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Troubleshooting - GL

Q.  How do intra-fund and inter-fund offsets work? 
A.  Intra-fund and inter-fund offsets are used by JE Sets in GLJEUB, GLJEBP, and GLJEDS.  The GLJE/OFFSET common code is used to default the offsets; the short description in this common code is used as the default offset values.
Intra-fund offsets When the Intra-fund Offset field is Y, then BusinessPlus uses the intra-fund offset option. To create an intra-fund offset entry, it uses the Key from the original JE transaction, and it uses Object code from the Intra Fund Code field in the Object tab of GLUPGN.
Inter-fund offsets When the Inter-fund Offset field is Y, then BusinessPlus uses the inter-fund offset option. To create an inter-fund offset entry, it takes the Key from the original JE transaction and looks up the Key to find out which fund the Key is in.
It then looks up the common code FDID/fund (replacing "fund" with the actual fund). It will use the first associated code for the Key for the inter-fund offset. If the second associated code is non-blank, it will use that for the Object; otherwise, it will use the Inter Fund Code from the Object tab of GLUPGN.

Q. We need to restrict an Org Key to specific Object codes.
A. When defining an Org Key, GLUPKY, place a "Y" in the "Require Association" field. This means that at data entry time only those Object Codes that have been previously associated with the Key may be used.

Q.We need to allow certain classifications of Object Codes for a given Org Key.
A. When defining an Org Key (GLUPKY), you may indicate the "Valid Object Types" which can be used with a specific Key. For instance, indicating "RV" and "XP" would allow only Revenue and Expense Objects to be associated with the Key.

Q.An Org Key needs to be temporarily inactivated from receiving any posting or budgets.
A. In the Org Key Definition page (GLUPKY), place an "I" in the "Status" field. Chart of account values may also be inactivated using the Start/End Dates by Subsystem (GLUPSE) page.

Q.An Org Key will no longer be used after a given date.
A.Use the Date Range field on the Org Key Definition page (GLUPKY). This may also be used to indicate the starting date for a specific Org Key. Chart of account values may also be inactivated using the Start/End Dates by Subsystem (GLUPSE) page.

Q.We need to group Org Keys together for a special study but do not want to create another formal organization part.
A.Use either the Select Code or the Miscellaneous Code fields for the Org Key definition (GLUPKY). Select Codes are validated and Miscellaneous Codes are not.

Q.We need to restrict an Object Code to specific Org Keys. For instance, balance sheet Objects are only used with Fund Administration Org Keys.
A.When defining an Object Code (GLUPOB), you may place a "Y" in the "Require Association" field. This means that it must be previously associated with the Org Key prior to allowing postings at data entry time. The association is made using the Budget Update process. Remember a budget may be zero "0." Can also create a GL rule within the GLUPRU page.

Q.An Object code will no longer be used after a given date.
A.Use the Date Range field on the Object Code Definition page (GLUPOB). This may also be used to indicate the starting date for a specific Object Code. Chart of account values may also be inactivated using the Start/End Dates by Subsystem (GLUPSE) page.

Q.Postings from inappropriate subsystems are being made to an Object Codes.
A.In the Object Code Definition page (GLUPOB), you may selectively stop various subsystems from posting to an Object Code by placing an "N" under the two-character subsystem code. Chart of account values may also be inactivated using the Start/End Dates by Subsystem (GLUPSE) page.

Q.Some accounts are used on a very frequent basis. We would like to shorten the data entry needed for these accounts.
A. BusinessPlus provides the ability to define a "Quick Number" to represent an account. This may be a number of alpha characters that represent a single Org Key, Object, or a Key-Object combination. For instance, Fee Revenues are always posted to "1012004001." This can be shortened to "FEE."

Q.We need to disencumber activity outside of the Accounts Payable process.
A.Journal Entries allow the user to disencumber a PO or other Encumbrance Reference Number that has been previously entered in the Encumbrance System. For this to occur the "Hit EN?" field must have a "Y" and the "Sec Ref" field must contain the PO or Encumbrance Reference Number. The "Tp" field allows the user to indicate whether this transaction is to be considered a Partial "P" or Final "F" dis-encumbrance.

Q.Throughout the month, there are standard Journal Entries that need to be made. The same accounts are involved but the amounts and description change.
A.A master set of Journal Entries may be created and then copied using a BusinessPlus utility. The copied file may be BROWSED and changed as needed.

Q.The balance sheet and/or balance sheet by fund are out of balance with the general ledger and detailed trail balance reports.
A.The Balance Sheet and Balance Sheet by Fund are controlled through Report Definition Files (RDF). It is possible that additions or changes have been made to the Chart of Accounts that alter the way in which the Balance Sheet is created.

Q.The ending fund balance in the statement of changes in fund balance does not agree with the fund balance in the balance sheet.
A.The Statement of Changes in Fund Balance is controlled through Report Definition Files. It is possible that additions or changes have been made to the Chart of Accounts that alter the way in which the Statement is created. Review the RDF in question.

Q. How to troubleshoot a GL that is out of balance.
A. Although there are many controls within BusinessPlus to prevent the general ledger from getting out of balance, some circumstances may occur which will cause this to happen. The user may not be aware of this condition until after a Recompute Balances utility has been run and the Audit Report at the end of a distribution indicates the condition exists.
Once the user has determined that the general ledger is out of balance, the Transaction File Listing can be run to find the specific Job which caused the out of balance condition. The file listing should be run as follows:
Mask to access file listing; GLREFLTR.
Generally, use no Selection Criteria. If condition is definitely confined to one Fund, then Selection by Fund may be appropriate.
If, per the Audit Report, the condition is confined to one particular month, restrict the Date Range to that month.
Select the Exceptions Only (EO) Report Format. The exception is a job or jobs that are out of balance. This format will only include on the report those Jobs that do not net to zero.
Sort the report by Job Number.
Total by Sort Level 1 (Job Number).
Page Break at Sort Level 1 (Job Number).
After running the report and reviewing the output, research of the transactions identified will reveal the cause of the out of balance condition.

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