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UNDO Transaction Distribution - GLUTSUUN

Undo a transaction distribution. Select which subsystem from drop-down list that includes option to undo postings to GL (glt_trns_dtl), BU (glc_budg_dtl), EN (en_dtl), or all three systems. Other options include option to perform a trial run, dollar format, and negative amount format. When ready, submit the job and then open the Job Monitor window to display the General Ledger Undo report. Review the report and tail sheet to verify the amount to be reversed. The accompanying tail sheet will provide details about the processing of the Undo utility.

GLUTSUUU is a duplicate of GLUTSUUN except that GLUTSUUU limits the scope of who can undo the transaction by requiring the User ID to match the transaction creator's ID.

When a JE distribution aborts while it is in the middle of posting to GL, undo the JE using the GLUTSUUN utility and then that night run GLUTDICP to make sure the accumulators are in sync (if a distribution aborts during the posting, it might post the transaction but not update the accumulator). Or if needed, GLUTSUOS will post a one-side journal entry to attain ledger balance.

 Note: A few NU Common Codes to be mindful of during the modification of posted records are SYGL/UNDODATE that controls how far into the past a transaction may be deleted. Another is SYGL / Audit that shows the number of months to show in a GL Audit report. Note that SYGL is the Code Category and "Undodate" or "Audit" are the Code Values.

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