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Processing Functions

Once the categories and terms have been set up, there are numerous functions that may be per such functions including reporting, based upon the value associated with the Account ID. Other functions that utilize category and term values information include Coded Calculations, Recurring AR's, set Expansion, Deferred Charges and Summary Cash Receipts.

Coded Calculations

Coded calculations (ARUPCD, Calculation tab) have the ability to charge a calculated amount to Account IDs. This process creates a set that can be posted at a later time. Rent is an example that can be set up to utilize this calculation.

The first step of the setup is to enter name of the calculation code. This can be any name and will be used later to reference this calculation. Next, enter a long and short description. The next field is used to activate or inactivate this calculation code. The finance code field is used to give information to the record so that is can posted. The calculation field is used to define the actual calculation amount to be entered in the transaction. This calculation will give us the amount total for the transaction that we are calculating.

After the calculation is set up, it must be applied to the Account IDs that are going to be using this calculation. Access the calculation code assignment page (ARUPAC) and click the Calc Code Assignment tab. After entering the calculation code name and the ID it is applied to, enter a specific description such as the location of the rent being applied. Next, enter the start and end dates for the calculation. Finally, enter the values for the calculation.

The setup is now complete and all that remains is to run the special function calculation (ARSPCL). This process will create a set that is ready to go through the posting process. The program that is run by ARSPCL will prompt the user to enter the code they wish to process and will also ask the set file name that you wish to create from this process. Before the prompts are complete, it will ask if you wish to update the last calculation date. If the last calculation is undated, that calculation will be prevented from being applied to that Account ID until the next period that is defined in the calculation.

Set Expansion

Set Expansion is used to create a single charge to several people. After the setup is complete, we can run this function and use selection criteria to utilize the category values.

A number of steps are required to set up this function. The first of which is to create an Accounts Receivable set file that contains a single record. To create this set file, go to the AR set page. The name of the set file should be something such as Template or TUTTEMP for tuition template.

Once you create the set file, create the single record for the set that you wish to duplicate numerous times. The example we are using is tuition but could in fact be any charge that we need to apply to several people. Enter the required field including the Account ID. The Account ID will be replaced by the applicable ID later when we run the process. Since the ID will be replaced, we can use the ID of "example" or "dummy." After the record is created, the setup is complete, and we can run the Set Expansion process.

The next step after creating the set file is to use the Set Expansion function found under the mask ARSPBE. The first prompt asks the name of the template file. This is the name of the set file that we just set up. The next prompt is the resulting set file. This is the name of the set that you want to create through the expansion process. The prompt that contains the selection criteria is what utilizes the category values information. To apply this tuition charge to the student registered for the current term all we have to do is to use selection criteria via the category and term values that were setup. When you get to the selection criteria enter the selection for category values information. Next, enter the term category that you want to choose the value of. You have the ability to choose multiple criteria by using a comma to separate the values.

Selection Class

The portion of deferred charge and recurring ARs that utilizes the category values is the selection class definition. Prior to entering the deferred charges page, we need to set up a selection class that uses the category information. This page is found under the mask ARUPEESC. A selection class may, for instance, include all students with an account balance greater than twenty dollars. The selection class is very versatile.

After the selection class is set up, go to the Deferred Charges or Recurring AR page. These pages use selection class to define to whom the changes will be applied to.

Summary Cash Receipts

In the Summary Cash Receipts, we have the ability to view the charges to an Account ID for a term. This is done by placing the term value in the proper field. By placing a valid term in this field, we can also view the category value applicable to Account ID. The terms only have to be entered once and will remain for the remainder of the session. This function is useful in that the cashier receiving the fund now has the ability to discern in which term the charge was made to and which category value that ID is assigned. From the Summary CR page, we can jump to CDD and run a category and value report to gather the value information on a particular ID.


Reporting by category values is useful to report all Account IDs for a certain payment plan. The key to successful reporting by category is using the correct selection criteria. Account information and term information are both options under the selection criteria, thus we can report on such information. 

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