display only, and represents the total funding agency amount from the associated GM Budget record. This value is determined by the Final Budget flag on the GM Budget record.
Total Amendments: The Total Amendments field is system-derived and represents the total of all amendment modification records for this proposal.
Notes Tab
Use the Notes tabbed pages to record additional information describing the grant or various administrative details in free-form text. The three sub-tabs allow the user to classify the notes they are entering.
Proposal Notes
Proposal Notes: Use the Proposal Notes tab to enter additional text describing proposal-related aspects of the grant.
Page No.: The page number field is automatically populated; the user may override this value. This field can be used as a "sorting" item when generating reports.
Project Notes
Project Notes: Use the Project Notes field to enter additional text pertaining to project-related aspects of the grant.
Page No.: The page number field is automatically populated; the user may override this value if necessary. This field can be used as a sorting item when generating reports.
Award Notes
Award Notes: Use the Award Notes tab to enter additional text describing award-related aspects of the grant.
Page No.: The page number field is automatically populated; however, the user may override this value if necessary. This field can be used as a "sorting" item when generating reports.
Copy Version
To create subsequent budgets (i.e. proposed budget versions V1 … V9), the Budget tab utilizes a copy function that gives the user the ability to use his/her proposed budget as a template. This eliminates the need of redefining new budgets when modifications are necessary. The example below illustrates using the Proposed Budget Version V0 to create a second proposed budget (version V1).
For example, when the funding agency requested that we make some changes to our initial budget, we would follow the steps below:
1.) Select ADD-Mode, if you are not already there.
2.) From the Options bar, select the Tools option, then Copy Version.
3.) The Copy Budget Version window will appear
4.) Enter the Proposal ID and the Project ID to copy. These values will automatically default from the current record.
5.) Enter the From Fiscal Year and the To Fiscal Year.
6.) Enter the From (budget) Version and the To Version field.
7.) Select the Copy button to create the new budget.
8.) Use the Find menu option to locate the new budget.
9.) Make any necessary modifications, and then press ENTER to save your changes.
10.) To create other subsequent budget versions, simply follow the steps above; adjusting the values in the From Version and To Version fields accordingly.