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General Information - PYUPGN

The Entity Definition portion of system setup involves the following seven (7) tabs of Payroll (PY) General Information (PYUPGN) page.

  1. Entity (Definition and General Information)
  2. Pay String
  3. Process Switches
  4. Interface Switches
  5. Pay Bases (Accumulators)
  6. Hour Bases (Accumulators)
  7. Sort Parts (Optional Definition)

All clients must define a "ROOT" entity for basic configuration settings. All page tabs (1 - 7) are used in defining the ROOT entity. Organizations with only one employer tax ID (EIN), typically define only the ROOT entity. Employers with multiple employer EINs must define additional entities. Other optional entities may be defined for classification purposes. To define these other (non-ROOT) entities, only Entity (page 1) may be used. Page tabs 2 - 7 are reserved for ROOT. Secondary (Non-ROOT) entity definitions execute validation rules based on what is defined in the ROOT Entity. Whatever validation is activated in the ROOT will control the remaining entities that are defined, with the exception of "TRNS". A specific entity code "TRNS", used in a special utility process, may also be defined and used with the Entity and Pay String tabs. The TRNS entity is only used to define a new Pay String structure for the PY Change Pay String Format (PYUTCP) utility.

Page Header

Entity: Enter a four-character code that identifies the entity. Although the user may define multiple entities, one entity must have a code of "ROOT" which becomes the default entity.
Fiscal First Month: Enter a number (1-12) representing the first month in a fiscal year. For example, if the fiscal year were July 1 through June 30, the user would enter "7" in this field.
Entity Name: Enter up to 60 characters identifying the entity's name. If there is more than one entity within an organization, multiple entities may be defined. The name entered in this field appears on a number of reports that are produced by the Payroll system.

Entity Tab

The Entity tab is used to define the individual entities within an organization that will use the BusinessPlus Payroll system.

Street 1: Enter up to 30 characters that denote the entity's first street-address line.
Phone 1: Enter up to 16 characters that denote the primary phone number to call when making payroll inquiries.
Street 2: Enter up to 30 characters that denote the entity's second street-address line.
Phone 2: Enter up to 16 characters that denote an alternate phone number to call when making payroll inquiries.
City: Enter up to 20 characters that denote the entity's city address.
County: Enter up to 20 characters that denote the name of the county.
State: Enter or select the code for State. Defined by NU Common Codes Category/Value of PEST/XX (X=State).
Country: Enter or select the code for country. Defined by NU Common Codes Category/Value of PECO/XXXX (X=Country).
Zip: Enter up to ten characters that denote the postal zip code.
Contact: Enter up to 30 characters that identify the name of the person to whom payroll inquiries will be directed.
State/Province: Enter the two-character state number (as defined by the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS 5-1) Postal Abbreviations and Numeric Codes). Enter up to 20 characters that denote the full name of the state associated with the "State/Province Number" (e.g., California).
Country #: Four-character. Enter up to 40 characters that denote the full name of the country that is associated with the four-character "Country".
FID 1: - FID 4: A 12-character code that contains the primary federal identification number assigned to the entity by a federal agency. Enter digits only, with no dashes.
SID 1: - SID 4: A 12-character code that contains the primary state identification code assigned to the entity by a state agency. Enter digits only, with no dashes.
Maximum Pay: A value that identifies the largest payroll check amount any employee is authorized to receive. A warning message will be given during the payroll calculation and check printing process if there is the potential that any employee may receive a check with an amount greater than the value defined in this field. Right Justified.
Total FTE: A value that indicates the total number of Full Time Equivalent positions within the entity (e.g., two part-time employees working a combined total of 40 hours a week count as one FTE). This number can have an accuracy of up to five decimal places.
Begin Date: Enter the first day the entity is considered active. The date can be entered in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY form. The Begin date must be less than or equal to the End date. If the entity is always active, leave this field blank.
End Date: Enter the last day the entity is considered active. The date can be entered in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY form. The End date must be greater than or equal to the Begin date. If a Begin date is entered, an End date must also be specified.

Pay String Tab

Pay strings are used to specify how hours are to be paid, where earnings are to be distributed, and how fringe is to be expensed.  Pay strings designate the rate of pay by specifying the Pay Class, Position, and Salary Step.  Pay strings are associated with timecard entries and pay assignments.  An employee's Pay, Contribution, Deduction, and Hours histories are stored in Payroll History (PYUPPH) records, according to each unique Pay String/Period combination

The Pay String tab is used to configure the sequencing and content of the various parts of the Pay String. As with other Gen-Master configuration settings, only the ROOT entity is recognized for Pay String configurations. Of the 18 possible parts that may be used, the first 9 on this page have pre-defined meanings:

Standard Parts Fields


1  Pay Class

Pay Class Definition (PYUPPY)

2  Position Code 

Job/Position Definition (PYUPJB)

3  Step   

Salary Grade Definition (PYUPGD)

4  GL Ledger Code 

Ledger Definition (GLUPGN)

5  GL Org Key 

Org Key Definition (GLUPKY)

6  GL Object Code 

Object Definition (GLUPOB)

7  JL  Ledger Code   

Ledger Definition (GLUPGN)

8  JL  Org Key   

Org Key Definition (GLUPKY)

9  JL  Object Code   

Object Definition (GLUPOB)

Of these, only Pay Class, Position, Step, and GL Key are required; all other parts are optional. In addition, the length of Pay Class is required to be 3 characters and Step is required to be 4 characters. The last 9 (10-18) are available for user-defined purposes.

When creating the payroll pay string, consideration needs to be given to the Custom Pay String Parts Set Up (HRRQPP) page and the HRPY/MISCDIST common code.

For each part, the user may specify 3 characteristics:
Sq: The relative position within the string (the sequence #). It is important to understand that the sequence and length must not be changed once the PY system is in use. If the Pay String structure must be changed after initial implementation, PY Change Pay String Format (PYUTCP) utility is available for that purpose.
Ln: This field specifies the length of the Pay String part.
Description: This field specifies the title of the Pay String part. The title should never contain more characters than the defined length of the Pay String part.
Seed No.: This display-only field displays the last number code that was assigned when a unique Pay String was created. (To minimize data storage space, BusinessPlus does not store the entire Pay String in many places of its database. Instead, a number (num code) is assigned automatically to each new Pay String. This num code is stored throughout the database. For presentation purposes, BusinessPlus looks up and displays the full Pay String as needed.)
Delimiter: This single character field specifies the character (usually "/") that will separate the various parts of a Pay String when the entire Pay String is presented.

Process Switches Tab

The Process Switches tab is used to define special payroll processing conditions for a specific entity.

01: Use Smooth Tax Enter "Y" if the tax-smoothing algorithm should be applied to the employee's tax calculation. This algorithm will "smooth" out extra tax in an earning spike situation.
02: Check SIN (Canada) Enter "Y" to check the validity of the Social Insurance Number entered. This feature is used by Canadian clients only.
03: ID Length – 3 Indicates the length of the Employee ID for this entity (1-9). The value entered here has an offset of three. For example, a value of one in this field indicates that the Employee ID is four digits (1 + 3) in length. The ID Length field is a character-field and this number is only used for calculations on the ID length. It does not force the field to be numeric. Note: The ID Length field should be completed if the ID is composed of numeric characters only. If the ID contains any alphabetic characters, this field should be left blank.
04: Pay Assign Check Indicates the type of validation to be performed on each part of the Pay String. Following is a list of supported values and the validation the system will perform (at installation this is set to 4; once the Payroll system is live, this should be set to 1 or 2).
05: Position Shared A "Y" in this field indicates that a single position code may be shared among employees.
06: Check HST Assign Enter "Y" in this field if the user would like the Pay String on the Employee Payroll History record to be validated.
07: Use Salary Table This field must contain a "Y" if the Salary/Grade table is to provide most current salary and hourly rates for the employee when a payroll is processed and when pay assignments are made. Otherwise, the system takes salary and hourly rates from the pay assignment records defined by the user.
08: FYR = TYR - 1 A "Y" in this field indicates that the fiscal year is expressed as a year behind the tax year (i.e. if the fiscal year number can ever be one less than the tax year number, enter "Y" in this field). A value other than "Y" in this field indicates the fiscal year is a year in advance of the tax year. For example, if fiscal year 2013/2014 is designated as 2013, enter a "Y" in this field. If it is designated as 2014, enter an "N" in this field.
09: Map Timecard Hours Hours entered during the timecard entry process can be automatically converted to other hour codes based on a variety of settings. For example, vacation taken may be expensed to three different GL Object Codes.
Three different hour definitions may be set up, one for Management Vacation Taken (120), one for Support Staff Vacation Taken (220), and one for Maintenance Vacation Taken (320). Using timecard hour mapping, the user may enter only "20" and the mapping would convert to the correct hour code based on the pay class used on that timecard line. There are 3 basic modes for this functionality.
A "Y" will activate a mode where each hour code specifies the "map-from" hour in Misc-Code (7). The pay class on the timecard controls which hour codes are eligible as "map-to" hours. The process will only map to hour codes that are in that timecard pay class.
A second mode is activated by specifying "1" - "8" and a non-numeric Misc-Code on the hour definition that is used as a matching pattern. The hour code mapping will find the "map-to" hour with a matching Misc-Code. Again, the pay class on the timecard line controls which hour codes are the possible "map-to" hours.
The third mode, direct pay-class mapping, is an extension of the second. Use a value "1" - "8" and specify a Misc-Code of "CLSS". For hours that have Misc-Code "CLSS", the first digit in the pay class will overlay the first digit in the hour code. For example, hour 001 in pay class 200 maps to hour 201, hour 003 in pay class 200 maps to hour 203, etc.
Blank or "N" will result in no mapping being done.
10: Validate Assoc DTL A "Y" in this field instructs the system to validate all entries made in employee's association detail records.
These records are used to associate various codes and/or values to employees (e.g. direct deposit account numbers). Values placed into this field must have been previously defined on the NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYAS/enter a one to four-character value of what is to be recognized as valid; and be sure to enter a description of the Association Code in the Medium Description field.
11: Security by Entity A number of options are available for security purposes.   Note: For each employee record created in Payroll, a corresponding NAME record will be created in Human Resources, if employee records are being shared between the Human Resource Information System (HRIS) and the Payroll system and this flag is set to "Y". The NAME.DEPT attribute will be initialized to the entity code for that employee.
12: Anniv. on Period End Certain contribution, deduction, and hour amounts vary according to the employee's length of employment in months. This flag determines whether to use the employee's length of employment on the beginning or ending date of the pay period. To use the employee's length of employment as of the beginning of the pay period, leave this field blank. To use the employee's length of employment as of the end of the pay period, enter "Y" in this field. (Note: Employee age is also calculated on period end when this field is set to "Y".)
13: Validate Emp Type An Employee Type may be used to categorize employees. The Employee Type is entered on the PY Employee Definition (PYUPEM) page at the time that the employee is defined. A "Y" in this field instructs the system to validate all entries made in the Type field on the PY Employee Definition page against values defined in the NU Common Codes Category of PYTP . Only values that have been previously defined in the Code Value field for this NU Common Code may be used as the employee type when this option is activated. If the common code is not used and this switch is set to Y, the user cannot manually enter data in PYUPEM Type field; it will validate and allow only data already defined in Type drop-down. If set to N, the user can update PYUPEM Type field by either enter a value in the text field or by selecting a value from the drop-down.
14: Limit Overrides If this switch is set to blank or Y and a specific history record has been manually overridden (PY History (PYUPPH) page, Modification Flag = Y), the payroll process will still abide by the existing limit set on the employee CDH assignment.  If the switch = N, it will not look for a limit and will instead process the manual amount entered on the payroll history record. 
15: Use Leave Date Certain contribution and deduction amounts vary according to the number of months the employee has worked. The number of months is normally calculated by subtracting the hire date (Hire field on the PY Employee Definition (PYUPEM) page) from the period ending date (Ending Date field on the PY Pay Period Definition (PYUPPR) page) and any applicable seniority adjustment. To use the leave date (Leave field on the PY Employee Definition page), rather than the hire date, for these calculations, enter "Y" in this field. If the employee record does not contain a leave date, a warning will be written to the WARN200 file and the hire date will be used instead.
16: Validate AA Codes A "Y" in this field indicates that it should be validated from a NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYAA/xxxx with a value for each valid value to be allowed.
17: Smart Amount Adjust This field is used in computing CDH amounts that are frequency controlled.  For example, if an amount is expressed as monthly and the cycle is paid bi-weekly, the frequency could be set at I3. This would exclude payment on the third period of a month.  Without the frequency control, the paid amount would be 12/26ths of the expressed amount. With frequency control, it would be 12/24ths of the expressed amount.
18: Special Flex If a "Y" is present; PY200 is sensitive to entries in the association dtl on the PY Employee Definition page (PYUPEM – Association Code Tab) which begin with the string "FLX". This functionality can deal with flexible benefits.
19: Validate EDUC Codes A "Y" in this field indicates that it should be validated from a NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYED /with a value for each valid value to be allowed.
20: Security on Emp Pages If a "Y" is present, additional security checking on employee-related pages can be used. The security value used during these checks is the same as that set by switch 11. The security data sets are:
HR-PE-MSTR for the PY Employee Definition page
PYP-PAY-DTL for the PY Pay Assignment page
PYH-HST-DTL for the PY Payroll History page
PYX-XTD-DTL for the PY Accumulator page
PYD-CDH-DTL for the pages associated with PY Employee CDH Assignment page.
21: Grade Fill Method This switch identifies the method used to fill blank entries in the PY Salary Grade Table.
A "1" or "(blank)" in switch position 21 will cause the Salary Grade Table to be filled by the default method. The default method will derive blank fields of the Salary Grade Table based on the left-most non-blank value. That is, if "Annual Salary" is the first non-blank (as evaluated from left to right) the value in "Annual Salary" will be used to derive all blank values.
The driving element for this option is determined from left to right, "Annual Salary" to "Hourly Rate". Refer to the section in this manual relating to PY Salary Grade Definition (PYUPGD) page.
A "2" in switch position 21 will cause the Salary Grade Table to be filled by a secondary grade fill method. This method will derive the blank values of the Salary Grade Table from the non-blank element specified by the user. Miscellaneous code number one (1) on the Salary Grade Table page is examined to identify the driving element for filling the table. The user can specify that the blank values of the Salary Grade Table be filled based on either "Annual Salary", "Monthly Salary", "Semi-Monthly Salary", "Bi-Weekly Salary", "Weekly Rate", or "Hourly Rate". If the driving element specified by the user is blank, it cannot be used to fill the table. In this event, the Salary Grade Table will be filled by the default method and blank values derived from the left-most non-blank value. Refer to the section in this manual relating to Salary Grade Table Definition (miscellaneous code (1)), field descriptions for miscellaneous codes.
22: Validate SKILL Codes A "Y" in this field indicates that it should be validated from a NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYSK /with a value for each valid value to be allowed.
23: Emp HRS Count Flag If "1" is entered, employee default hours are derived as the number of paid days in the period multiplied by the daily hours. If a "2" is entered, the hours are calculated by summing the number of hours on each day that the employee is active. If any other value is entered, hours are derived from the banner line in the PY Calendar Definition (PYUPCA) page.
24: Fix Rate Flag In a mid-period rate change situation, PY200 will try to figure rates for hours that have no associated dates or incorrect (outside of period range) dates. An "N" in switch 24 will tell PY200 not to figure these rates and just give warnings.
25: Track M1TD/M2TD A "Y" in this switch turns on functionality in PY200 to track hours during a pay period according to which month they occurred in. Thus, on periods that cross months, M1TD refers to payroll activity in the first month. M2TD refers to the second month. These values can be accessed in the calc code.
26: Track FLSA Periods Place a "Y" in this switch if PY200 is to be sensitive to FLSA-related periods defined on the period definition. These FSLA periods contain dates that PY200 will use when looking for date ranges in which to gather FLSA Information.
A "C" entered in switch 26 directs the system to be sensitive to FLSA related periods (just as in entering "Y"; see above), as well as allowing for the tracking of Cnt/Ded amounts that touch the FLSA pay/hour base. Cnt/Ded amounts that occur in the FLSA related periods C1 through C5 will be totaled up at payroll calculation time and be available in calc code formulas both as amounts associated with a particular CDH and as part of pay/hour base amounts. This allows these amounts to be used to determine FLSA rates. This feature works by reading the actual histories included in C1 through C5 and looking for FLSA Cnt/Ded entries.
Daily time must be used for this feature to work. Since Cnt/Deds in history have no date, NU Common Code PYFG/PY200C01 Associated Description 2 can be set in the following ways:
FLSA DATE PERIOD END place period end date on amounts.
FLSA DATE PERIOD BEGIN place period beginning date on Cnt/Ded Amts.
FLSA DATE ACROSS PERIOD spread amount across the paid days in period.
27: Apply Limits Retro PY200's default behavior is to retroactively apply limits that have been defined on contributions and deductions. Thus, if a limit is put into effect after we have already surpassed that limit, PY200 will try to put in amounts that correct back to the limit. An "N" in this field tells PY200 not to do this.
28: Protect Net Pay Base A "Y" in this switch means that PY200 will check that the net PB does not go negative while processing contributions and deductions. The net PB is not protected by this switch when there are override entries in history. A "1" in this field also protects the Net PB but does not display the error messages when the Net is driven to zero.
29: Outside Dates OK This switch can only be used in conjunction with salary grade tables. A "Y" in this switch tells PY200 to allow daily time entries with dates outside the period being calculated. The salary grade tables are needed to figure the rates on these out-of-range entries.
30: Count Last Day A "Y" in this switch means that the calculation for months of service will use the day after your hire date when it is figured.
31: When Emp Beg Blank This field controls what date will be used to figure days and weeks worked within PY200.
A "1" in this switch will mean use hire date when employee begins date is blank. A "2" means use leave date.
32: Contract XTDs Place a "Y" in this switch if you want to keep track of Contract Accumulators. These accumulators are set up in NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYFG/CNTRCTID . The long description should have a comma-separated list of the Pay String parts (by title) that constitute a key ID. These accumulators are sensitive to CDHs that touch the contract PB/HBs and the escrow PB.
33: K-12 Organization – This is no longer used or needed.
34-42: – Reserved for future use.

Interface Switches Tab

The Interface Switches tab is used to define the subsystem interface available within the Payroll system. (e.g., posting to GL).

01: General Ledger Enter a "Y" if the Payroll system is to interface with the General Ledger system.
02: Work Order Part # Enter the user-defined Pay String part (1-9) that is to hold the WORK ORDER number. Note that the user-defined parts are the last nine of 18 total parts. For example, to use the 12th part for Work Order #, you are referencing the 3rd user-defined part and would therefore enter "3".
03: GL Obj in PayKey Enter a "Y" if the GL Object Code and the GL Organizational Key are to be entered as one field with no delimiter separating them. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
04: JL Obj in PayKey Enter a "Y" if the JL Object Code and the JL Organizational Key are to be entered as one field with no delimiter separating them. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
05: HRDB Status – This is no longer used, was part of the SmartDB code.
06: PCDB Status – This switch is obsolete.
07: ACCRs to PM Only A "Y" in this field directs the system to spread accrual hours to employee's PM (primary) pay assignment line only. Note that each employee may have multiple pay assignments, but every employee must have one and only one primary pay assignment (designated by "PM" in the RT (record type) field on the PY Employee Assignment page).
08: Update PE from PY A "1" in this field indicates that ALL applicable changes to a Payroll Employee Definition will be made to the same ID (within the same entity) in the (BusinessPlus) Person/Entity database. A "2" in this field indicates that only those IDs that do not already exist in the Person/Entity database will be added (within the same entity); no existing records in the Person/Entity database will be modified. All other values indicate that Person/Entity updates are not to take place.
This feature utilizes the NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYPE/UPDATE , with "PY to PE Interface Record" in the Medium Description field. Enter the default address code in the first Associated Code field (e.g. "HO"); optionally, enter the Owner ID for PY to PE in the second Associated Code field (e.g. "OWNERID"); optionally, enter the Select Code 1 for PY to PE in the third Associated Code field (e.g. "SELECT1"); optionally, enter the Select Code 2 for PY to PE in the fourth Associated Code field (e.g. "SELECT2"); and, optionally, enter the status in the fifth Associated Code field (e.g. "ACTIVE" or "INACTIVE" to ignore).
The default address code to be used is set in PYPE/UPDATE ; however, if the Address Code field on the PY Employee Definition page is used, that address code will override any code set in the PYPE/UPDATE Common Code. If the PEDB field on the Employee Definition page is used, no Person/Entity database updates will occur since use of this field implies that the data is being extracted from elsewhere.
09: PY Deds to AR Entering a "Y" in switch 9 turns on the PY/AR interface. The PY/AR interface is designed to allow for the situation where loans or advances are initiated in the AR system and their payback is to be handled through deductions on an employee's paycheck. A "Y" in switch 9 directs the system to look for deductions with the PYAR string in miscellaneous code 5. The system recognizes when an employee has such a deduction active and reads AR to make the AR balances available in the calculation codes. The NU Common Code PYFG/PY632C controls the creation of the AR batch.
10: Use Fully Qualified Account Entering a "Y" means FQA validation is activated. A blank or "N" will be treated the same and is used for traditional GL Key Accounts. Any validation of accounts that may occur in PY Daily Timecard Entry (PYTCDTUB), PY Pay Assignment page or PY Payroll History records should also follow the designation of switch 10 as to the type of accounts being used.
11: PY/GL Subledger Set this switch to "Y" to activate the PY/GL Sub Ledger. The Sub Ledger is a separate table for storing PY/GL posting information at the employee level. Organizations typically post GL entries at some summary level and may want to retain the employee-level details within the PY Sub Ledger for reporting purposes. This option will populate the PYG-GLT-DTL table automatically when each payroll runs. Data is automatically removed from this table when PYUTUX or GLUTSUUN is run, assuming transactions exist in the glt_trns_dtl. If records exist in the Sub Ledger but not GL, or if the user wants to only remove the Sub Ledger without affecting the actual GL transactions, then they will need to run the PY Delete Utility for PY/GL Sub Ledger ( PYUTDUSB ). Refer to NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYFG/PY560C for Sub Ledger processing options.
12: PY/HR Rec Type Limit Set this switch to a letter (A-Z) to activate special Pay Assignment control.  The letter identifies a "cutoff" point defining separate ranges of Pay Assignment Rec-Types to be used for HR vs. PY.  Use this switch if you need to add/update pay assignments in both HR and PY to ensure consistency between the subsystems. Rec-Types higher than the cutoff letter belong to HR.  Rec-Types starting with letters lower than the cutoff belong to PY.  Only pay assignments with valid HR rec-types may be used in the HR pages.  Only those with valid PY rec-types may be created/updated in the PY Employee Pay Assignment page.  The PY Employee Assignment page will be able to view pay assignments originating from HR, but will be unable to modify them.      
13: SSN Mask Digits
14-32: Reserved for future use.

Pay Base Accumulators Tab

This page is used to specify whether various Pay Base accumulators should be maintained for each employee within the entity.  The bases may also be used to hold running balances (e.g., FIT Taxable Wages). It is suggested that the user enter a "Y" in all 42 fields.

01: Total Pay Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for the total amount paid to an employee.
02: Gross Pay Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for Gross Pay.
03: FIT Wages Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for Federal Income Tax taxable wages.
04: SIT Wages Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for State Income Tax taxable wages.
05: CIT Wages Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for Local (County/City) Income Tax taxable wages.
06: FICA (SS) Wages Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for Social Security taxable wages.
07: Retirement Wages Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for Retirement wages.
08: Net Pay Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for Net pay.
09: FLSA Pay Base Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for Fair Labor Standard Act wages.
10: WCOMP Wages Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for Worker's Compensation wages.
11: Medicare Wages Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for Medicare wages.
12: SUI Wages Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for State Unemployment Insurance wages.
13: SDI Wages Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for the State Disability Insurance wages.
14: PATCH Pay Base Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for wages associated with Patched hours.
15: Flat Taxable $ Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for wages subject to a Flat Tax rate.
16: Child Support PB Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for the Child Support wages.
17: Smooth Taxable $ Enter a "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for Smoothing Taxable dollars for tax calculations.
18: Retro Pay Base Enter a "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for Retro Pay calculations.
19: Contract Enter a "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for Contract pay calculations.
20: Escrow Enter a "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for Escrow calculations.
21-22: Reserved for future use.
23-42: User definable.

Hour Base Accumulators Tab

This page is used to specify whether various Hour Base accumulators should be maintained for each employee within the entity.  There are 42 possible Hour Bases including Total, Regular, Overtime, FLSA, Vacation Leave, Sick Leave, Floating Holiday, Parental Leave, Military Leave, Jury Duty, Bereavement Leave, and Comp Time Earned. These bases are typically used to track what has taken place (i.e. hours worked/taken). The bases may also be used to hold running balances (e.g. Vacation Balance, Sick Balance etc.). It is suggested that the user enter a "Y" in all 42 fields.

01: TOTAL Hour Base Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for the total number of hours an employee worked, or enter "A" if an accumulator is to be maintained and the calendar-year-to-date accumulator is to contain date of hire anniversary-to-date values instead of calendar-year-to-date values.
02: REG Hour Base Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for the regular Hour Base, or enter "A" if an accumulator is to be maintained and the calendar-year-to-date accumulator is to contain date of hire anniversary-to-date values instead of calendar-year-to-date values.
03: O/T Hour Base Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for the overtime Hour Base, or enter "A" if an accumulator is to be maintained and the calendar-year-to-date accumulator is to contain date of hire anniversary-to-date values instead of calendar-year-to-date values.
04: VAC Accrual HB Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for calculating vacation accrual, or enter "A" if an accumulator is to be maintained and the calendar-year-to-date accumulator is to contain date of hire anniversary-to-date values instead of calendar-year-to-date values.
05: SICK Accrual HB Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for calculating sick accrual, or enter "A" if an accumulator is to be maintained and the calendar-year-to-date accumulator is to contain date of hire anniversary-to-date values instead of calendar-year-to-date values.
06: FLSA Hour Base Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for the Fair Labor Standard Act Hour Base, or enter "A" if an accumulator is to be maintained and the calendar-year-to-date accumulator is to contain date of hire anniversary-to-date values instead of calendar-year-to-date values.
07: VAC Balance Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for the vacation Hour Base balance, or enter "A" if an accumulator is to be maintained and the calendar-year-to-date accumulator is to contain date of hire anniversary-to-date values instead of calendar-year-to-date values.
08: SICK Balance Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for the sick Hour Base balance, or enter "A" if an accumulator is to be maintained and the calendar-year-to-date accumulator is to contain date of hire anniversary-to-date values instead of calendar-year-to-date values.
09: Floating Hol Bal Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for the floating holiday Hour Base balance, or enter "A" if an accumulator is to be maintained and the calendar-year-to-date accumulator is to contain date of hire anniversary-to-date values instead of calendar-year-to-date values.
10: Personal Lv Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for the personal leave Hour Base balance, or enter "A" if an accumulator is to be maintained and the calendar-year-to-date accumulator is to contain date of hire anniversary-to-date values instead of calendar-year-to-date values.
11: Military Lv Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for the military leave Hour Base balance, or enter "A" if an accumulator is to be maintained and the calendar-year-to-date accumulator is to contain date of hire anniversary-to-date values instead of calendar-year-to-date values.
12: Jury Duty Leave Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for the jury duty Hour Base balance, or enter "A" if an accumulator is to be maintained and the calendar-year-to-date accumulator is to contain date of hire anniversary-to-date values instead of calendar-year-to-date values.
13: Bereavement Lv Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for the bereavement Hour Base balance, or enter "A" if an accumulator is to be maintained and the calendar-year-to-date accumulator is to contain date of hire anniversary-to-date values instead of calendar-year-to-date values.
14: Comp Time Balance Enter "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for the Comp Time Equivalent Hour Base balance, or enter "A" if an accumulator is to be maintained and the calendar-year-to-date accumulator is to contain date of hire anniversary-to-date values instead of calendar-year-to-date values.
15: Daily Patch HB Enter a "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for Daily Patch hours.
16: Retirement HB Enter a "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for Retirement hours.
17: – Reserved for future use.
18: Retro Hour Base Enter a "Y" in this field if an accumulator is to be maintained for Retro pay hours.
19: Contract
20-22: Reserved for future use.
23-42: User definable.

Sort Parts Tab

The seventh Payroll General Information tab is (optionally) used to control sorting and grouping of PY Employee Definition page, PY Employee History page and PY Employee Daily timecard information.  There are four definable parts and within each part, a description can be entered along with a number selected from the drop-list. Attribute choices (1-31) reflect fields from the PY Employee Definition page; choices (32-59) allow parts based on PY Employee Pay Assignment. After the parts are defined on this page, the utility PYUTRS , Rebuild Sort Items, should be run. This utility will update the part values for a specific employee.

Title Part 1, 2, 3, 4: Enter both a brief description and select a corresponding number from the drop-list.
Attribute: Attributes from the drop-list will be assigned to each part specified.
Choices (1-31) reflect fields from the PY Employee Definition page.
Choices (32-59) allow parts based on PY Employee Pay Assignments.

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