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Posting Strategies

Subsystems interface with the General Ledger through several utilities serving slightly different and integrated purposes. The following will describe these utilities in general and subsequent sections will address the specifics of how each subsystem utilizes the interface.

The General Ledger Subsystem Interface Report (GLREFLSI) shows information from the General Ledger Subsystem Interface, Posting Preferences, Subsystem Calc's, Posting Mapping, as well as the FDID and CKID common codes. This may make it easier to track the relationships between the posting code setup and how those codes will post to the General Ledger. We will use this report with the examples in the Subsystem sections. However, in this section we will look at the individual screens.

General Ledger Posting Preferences (GLUTSPPP)

Posting Preferences are derived and added to batch records when the Enter key is pressed on the data entry screen. Exceptions to this are Fixed Assets, where GLUTSPPP is not defined and payroll where the posting code is derived as the payroll is posting. The screen is organized with the Subsystem and Ledger definitions at the top of the screen. In the body of the screen it is defined one line at a time as:
IF {ATTR} is between {Lo Value} and {Hi Value} then the Posting Code is {PCi}


Valid subsystem codes are:


Accounts Payable


Accounts Receivable


Cash Receipts ("Hit AR" = "Y")


Cash Receipts ("Hit AR" = "N")


Stores Inventory Adjustments


Stores Inventory Pick Tickets & Receiving


Payroll Contributions Register


Payroll Deductions Register


Payroll Earnings Register


Valid ledger code that the preferences are being defined for.


Attribute: This is which attribute of the transaction or ledger definition will be used to separate transactions into the different posting lines.


Org Key on the transaction (regardless of what the Org Key Short Description is on GLUPGN, Org Key tab).


Object Code on the transaction (regardless of what the Object Code Short Description is on GLUPGN, Object tab).


Any part assigned to the Org Key in the transaction (Use the four-character description from GLUPGN, Org Key, Primary Key Parts tab).


Any object group code assigned to the transaction object code (Use the four-character description from GLUPGN, Object, Primary Object Groups tab).


Check Stock/Bank Code (used interchangeably) as defined in common codes (AP, CR, LC)


Contribution Code (CP or EP only) Values can be combined in CP to include EP Values. When using an EP Code in the CP Subsystem the Code Value will be four digits with a leading "5"


Deduction Code (DP only)


Division Code (AP, AR, CR, or LC only)


Hour Code (EP only)


First Object on the Product Definition (SC only)


Warehouse (SI only)


Order Type (SI and RC)

Lo/Hi Value

Value: The value that corresponds to the Attribute selected. For example, if you selected KEY, the attribute would be a key that needs a special posting code. The first field would be the specific key or the low end of a range of keys. The high value is for the high end of a range of keys. Optionally, the Hi value may have the same key as the Lo Value, but this is not required.


Post Code: This is the Posting Code to be placed in the batch and used in GLUTSPSI. Except for Payroll, the first character must be "0" (zero), the other two characters can be any alphanumeric character. This field may, optionally, contain "AND" to tie the current line's Attributes/Values with the subsequent line's Attributes/Values to derive the Posting Code.

Note: Posting codes for Payroll should start with an alpha character so as not to be confused with CDH codes.

General Ledger Subsystem Interface (GLUTSPSI)

If all postings work off the same basic premise, no posting code definitions are needed on the GLUTSPSI screen. However, all transactions are required to have a posting code, therefore one generic definition can be defined that all entries will qualify for.

There are several fields that require special codes. See GLUTSPSI for code information on Org Key, Object, Level, Type, Date, Views, Ledger, PCi, and Fund.

General Ledger Subsystem Calcs (GLUTSPSC)

The Type Codes in the General Ledger Subsystem Interface screen are default definitions. To override these defaults, or create new Type Codes, complete the Calculation Definitions screen for the appropriate Subsystem(s) and Ledger(s). Calculation Definitions are valid in the AP, AR, CR, and SI subsystems. The valid codes that may be used in the Calculation fields are shown on the left side of the screen.

General Ledger Posting Mapping (GLUTSPPM)

Posting Mapping is only used by Payroll and is defined using the same rules as Posting Preferences. There are two additional attributes, in addition to those offered with Posting Preferences, that may be used to derive the mapping code. The valid key/object to be used is defined in common codes rather than GLUTSPSI. The key/object defined on the common code will then be substituted for TTLKEY or TTLOBJ in the GLUTSPSI definition. This will be discussed more fully in the Payroll section. The screen is organized with the Subsystem and Ledger definitions at the top of the screen. In the body of the screen it is defined one line at a time as:
IF {ATTR} is between {Lo Value} and {Hi Value} then the Mapping Code is {MAP}


Attribute — This is which attribute of Payroll posting will be used to separate transactions into the different mapping codes.


Org Key on the transaction (regardless of what the Org Key name is on GLUPGN, Org Key tab).


Object Code on the transaction (regardless of what the Object Code name is on GLUPGN, Object tab).


Any other part assigned to the Org Key in the transaction (Parts are named on GLUPGN, Org Key, Primary Key Parts tab).


Any other object group code assigned to the transaction object code (Groups are defined on GLUPGN, Object, Primary Object Groups tab).


Contribution Code (CP or EP only) Values can be combined in CP to include EP Values. When using an EP Code in the CP Subsystem the Code Value must be four digits with a leading "5"


Deduction Number (DP only)


Hours Code (EP only)


Employee Type


Employee Unit


Employee Skill Code #3

Lo/Hi Value

Value: The value that corresponds to the Attribute selected. For example, if you selected KEY, the attribute would which key needs a special mapping code. The first field would be the specific key or the low end of a range of keys. The high value is for the high end of a range of keys. Optionally, the Hi value may have the same key as the Lo Value, but this is not required.


Map Code: This is the Mapping Code to be used to derive the key and/or object to be substituted for TTLKEY and/or TTLOBJ in GLUTSPSI. This field may, optionally, contain "AND" to tie the current line's Attributes/Values with the subsequent line's Attributes/Values to derive the Mapping Code.

Nucleus Common Codes (NUUPCD)

For posting Purposes, there are three categories of common codes that may need to be defined:

Accounts Receivable Finance Codes (ARUPCD)

These are important when interfacing AR and CR batches from other sub systems or applications. In order for AR to know the correct GL Account, Division, Posting Code, etc. for each charge, the interface uses a "Finance Code." Each Finance Code is associated with a GL Account, Division, Posting Code, and Misc. Code. During the transfer, the interface "expands" the Finance Code into the appropriate AR and GL information. Since Posting Preferences are not used to derive the posting code, it is important that the posting code that gets assigned to the transaction is the same posting code Posting Preferences would have derived. There is a rederive utility in ARUTSPMB that will pass the transactions in a batch through Posting Preferences and assign the code derived from there. If there are logical differences between the posting code on the FIN code and the posting code derived from Posting Preferences, the transaction might not post as desired.

Accounts Receivable Division Codes (ARUPCD)

The Account on the Division Definition can be referenced in the General Ledger Subsystem Interface by using DVKEY and/or DVOBJ. In this way we can have different control accounts for different Division Codes and not need to change our posting strategies to accommodate them.


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