Active Periods
Access the Timecard Online Active Periods page on the Timecard Online Dashboard component (https://<<servername>>/IFAS7/home/customize/ — Timecard Online tab).
The Active Periods page is used to maintain the list of current, active periods available for Timecard Online entry. At any time, there may be up to two pay periods identified for each Pay Cycle that employees may select for entering time.
The purpose of having two periods available is to account for the transition period between one period and the next. As one period is being closed for processing, the next one is immediately available for use. Active Periods settings must be maintained on a regular basis by central payroll staff or system administrator. All generic pay cycles (associated with Entity "*") get loaded first, then entity-specific pay cycles get applied which overwrites the generic pay cycles.
Entity: The field denotes the entity associated with the active periods being defined (* refers to all entities). The user may also define active periods for each entity specifically (e.g., ROOT) instead of *. Code values are defined in the Payroll – Entity Definition (PYUPGN) page.
Add/Delete/Edit: The Add fields may be used for creating new entries for Active Periods. The Delete button will delete the entire line to its left. The Edit button will open the entire line to its right for update editing.
Current Period: The current period is the active of two periods that may be configured for each pay cycle.
Start/End Date: Each Active Period will (by default) have a begin/end date range based on the Pay Period Definition (PYUPPR). Timecard Online automatically reads the pay periods. The dates automatically limit timecard entry for each period to be within that range. To override the start and end date, enter a date here, otherwise leave blank. The override range may not be set to end after the regular Pay Period end date.
Next Period: This is the second of two periods active for the pay cycle.
Cycle/Description: Each pair of Pay Periods must be from the same Pay Cycle (Monthly, Bi-Weekly, etc.). The Cycle and Description fields are used to identify the two-digit cycle for the periods on each line and a user-defined description identifying what that payroll cycle is for the organization.
Update the Active Periods setup with a valid pay period. Review pay periods in PY Pay Period Definition (PYUPPR) page for each cycle. Use the "Edit" link to edit an existing record. When finished editing the pay period information, use the "Update" link to save the record. To add a new active period, fill in the fields in the bottom section of the page with the current pay period (and future pay period) for at least one cycle (cycle 01). If an organization has more cycles, add multiple records, one for each cycle. Save the record by selecting the "Add Period" button.