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One-Day Event

Example: Car Wash

  1. Create the event in the SA Event Information page (SAUPEV). Choose a default expense and revenue object code. Mark it as active. Enter the start and end dates of the car wash.
  2. Have the event.
  3. Gather the money and create a deposit request on the SA Deposit Request (SAUPDR) page.
  4. Process the request through the "Submit Deposit" tool.
  5. Take the money to the district for processing.
  6. Gather any invoices or expenses generated by the event and create a check request on the SA Check Request (SAUPCR) page.
  7. Process the requests through either the "Record Check" or the "Accounts Payable Set" tool.
  8. Take any invoices to the district for processing.
  9. Update the event in the SA Event Information (SAUPEV) page as inactive.
  10. If wanted, print a report about the event.
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