Budget Control
BusinessPlus stores annual budgets (commonly used), monthly budgets, and inception to date budgeting (ITD) in GL tables. The Budget tab within the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page defines a ledger's budget structure. In order to enter budgets, the budget version needs to be defined.
There are multiple budget entry methods available, useful for different situations:
- Budgeting (BU) pages handle complete processing information.
- The Position Budgeting (PB) module can be used to create a budget for the next fiscal year based on the existing data from the Human Resource and Payroll modules.
- Budget Item Detail (BID) is a separate set of budget entry pages that may be of use in decentralizing budget entry.
Budget Alerts
When setting up a budget to check the availability of funds for transactions, there are three types of budget alerts available.
- Blocking will force budget to be available before a Set can be created or distributed.
- A warning identifies which account numbers do not have sufficient budget available to process a transaction but will allow the Set to be created and posted (as long as there are no other problems).
- Authorize will cause a Warn that must be cleared through a Workflow authorization.
There are different ways to establish budget blocking, warning, or authorization:
- Global Budget Control via the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page and the NU Common Codes Category/Value of GLFG/LEVELS.
- Blocking or warning by individual Org Key (GLUPKY).
- Blocking or warning by individual account number (combinations and levels) (GLBUUP).
Enable Logging and Log by Budget Version
The Budget tab of the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page controls whether budget changes are to be logged. During the initial stages of budget preparation, it may not be necessary to have any of the changes logged. This conserves database storage requirements and allows the user to separate budget preparation from formal budget revisions. To get detailed budget logging, checkmark the "Log Budget Changes" question for Yes and the budget version for which logging should be enabled, checked in column "Log BUDG."
Budget logging maintains a log of all changes made to a given budget version, which then can be reported on using the file listing GLREFLCB, or reporting tools Click, Drag, and Drill, or Cognos, on the GLC_BUDG_DTL table. The log tracks date, user, amount, and budget entry method.
When making changes to a logging enabled budget version in GLBUUP, additional information can be entered on a separate "Change Logging" tab.