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Encumbering Purchase Orders

Day-to-day processing of Purchase Orders involves data entry through an EN Set process (ENBTUB, ENBTBP, and ENBTDS) and/or automated entry from the Purchasing system.

Purchasing System

Purchase Order encumbrance transactions commonly originate from the Purchasing system. These transactions may be posted when either a Purchase Request is input at the requisition level (POUPPR) or when a Purchase Order is printed (POUPPR or POPO). At what time encumbering takes place is dependent on each organization's preferences. If common code POEN/PR exists, encumbrance transactions are active during Purchase Requisition input; otherwise, the printing of a Purchase Order will cause the encumbrance to occur.

Transactions that originate in Purchasing are interactively placed in the EN database. These transactions may be viewed using the EN Direct Update (ENUPTR) page. While it is possible to edit transactions using ENUPTR, it is strongly recommended that any changes to encumbrances be performed using the Purchasing system.

EN transactions are updated through the purchasing system whenever a Purchase Order is printed (POUPPR or POPO) or a Purchase Order is reprinted. During Purchase Order extraction in Accounts Payable, the system will pull account information from the Purchasing database, not the ENDB.

Set Process

Purchase Orders may be entered into the Encumbrance system without using the Purchasing system. Transactions are handled using a Set process.

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