Scheduling - WOUPSC
The Work Order Management (WO) Scheduling (WOUPSC) page defines dates and frequency, which will flag automatic generation of work orders when the WO Run Scheduled Work Orders (WOUTRS) utility is launched. Additionally, this page allows detail entry for standard maintenance routines, project phases, or any repetitive work for the organization.
Schedule ID: Click on the ellipsis to choose a unique identifier to allow tracking of a particular type of scheduled activity. Seeded values can be used to assign the next available number based on the seed defined in NU Common Codes (NUUPCD), with a Category/Value of SYNO/WOSCHED.
Description: A 30-character description of the scheduled activity.
Status: Select the drop-down list to adjust the status of the activity (Active "AC" or Inactive "IN"). Status codes are defined on the WO Codes (WOUPCD) page using a Code ID of STAT.
Long Description: A 240-character field used to further describe the scheduled activity or enter specific items regarding the task. If a Long Description is entered on the Template work order it will override the long description entered in this field.
WO Prefix: An eight-character unique prefix for the work order number, which would identify the unit or department doing the work. (Example: TR for transportation.)
Value: A 12-character specific value of the work order number to be generated.
Template WO: A 12-character value of the Work Order Template to be used for the work order format upon automatic generation. Template work orders are pre-defined and created in the same manner as a regular work order, using either the WO Data Entry (WOUPWO) or Work Request (WOUPWR) page.
Last Issued WO: A 12-character, read-only, field that displays the last automatically generated work order.
Start Dt: Enter the date that the work is to begin or select from the drop-down calendar.
End Dt: Enter the date that the work is to end or select from the drop-down calendar.
Seasonal from, to: Select a number to represent the sequence of the work order cycle generation from the drop-down list. (Example: 0 to 12 for a 13-month period.) This optional field is used to define the months during which the work order should be scheduled for tasks that are only performed during certain portions of the year. For example, a work order used to layout a football field might only be used during certain months of the year during football season. The Seasonal "from" field would be used to define when the use of the work order scheduling would begin. The "to" field would be used to define when the use of the scheduled work order would end.
Priority: Assign a numeric value that determines the work order priority from the drop-down list. (Example: 1 for highest priority.)
Frequency: A five-character integer that determines how often a work order is scheduled. This field is used in conjunction with Frequency Units (days, weeks, months, etc.) to determine how often a work order is scheduled.
(Frequency Units) Select the appropriate frequency from the drop-down list (or CTRL+L). The frequency unit codes are defined on the WO Codes page, with a Code ID of FREQ. The short description used in defining the Frequency code will display to the right of the code for Frequency.
Last Units: The number of units used in a prior situation.
(Last Unit Type) Type of unit used (example: Hours, each, box…). The last Unit Type code values are defined on the WO Codes page, with a Code ID of UNIT.
Current Units: Number of units currently used.
Last Schedule Dt: Date stipulated on the prior automatically generated work order.
Last Complete Dt: Date stipulated on the prior automatically generated work order.
Approval: Code indicating approval level.
Preventive Dt: Date stipulated for the next automatically generated work order
Next Sched Dt: Date stipulated for the next automatically generated work order (required entry to make the automatic feature work). System reads the template and creates a new work order based on the stipulated Template work order format. Then the next scheduled date will be automatically advanced by the system.
The Work Order Definition Screen link provides quick access to the WO Data Entry (WOUPWO) page.