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Suspend File


Accounts Payable Set processing supports the creation of a Suspend File. A Suspend File is a Set file designed to capture all transactions being processed through normal data entry that have exceptions. The Set proof will display all transactions that have a data exception. If one transaction on an Invoice has a data exception, all transactions associated with the Invoice are written to the Suspend File during the Accounts Payable Distribution to the Open Hold Database and the General Ledger, APOHINVP.

All transactions are written to the Suspend File with the status of "SP" for suspended. As the data exceptions are corrected, the Accounts Payable data entry clerk will change the status of the transactions to "DS" for distributed. The Accounts Payable clerk will then perform an Accounts Payable Distribution to the Open Hold Database and the General Ledger, APOHINVP.

Common Code Setup

There are three common codes used in the Suspend process:

Define these three codes to turn on data checks and send exceptions to the Suspend File.

Suspend File Definition

The Suspend File is activated when APBP/SUSPEND is activated (i.e., Short Description is set to "ON"). This common code is also used to name the Suspend File. The Suspend process can create one file per fiscal year, which is determined from the General Ledger posting date defined during each batch distribution.

Three-Way Match Exception Message

The three-way match common code (APBP/POEXCEPT) is used to report data exceptions on the Accounts Payable Batch Proof. In order for the three-way match to be useful, the Receiving function in Purchasing must be used.
The following exceptions may show on an AP batch proof (APxxBTBP and APOHINBP) and posting report (APOHBTDS, APIPBTDP, APTRBTDS and APOHINVP) depending on setup of this common code:

  • Quantity Received and Quantity Entered, followed by the difference (e.g., "QUANTITY RECEIVED:47.00QUANTITY ENTERED:50.0 DIFFERENCE:-3.00") — Indicates Accounts Payable is issuing a payment for a quantity that is different than the quantity received. Paying for a greater quantity than received will suspend.
  • PO Item Price and Item Price Entered, followed by the difference (e.g., "PO ITEM PRICE: 12.00 ENTERED ITEM PRICE:13.00 DIFFERENCE:1.00") — Indicates Accounts Payable is issuing a payment for a price that is different than the price on the Purchase Order. Paying a price over the Purchase Order will suspend.
  • Quantity Ordered and Quantity Entered, followed by the difference (e.g., "QUANTITY ORDERED: 200.0QUANTITY ENTERED: 215.0 DIFFERENCE: 15") — The above message indicates Accounts Payable is issuing a payment for a quantity that is greater than the quantity ordered through Purchasing. This will suspend.

Note that pricing exceptions emphasize price changes; see APPO/PAYTOTx and APEN/PAYTOTx for overpayment control.

Accounts Payable Tolerable Limits

The Accounts Payable system allows the definition of a tolerable percent or dollar amount not to exceed by line item. If cumulative payments will exceed the Purchase Order amount, there will be a message in the Set proof. The message can be a warning or a block.

The APPO/PAYTOTx common code (where X is a specific PO Type) allows the system to check the Accounts Payable Set proofs. It will compare the dollar amount paid on an item to the dollar amount stated on the Purchase Order. Within this common code, a specific minimum dollar amount and a percentage can be stated. The difference between the PO stated price and the total of the payments on an item must be less than the specific dollar amount or percentage, whichever is less.

Mandate Receiving

APUB/POPAID is an optional common code that may enhance the suspend process.

If the decision is made that all Purchase Orders must be received prior to payment, this common code will mandate receiving. Receiving can then be viewed as the authority to pay.

The normal process, without the existence of APUB/POPAID, begins when a Purchase Order is entered in Accounts Payable and the system finds no received items. A message indicates to the user that no receiving information is found. If the user presses ENTER, the system will retrieve order information or encumbrance Set update information. Individual items to be paid are then selected from all items on the Purchase Order. The use of receiving will display to the user only those items that have been received.

APUB/POPAID attempts to process payables without a Record of Receipt message. If this common code is ON, Accounts Payable will not be able to pull PO information unless PO receiving information exists for the given Purchase Order. Customized setup within the Associated Codes section may require "receiving" records only under special circumstances, e.g., mandate "Receiving" records for certain PO Type(s), Requisition Codes, Association Codes, or when purchasing Fixed Assets.

AP Entry and Batch Proofing

When all items have been entered in an Accounts Payable Set file and are ready for proofing, the user will run a Set proof APOHBTBP.

The Set proof will list all data exceptions or warnings that will be written to the Suspend File. If the user desires a listing of only those items for which an exception occurred, request the Set proof with "Exceptions Only."

AP Distribution

Once the Set is ready for distribution, the user will distribute it (APOHBTDS). If a data exception is noted, the transaction experiencing the data exception and all other transactions on that invoice will be written to the Suspend File. All remaining items in the Set file will be posted to the General Ledger.

The user can then access the suspended items in the Suspend File. The transactions will be written to the file with a status of "SP."

Suspend File Processing

To correct errors on the items contained in the Suspend File:

  1. Use the Set proof listing function (APOHBTBP) to list the contents of the Suspend File (status of "SP").
  2. Edit the Suspend File (APOHBTUB) to correct the errors. Either correct the data so the data exception is no longer true or change the status to "DS." Run another Set proof and verify that all corrections have been made.
  3. Distribute the Suspend File (APOHINVP). When posting a Suspend File, the system detects that the file is a Suspend File and prompts for the name of the new Set file in which the extracted entries are to be placed. Only entries with a "DS" status (i.e., corrected entries) will be posted and moved into the new Set file; the remainder of the entries are left in the Suspend File.


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