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Grant Billings - GMUPBL

The Grants Management (GM) Grant Billings (GMUPBL) page is used to define the various aspects of grants management as they pertain to accounts receivable. The page contains header information on the proposal definition itself and is display only. Therefore, a proposal must exist already for the user to enter accounts receivable information on it.

Proposal: The proposal number is a unique identifier that represents the grant application. This field is read only on this page except for the Find mode.
Project ID: The project ID represents the task or activity that will be funded by the approved grant. This field is read only on this page except for the Find mode.
Award: The award number is an identifier that represents the actual award or grant monies that are distributed by the funding agency or sponsor. This field is read only on this page except for the Find mode.
Status: The status represents the current phase of a grant. This field is read only on this page except for the Find mode.
Project Title: The project title is a short description that describes the project. This field is read only on this page except for the Find mode.
Ledger/Org Key: The ledger/organization key designates the associated general ledger/account key that represents the financial activity for this grant. This field is read only on this page except for the Find mode.
Department: The department represents the grantee department. This field is read only on this page except for the Find mode.
Division: The division represents the grantee division. This field is read only on this page except for the Find mode.
Cash Match: This cash match check box is used to signify whether this grant is a cash match or not. This field is read only on this page except for the Find mode.

Project A/R Billing Data Tab

In the Project A/R Billing Data tab, users can define basic billing data in order to generate an accounts receivable batch file. Once this file has been created, the user will then process it in the normal fashion through the Accounts Receivable module.  Another capability we have during this process is to generate invoices using our report writer, Click, Drag, & Drill. Not all of the data entered on this tab will be included in the batch file; some of the fields are informational and can be used if generating CDD invoices.

A/R ID: The Accounts Receivable Identification Number field represents the PE ID of the vendor/organization that the bill is being prepared for. Selecting the ellipsis on the field links to a lookup that displays a list of valid AR IDs that are predefined in the Person/Entity database. The AR ID field will be updated to the Account ID field in the Accounts Receivable subsystem when the AR batch file is processed.  The AR ID Description represents the name of the AR ID selected. This field is system-derived and is automatically displayed to the page.
Contract: The Contract Number field is system-derived and represents the contract number located on the Awards Tab of the Grant Data Entry page. If a value is not available from the page, this field will appear blank.
Sequence: The Billing Sequence field represents the invoice sequence number for the active grant record. For example, the initial invoice will be 01, the second 02, and so on. This field does not update to the Accounts Receivable subsystem when the batch file is created; however, it can be used for reporting purposes.
Invoice: The Invoice field represents the AR invoice number. A seed value can be automatically generated using the field's seed generation capability in conjunction with seed format definitions in NU Common Codes Category/Value of SYNO/GMINV. This field will be updated to the Invoice Number field in the AR subsystem when the AR batch is processed.
Description: The Description field represents a description of the item being billed. This field will be updated to the Description field in the AR subsystem when the AR batch file is processed.
Invoice Date: The Invoice Date field represents the AR invoice date. It will be updated to the Reference Date field in the Accounts Receivable subsystem when the AR batch file is processed.
Due Date: The Due Date field represents the AR due date. This field defaults to the invoice date plus 30 days. To override the default, enter a new value. This field will be updated to the Due Date field in the AR subsystem when the AR batch file is processed.
Billing Period Begin & End: The Billing Period represents the first day and final day of the billing period. These fields are informational and do not update to the AR subsystem when the AR set file is created.
Distribution Amount: The Distribution Amount field represents the dollar amount being billed. This field will be updated to the Extended Amount field in the AR subsystem when the AR batch file is processed.
Div: The Accounts Receivable division code is used to divide the AR database into groups of transactions. Selecting the combo box drop-down list displays values defined in the AR Codes page, under the Code ID of DIV. The Division field will be updated to the Division Code field in the AR subsystem when the AR batch file is processed.
Invoice Amount: The Invoice Amount field is system-derived. It is the sum of all distribution amounts for the active Grant Key and invoice number. This field will be updated to the Invoice Amount field in the AR subsystem when the AR batch file is processed.
Entry Person: The Entry Person field represents the User ID of individual that created the record. This field is system-derived. The first four characters of the Entry Person field will be updated to the Prep field in the Accounts Receivable subsystem when the AR batch file is processed.
Term Code: The Term Code is used to identify the term to which this transaction belongs. Selecting the combo box drop-down list displays values defined in the AR Codes page, under the Code ID of TERM. The Term Code field is updated to the Term Code field in the AR subsystem when the AR batch file is processed.
GL Ledger — The GL Ledger Code field represents the GL side ledger to which the AR transaction will be applied. The default value represents your current GL side ledger code.

  • Org. Key: The Organization Key field represents part of the AR account number. Selecting the Lookup on the field displays a list of valid organization keys. Valid Organization Keys and descriptions are defined in the GL Organization Key Definition (GLUPKY) page. The Organization Key field will be updated to the AR subsystem as part of the General Ledger account when the AR batch file is processed.
  • Object: The Object Code field represents part of the AR account number. Selecting the ellipsis on the field opens a lookup that displays a list of valid object codes. Valid object codes and descriptions are defined in the GL Object Codes Definition (GLUPOB) page. The Object Code field will be updated to the AR subsystem as part of the General Ledger account when the AR batch file is processed.

JL Ledger — The JL Ledger Code field represents the JL side ledger to which the AR transaction will be applied. The default value represents your current JL side ledger code.
Sent To A/R? The Sent to A/R checkbox is automatically checked when the GM AR Interface tool is successfully run. When the GM AR Interface is processing, it will look for all GM Billing records where the Sent to A/R checkbox is not checked. These records will be included in the A/R batch file.
Batch ID: The Batch ID field is system-derived. It represents the name of the AR batch file that contains the active record. The batch id field will be updated to the Batch ID field in the Accounts Receivable subsystem when the A/R batch file is processed.
AR Finance Code: The Accounts Receivable Finance Code is an optional field that is typically used for A/R interfaces. Values are defined in the AR Codes (ARUPCD) page, Finance tab. This field is updated to the Finance Code field in the AR subsystem when the AR batch file is processed.

Sponsor Billing Data Tab

The Sponsor Billing Data tab can be used to enter information used in the creation of a billing report. This report may be developed using report writing tools, such as Click, Drag, and Drill. If the user does not intend to create billing using a report writer, this page is optional.

A/R ID: The Accounts Receivable Identification Number field represents the PE ID of the vendor/organization that the bill is being prepared for. This field is automatically filled from the associated GM Billing record from the Project AR Billing Data tab when a new record is created. Therefore, the user must have a GM Billing record selected prior to entering information on this tab. The AR ID field will be updated to the Account ID field in the Accounts Receivable subsystem when the AR batch file is processed.  The AR ID Description represents the name of the AR ID selected. This field is system-derived and is automatically displayed to the page.
Sponsor Code: The Sponsor Code field represents the funding source of the grant. Selecting the combo box drop-down list displays values that have been defined in the Person/Entity Information (PEUPPE) page, and where the defined sponsor's PE ID has a Security Code of SPONCODE.
The Sponsor Code Description represents the description of the Sponsor Code selected. This field is system-derived from the PE ID and is automatically displayed to the page.
Final Report Date: The Final Report Due Date field represents the due-by date of the final report.
Finance Code: The Accounts Receivable Finance Code is an optional field that is typically used for A/R interfaces. Selecting the combo box drop-down list displays values that have been defined in the AR Codes page, under the Code ID of FIN. This field will be updated to the Finance Code field in the AR subsystem when the AR batch file is processed.
Invoice Terms: The Invoice Terms field is a free-form text field that describes the applicable invoice terms.

Billing Free Form Text Tab

The Billing Free Form Text tab is used to enter additional information regarding the accounts receivable transaction in the form of free-form text. A portion of the data entered on this page is included in the A/R batch file created upon executing the GM AR Interface tool. If utilized, this page must be completed prior to running the process of creating an Accounts Receivable batch file.

Invoice #: The Invoice Number represents the accounts receivable invoice number to associate with the text. This field is automatically filled from the associated GM Billing record from the Project AR Billing Data tab when a new record is created. Therefore, the user must have a GM Billing record selected prior to entering information on this tab. The invoice number field will be updated to the key in the Accounts Receivable subsystem when the A/R batch file is processed.
A/R Text: AR Batch Text is a free-form text field, and becomes part of the AR batch file. It represents line item invoice text.
General Text: General Text is a free-form text field. It is purely informational and does not become part of the AR batch file.


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