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Salary Grade Definition - PYUPGD

The Payroll (PY) Salary Grade Definition (PYUPGD) page is used to define a Salary Grade/Step table. Each grade is defined as a master definition record that has a unique code and cannot be duplicated. Attached to the master definition record is the detail record. Multiple detailed entries with different characteristics (e.g., begin and end dates of the entry) or various steps within the grade may be attached to one master salary definition record. Note: This page is now used to assume default amounts for weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, and monthly pay periods.

Grade Code: An eight-character code that identifies the Salary Grade. A Grade Code is assigned to each job and is a key to identify the compensation level for that job.
Description: Enter up to 30 characters describing the Grade Code.
Calendar: An eight-character Calendar Code that identifies the default Calendar associated with this Salary Grade Definition. If left blank, the system assumes a 40-hour workweek and 52 weeks per year. Note that this will affect the way in which amounts are derived for annual, monthly, semi-monthly, and bi-weekly salaries.
Range: An eight-character, salary range code to be associated with the Salary Grade being defined.
Miscellaneous Codes: Miscellaneous Code (1) may be used in conjunction with Process Switch 21 on Payroll (PY) General Information (PYUPGN) page to modify the method used to fill blank values in the Salary Grade Table. Refer to the section of Process Switches for the Payroll General Information page for further details on how to enable this secondary grade fill method. When this secondary fill method is enabled, the user may specify the non-blank element of the PY Salary Grade Table to be used to fill the other blank values of the Salary Grade Table. The default fill method used the first non-blank rate value encountered in the table (as elevated from left to right, "Annual Salary" to "Hourly Rate") to fill the blank values of the table. When the secondary grade fill method is enabled, the blank values of the table will be derived from the non-blank rate value specified by the user in Miscellaneous Code (1).
The valid options are as follows:
To fill based on the user-specified value for "Annual Salary", supply an "A" in Miscellaneous Code (1); for "Monthly Salary" supply an "M"; for "Semi-Monthly", supply an "S"; for "Bi-Weekly", supply a "B"; and for "Weekly", supply a "W". If the driver value specified by the user is left blank, the default method for filling the grade table will be used.
Miscellaneous Codes (2-8) can be used in conjunction with NU Common Code, with a Category/Value of PYFG/PYRATE in the following way: The first associated value in the NU Common Code holds the number of the miscellaneous code on the PY Salary Grade Table page at which this process will look. For example, if associated value number one (1) contains "8.00000", the field of the PY Salary Grade Table that will be used to determine the overtime rate will be miscellaneous code number eight (8). Note: Only miscellaneous codes two (2) through eight (8) may be used in this manner. Miscellaneous code one (1) is used only in conjunction with Process Switch 21, as described above.
Begin Date: Enter the first date this entry is considered active. Enter the date in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY format. The begin date must be less than or equal to the end date. If this grade is always active, leave this field blank.
End Date: Enter the last date this entry is considered active. Enter the date in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY format. The end date must be greater than or equal to the begin date. If an end date is entered, a begin date must also be specified. If this grade is always active, leave this field blank.
Step: Up to four characters identify a step. The code may consist of a combination of blanks, digits, and alphanumeric characters. The displaying sequence of the step is in ascending order depending on the value in this field. Blanks have a higher precedence over digits ("0" being high, "9" being low). Digits have higher precedence over upper case characters ("A" being high, "Z" being low).
Note: For all the Salary fields, if any field is left blank, the system will automatically compute this salary amount based on the left-hand-most salary-column containing an entry. The system bases this computation on the PY Calendar Definition (PYUPCA) associated with this PY Salary Grade Definition. If the Calendar Definition field is left blank, the system will assume 40 hours per week, times 52 weeks a year, for an annual total of 2080 hours.
Annual Salary: Enter the annual salary (maximum amount 999,999.99) for a specific step.
Monthly Salary: Enter the monthly salary (maximum amount 99,999.99) for a specific step.
S Monthly Salary: Enter the semi-monthly salary (maximum amount 99,999.99) for a specific step.
Bi-Weekly Salary: Enter the bi-weekly salary (maximum amount 99,999.99) for a specific step.
Weekly Salary: Enter the weekly salary (maximum amount 99,999.99) for a specific step.
Hourly Rate: Enter the regular hourly rate (maximum amount 999.99999) for a specific step.
Begin Date: Enter the first date this step is considered active. Enter the date in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY format. The Begin date must be less than or equal to the End date. If the step is always active, leave this field blank. This Begin date is used to determine which Calendar Definition to use.
End Date: Enter the last day this step is considered active. Enter the date in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY format. The Ending date must be greater than or equal to the Beginning date. If an Ending date is entered, a Begin date must also be specified. If the step is always active, leave this field blank.


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