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Selection Class - ARUPEESC

To add flexibility for Deferred Charges, Auto ARs, and Generic Text, the AR system provides a method of creating a subset of the transactions available, which is done on the Accounts Receivable (AR) Selection Class (ARUPEESC) page. For example, deferred charges might only relate to a minor portion of the charges that flow through the system. The Selection Class Definition page associates selection criteria with a Selection Class.

Selection Class: A user-defined code, up to 8 characters, given to represent the Selection Class.
Description: A 16-character description of the Selection Class.
Ledger: The Ledger code that is valid for this Selection Class.
Status/Type: Select an option from the drop-down list; options are static codes. Enter "A" for active and "I" for inactive. A Selection Class flagged with "I" is NOT available for use in Auto ARs, Generic Text, or Deferred Charges. Enter "D" for Disbursement Aid amounts.
Definition: Enter the valid selection criteria for this Selection Class Definition. The system uses Clusters and Attributes; see the Accounts Receivable User Guide as needed.
The Definition field is equipped to perform page wrap; the use of an extra space or a hard return is discouraged.
An example of selection criteria line information is selecting all transactions with a particular Account Number:
(TRNS.GLKEY = "17175") AND (TRNS.GLOBJ = "5422")
Another example:
(TRNS.GLOBJ = "5421") OR (TRNS.GLOBJ = "5422") OR (TRNS.GLOBJ = "5423") OR (TRNS.GLOBJ = "5424") OR (TRNS.GLOBJ = "5425") 
Student Clients Only: Financial Aid may be accessed using "named-totals" in the following manner: enter a Selection Class (in the "Selection Class" field) which correctly identifies the subset of award information of interest (e.g., AID.YEAR, AID.CODE, etc.). The Status/Type field must then specify the AID Term and the basis for the amount. The first position must be 0-4, where "0" is the sum of terms one through four, "1" for Term #1, "2" for Term #2, etc. The second position may contain "T" for Total Aid, "C" for Cash Received (or Aid transferred to AR), or "R" for Remaining (Total Aid minus Cash Received).

Recurring ARs

Opens AR Recurring Transactions (ARUPEEAR); the "Sel Class" field validates to ARUPEESC.

Deferred Charges

Opens AR Deferred Charges (ARUPEEDC); the "Selection Class" field validates to ARUPEESC.

Text Definitions

Opens AR Free Form Text (ARUPEETX), which links text type with a Category of "SC" to a specific Selection Class code. Note that the selection class code is not validated. Verify the code typed is valid and correct before proceeding.

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