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Setting Up Coded Information

The Work Order Codes (WOUPCD) page allows input of the coded values used within the work order module fields for pick lists. The WOUPCD page is where the values that appear in drop-down lists on the Work Order pages are defined. Based on available Code IDs, the user can develop a list of values for each field that they would like to see in the drop-down list for that field. These lists will be used for input of the values into the code table and associating the value with the correct field.

Once the code tables have been filled out, the user would be able to go to the corresponding field in the input pages and use the field's drop-down to display the coded values of choice for the operators. If the user does not intend to use a field identified in the table above, the user would not need to create the value list for that field and would not need to create any codes for that field on the WOUPCD page either.

In some cases, nothing more than a Code ID, Code Value, and a brief description is necessary. However, there are several other code tables which may require a rate and rate type. These are typically codes on the work order detail pages which might describe labor, equipment, or other rates.

To enter a new code value for the Code ID, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the WOUPCD page in Add mode.
  2. Click the drop-down for the Code ID field and select the appropriate category from the list displayed. (Required)
  3. In the Code Value field, enter the actual value associated with the Code ID that the user would like to see in the drop-down list for that field. Code values must comply with the maximum field lengths. If a code value exceeds the maximum length allowed for the associated Code ID, the code value will not be displayed in the drop-down list for that field. For example, the STAT field has a maximum length of two characters. If a record is added with a Code ID of STAT and a Code Value of CMP, the new record would not be displayed in the drop-down list in the Status field on the WOUPWO, WOUPWR, and WOUPSC pages, even though the record was saved to the database. (Required)
  4. If the Rate value is used in the Details tab of the WOUPWO or WOUPWR pages to enter estimated costs, a rate and/or rate type may be entered in this 12-character field. Most rates are often associated with LABR, EQPT, and OTHR codes to define the rate to be used in the calculation of actual cost for transactions. This field consists of two parts: the rate to be used, and the rate type defined. (Optional)
  5. If the Rate field is used in the Details tab of the WOUPWO or WOUPWR pages, a rate type may be entered in this eight-character field. Examples include time periods such as hour, day, each, etc. (Optional)
  6. Enter a 30-character description of the Code Value in the Short Desc field. The field is used to echo the code description on pages that accommodate a code description. (Recommended)
  7. A longer code description may be entered in the 64-character Description field. (Optional)
  8. Save the record.
  9. Repeat this process for each Code ID and Code Value combination as needed.


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