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Setup - AR

  1. Assign a security role (or roles) to AR users that grant access to the Accounts Receivable menus and Accounts Receivable data.
  2. Set up GL Chart of Accounts. Assistance for this step is usually provided by PowerSchool during initial installation.
  3. Set up Bank/Check ID Preferences (GLUTSPCK).
  4. Set up AR and CR Posting Strategies (GLUTSPSI).
  5. Set up AR, CR, and LC Posting Preferences (GLUTSPPP) for Accounts Receivable, Cash Receipts and Lonesome (Direct) Cash Receipts respectively. This step should be completed along with Step 4.
  6. Set up valid PE ID numbers in the Person/Entity system (PEUPPE) or an external database.
  7. Set up the General Information (ARUPGN) page.
  8. Define all Division Codes (ARUPCD, Division tab). Most likely, there will be one Division Code for each AR control account. At least one Division Code must be defined.
  9. Define all Terms (ARUPCD, Term tab). At least one Term must be defined. If an interface exists between AR and a student package, the Term Codes must be consistent between the two packages.
  10. If applicable, define invoice, statement, and cash receipt formats (ARSPSF).

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