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Workflow Setup

Workflow setup has several one-time steps and requires style sheets to be present within a Style folder, part of installation. Configuration of Workflow models is needed to specify appropriate approvers. In Workflow Designer, go into the approval object and point it to the approval group or person.

The following Workflow models have been developed for Student Activities:

  • SA_CHECK – This Workflow model handles the approval of either recording or requesting a check. It is activated if "Enforce Check Request Workflow Approvals" has been enabled (SAUPSS) and when either the "Record Check" or "Accounts Payable Set" tools (SAUPCR) have been activated. A style sheet called SA_CHECK.xsl is used by this Workflow model and should be installed in the …\XML\Style folder.
  • SA_DEPOSIT – This Workflow model handles the approval of submitting a deposit. It is activated if "Enforce Deposit Workflow Approvals" has been enabled (SAUPSS) and when the "Submit Deposit" tool (SAUPDR) has been activated. A style sheet called SA_DEPOSIT.xsl is used by this Workflow model and should be installed in the …\XML\Style folder.
  • SA_TRANSFER – This Workflow model handles the approval of requesting a transfer of funds between object codes within a Student Group or between Student Groups. It is activated if "Enforce Transfer Workflow Approvals" has been enabled (SAUPSS) and when the "Submit Transfer Request" tool (SAUPTR) has been activated. A style sheet called SA_TRANSFER.xsl is used by this Workflow model and should be installed in the …\XML\Style folder.


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