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Purging Prior Year History

Compressing and Purging Utilities by Subsystem

After the audit has been completed and beginning balances have been distributed in the new fiscal year, it may be necessary to decide what to do with prior year transactions. There are three options:

  • Do nothing. All detail transactions will be available for reporting and inquiry. However, this may need to consider current disc storage capacity.
  • Store these transactions to some other medium such as an Access DB, tape or microfiche and purge them all from the General Ledger database. However, this will not provide the capability to produce comparative year reports.
  • Store the transactions as in (2) and then collapse all detail on a monthly basis to a single number for each account key and object by use of the General Ledger balance forward utility, GLUTSUCL. Although the ability to access detailed transactions on the system is lost comparative reports may still be produced. As an alternative, the user may wish to collapse detail for only some parts of the General Ledger (such as: Assets, Liabilities, Fund Balance and Intra-fund object codes). This would keep the detail for all Revenue and Expenditure accounts.

As a greater number of years of data are maintained different strategies for various time periods may be identified. For instance, last year's data through three years previous would be collapsed on a monthly basis. All other prior year's data would be maintained as year-end balances only. In addition, there may be different strategies for separate sections of the Chart of Accounts. Debt Service or Plant Funds may maintain detail transactions for many years, while other funds only have monthly balances. Selection Criteria is provided to allow specific sections of the Chart of Accounts to be collapsed as desired.

It is each district's preference to determine what data to purge, what data will be maintained, and at what level of detail. The following is a list by mask of General Ledger and subsystem purging utilities that the district may wish to use.

Caution should be exercised when running these utilities as it is usually not possible to restore purged or compressed data. Many of these utilities provide an option to run first as a report only and "test" the outcome before actually performing the utility. It is highly recommended that full, restorable backups be done prior to running any utility operations.

Subsystem Utilities

General Ledger

Collapse Detail Transactions (GLUTSUCL)

  • Allows full selection criteria by GL and JL structure
  • Allows Monthly totals
  • Allows Year End totals
  • Specify Balance Forward begin and end dates
  • Option for a trial run (Batch Proof Only)

Purge Prior Year Budgets (GLUTDIPB)

  • Allows full selection criteria by GL structure
  • Option to purge specific fiscal year or ALL years
  • Purge single budget level (Obj or Obj group) or ALL
  • Option for a trial run

Purge Accounts with Zero Budget & Actual (GLUTDIPU)

  • Allows full selection criteria by GL structure
  • Option to purge specific fiscal year or ALL years
  • Purge single budget level (Obj or Obj group) or ALL
  • Option for a trial run

Person/Entity Database

  • Option to Selectively Change Product ID (PEUTCH)
  • Option to Selectively Change PE ID (PEUTCI)
  • Option to purge PEID's not recently used (PEUTPI)
    • Can "Purge" or "Inactivate" PEID's
    • Can do "Trial Runs"
  • Option to Selectively Purge PEID's (PEUTPU)
    • Can do "Trial Runs"


  • Close Purchase orders (POMADExx/POUTCL), or:
    If PO was created in EN (ENUTD1)
  • Erase Purchasing Information (POMAER)
  • -Allows full selection criteria for PO


Purge Disencumbered Purchase Orders (ENUTPU)

  • Disencumber based on PO "on or before" date
  • Allows full selection criteria based on GL structure, PO fields, and EN fields (use caution-can purge partial PO)
  • Option for a trial run
  • This utility does not purge history in PODB

Accounts Payable/ Open Hold

Selectively Purge Paid History (APOHUTPU)

  • Purge paid invoices based on "as of date:"
  • Allows full selection criteria based on GL structure and Accounts Payable fields
  • Option for a trial run
  • Option to include reversal entries
  • Option to purge transactions associated only with canceled checks
  • Do not collapse AP control account. Will make reconciliation difficult.

Bank Reconciliation

Selectively Purge Bank Transactions (BKUTPU)

  • Allows full selection criteria from BK
  • Option for trial run
  • DANGEROUS - Allows Open Checks to be purged

Accounts Receivable

Balance Forward (Collapse Detail) (ARUTBF)

  • Allows full selection criteria from GL structure and AR fields
  • Define specific date range
  • Option for a trial run
  • Ability to summarize at different levels
  • Option to generate balance forward if Net = 0

Purge Transactions by Date Range (ARUTPZ)

  • Allows full selection criteria from GL structure and AR fields
  • Define specific date range
  • Option for a trial run
  • Only works for accounts with a zero balance

Purge Accounts with No Transactions (ARUTPN)

  • Allows full selection criteria from GL structure and AR fields
  • Options for a trial run

Fixed Assets

  • Selectively Purge Asset ID's (FAUTDE)

Allows full selection criteria by FA fields Option for a trial run

  • Selectively Purge Asset Inventory Records by Job (FAUTPI)


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