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Encumbrance System and AP

The Encumbrance system is used to recognize expected accounts payable obligations. Encumbered accounts or transactions are managed within the Encumbrances module yet may be interfaced with AP via PO settings per the PO General Information (POUPGN) page, "Encumber by default" checkbox.

In the PO system, encumbering funds is initiated by printing a purchase order (or configure to pre-encumber). The payable would be encumbered until the commitment to pay is wholly or partially relieved by posting the payable. Postings typically occur when the payable is disbursed via a utility such as APOHBTDS/APOHINVP (APOH), APIPBTDP (APIP), or APTRBTDS/APTRBTDO (APTR). However, other utilities are available to manage encumbrances within the PO and EN systems, such as POMADE or ENUTD1.

To pre-encumber a purchase request or contract, prior to generating the PO:

  1. Configure the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page > Miscellaneous tab.
  2. Define the NU Common Code with a Code Category/Value of POEN/PR.

Once the requisition is saved, the PR number is encumbered. When the PR is printed, the PR number would be relieved of the encumbrance and the PO number would then be encumbered.

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