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Processes - GM

For each of the six grant life cycle processes, there is a series of Grant Management data entry pages used to support that particular process activity.

1. Proposal/Project Process

The first process in the Grant Management life cycle is the Proposal/Project Process.

  • A need is identified to request monies from a funding source in order to finance a type of project and/or activity.
  • The grantee department will prepare an application, a budget, and any other requirements that the funding agency and/or grantee institution have designated.
  • If necessary, the grantee department will seek approval from the applicable governing board(s).
  • Upon approval, the application will be submitted to the funding agency for consideration.

During this process, the grantee department uses the GM Data Entry (GMUPGM) page to enter proposal information, the proposed project description (optional), the project administrative description (optional), as well as a proposed budget.

2. Award Process

During the Award process, the funding agency will notify the grantee department when the grant application has been accepted or rejected.

  • For accepted applications, the grantee department may need to seek approval from any applicable governing agencies in order to "officially" accept the award.
  • For rejected applications, a rejection description may be documented, and no further processing needs to take place.

During the Award process, GMUPGM is used to enter the award information, including award notes or award amount modifications, project cost sharing information, grant contact information, and compliance parameters.

3. Establish General Ledger Relationship

To track the Grant Management financial transactions taking place in the General and Job ledgers, as well as other financial subsystems, a relationship must be built between the Grant Management grant key and the General Ledger, and sometimes the Job Ledger Organization key. The grant budget must be sent to the BusinessPlus Budgeting module.

To establish the General Ledger relationship:

  • Use GMUPGM to enter the project's General Ledger data and approve the proposed budget.
  • Use GMGL to create the budget set file.

4. Accounts Receivable Billing Process (Optional)

For the Accounts Receivable billing process, users have the capability of entering basic billing data such as cash requests for reimbursements, and indirect cost billings. An Accounts Receivable utility exists that will take the data that is entered on these pages and send it to the BusinessPlus Accounts Receivable subsystem in the form of a set file:

  • Fill out information on the following pages on GMUPBL: Project A/R Billing Data, Sponsor Billing Data (optional), and Billing Free-Form Text (optional).
  • Run the A/R Interface (GMUTAR) from Grant Management. The interface can also be accessed from the GMUPBL Screen Links ("Create AR Set").

5. Report Designation Process

The Report Designation process enables users to define the reports they are obligated to generate both internally and externally. The process utilizes the following pages on GMUPRE: Report Summary, Report Tracking, and Report Notes.

6. Grant Closure Process

During the Grant Closure process, users will update the status of the grant to "Closed," indicating it has expired. Next, they will enter the closure dates and final reporting obligations. The process utilizes the following pages on GMUPCL: Grant Definition and Project Closure Information

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