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Deposit Request - SAUPDR

The Student Activities (SA) Deposit Request (SAUPDR) page is used to record information that will be combined to generate a bank deposit.  The "Submit Deposit" tool associated with this page is used to create a Cash Receipt Set in the AR so that revenue and cash can be recorded when the CR Set is distributed.

Main Section

Student Group ID: Select the Student Group ID requesting the transfer. Use the lookup controller to select a group. Student Groups IDs are derived from the SA Student Group Setup (SAUPSS) page.
Student Group Name: An echo field that displays the description associated with the Student Group ID.
Deposit Reference: A 16-character field that uniquely identifies a particular deposit request. The reference can be system-generated using a seed value defined in NU Common Codes (NUUPCD), with a Code Category/Value of SYNO/SADEP.
Status: A system-generated display field to indicate the status of the deposit. Defined in Static Codes, there are four options:



Status Processes


Deposit Request Entry

The request has been entered and saved through the SA Deposit Request page. Next step would be to send the request through the Submit Deposit tool.


Deposit Request Pending Approval

The request has been submitted using the Submit Deposit tool and is awaiting approval.


Deposit Request Submitted

The request has been approved, and Cash Receipt records have been created and are awaiting distribution into the general ledger.


Deposit Request Completed

The Cash Receipts records have been distributed into the general ledger and the request is complete.

System Total: A system-generated (display-only) total of all detail records "Amounts."

Detail Section

Any number of detail records that will accumulate to form the deposit total.

Event ID: Select the Event ID code. The drop-down list is populated with Events defined using the SA Event Information (SAUPEV) page. If an event is not available, verify the Student Group ID is correct, the event is active and has not expired per the SA Event Information page.
Deposit Date: The date associated with the detail deposit transaction. The date must be within an Event's active period, defined on the SA Event Information page.
Amount: The dollar amount of the tender to be deposited for the corresponding Event ID.
Type: Select the Type code of the deposit being made. Valid options are static codes:
Note: If an error message is displayed when processing the deposit using the "Submit Deposit" tool, verify that the Type has been defined within AR Code Definitions (ARUPCD).
Payment Reference: A 16-character field to enter additional payment information associated with the Type (i.e., check number, credit card number, etc.).
Object: Select the GL Object Code to associate with the deposit detail request. The drop-down list will be populated with valid revenue object codes. The default object code is the Revenue Object Code defined with the Event ID from the SA Event Information page.
Description: A 30-character field used to describe the item associated with the deposit request.

Audit Section

This section is used to audit the deposit. The far left column is a system-generated deposit total, adding all data from above, sorted to match the payment type. The next column is based on user input. The user will need to enter the value of cash, checks, or other revenue sources received. The user column rows should add up and match system totals displaying in the left column.

An alternative for adding cash is to calculate the amount of cash received by using the cash matrix (worksheet) in Audit's right half. Enter the coin total and the number of bills received for each denomination. When the system totals do not match user totals, a message will display, warning the user that the deposit is out of balance.

Cash: The aggregate value of cash (bills and coins) to be deposited. The amount can be entered as a flat sum into the field or calculated. For the calculated method, enter values within the cash matrix fields titled Coin, 1's, 5's …100's. The calculated method will immediately update and overwrite any value entered into the Cash field; then the Cash field becomes read only. The user can update the cash matrix or delete data within the matrix; then enter a flat value within the Cash field.
Coin: Enter the flat coin amount. A two-decimal amount field that is the total value of coins in the deposit. Part of the cash matrix.
1's, 5's, 10's, 20's, 50's, and 100's: Numeric fields to record the number of bills for that denomination. These fields are part of the cash matrix and do not accept a decimal formatted number. If a decimal number is entered, like 1.5, an error message will display.
Check: The sum of all receipt Types labeled as Checks and to be deposited. Enter the total value of all checks to be deposited.
Other: A field that holds the sum of receipt Types labeled as Other, excluding checks and cash. Enter the total value of Other denominations to be deposited.
Total: A display field that reflects the sum of the three previous fields titled Cash, Check, and Other.

Tools for Deposit Request

This tool will create a set in the AR CR Transactions (ARBTCRUB) page and provide a reference that a CR Set has been created (not distributed). A deposit must balance before using the "Submit Deposit" tool; the system totals must agree with the user totals. See the Audit section if your deposit is not in balance and will not submit.

Submit Deposit
This tool is used to submit deposit requests for bank deposits to be made for a Student Group. Once submitted, requests will be created either for approval of the deposit money, or a Cash Receipt Set will be generated. For deposit defaults, like Bank ID, Transaction Format or others, the Deposit section of the SA Student Group Setup (SAUPSS) page is used as well as the following NU Common Codes, with a Category/Value of SYNO/BANKSLIP and SYNO/BTCHIDCR.

Note : A note regarding the AR CR Transactions page is that Student Activities transactions will come through to the Accounting Department without the "Hit AR?" box checked. The "Hit AR?" checkbox will be activated for posting AR Receivables to both the AR database and GL. However, Student Activities is most commonly treated as Direct Cash (formerly called "Lonesome Cash") and will be copied only to the GL.

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