Run Calculation - RCUTRC
To run an Recurring Calculations model (RCUPRC), use RCUTRC. The system prompts for which model ID to run and provides options to override several otherwise automatic attributes. The results can be viewed on the Journal Entry screen (GLJEUB) or from a Set Proof Listing (GLJEBP).
Recurring Calculation ID: Enter the RC model ID as defined on RCUPRC.
Calculation Date: This date will be used as the base date for the calculation. Symbolic dates will be calculated using this date.
Override Default Ledgers? Answering “Y” to this question will prompt the user to specify the GL and JL Ledger Codes to use other than those entered in the definition on the RCUPRC screen.
GL Ledger to Restrict Calculation: This question prompt appears if the previous question ("Override Default Ledgers?") is marked Yes.
JL Ledger to Restrict Calculation: This question prompt appears if the previous question ("Override Default Ledgers?") is marked Yes.
Override Set ID? Answering “Y” to this question will prompt the user to specify the Set ID to use other than those entered on the Output section of the definition on the RCUPRC screen.
Set ID: This question prompt appears if the previous question ("Override Set ID?") is marked Yes.
Alter Average Balance Start and End Dates? When average daily balances are calculated in an RC, the default period over which the balance is calculated is the current month. If this is not what is desired, respond Yes to this question, and you will be prompted for the starting and ending dates over which the average daily balance will be calculated. If the RC you are distributing does not have any average daily balance calculations, respond No to this question.
Start Date for Avg Balance Calculations: This question prompt appears if the previous question ("Alter Average Balance Start and End Dates?") is marked Yes. Defaults to the first day of the current month.
End Date for Avg Balance Calculations: This question prompt appears if the previous question ("Alter Average Balance Start and End Dates?") is marked Yes. Defaults to the last day of the current month.
Save Intermediate Calculation Results? When this option is selected, the results for each calculation can be viewed and, if needed, debugged in RCUTVI.